
The POS is based on many panels. Every window which appears in the POS is a panel.

A Panel is like a puzzle: it consists of many parts which cannot overlap each other. The panel’s parts are rectangles which can be of different sizes.  Each panel covers at least one column and one row. It is possible to configure each part so that it covers more space by using the span feature for the columns and rows.

Each panel has few FastTabs: General, POS Panel Row/Column List, POS Panel Control Lines, and Panel Preview.

The Panel has one or many Panel Control Lines. Each Panel Control Line is configured with one of the Interface Profile Controls.  The fields with the Panel Control Lines are used depending on the Control Type used in the line.

Controls which can be in a Panel are:

  • Button Pad Control
  • Data Grid Control
  • Input Control
  • Record Zoom Control
  • Media Control
  • Browser Control


To create a new panel

To create new panels do the following:

  • Select the Interface Profile the new panel is going to be a part of.
  • Click Panel List on the Home action menu.
  • Click New.


The Panel Card

For each panel you have to define different things such as the size of the panel and its fields, the number of columns and rows, and finally the data for the panel. This is done on the panel card:

The General FastTab

Field Description
Control ID Each panel has its own unique id; max 20 digits, alphanumeric.
Description The panel’s description; max 30 digits, alphanumeric.
Columns and Rows Enter the number for each, these form the parts of the panel.
Back Color The background color, no value takes the active style default color.
Border style and Cell Border Style Style for the border, a few selections for each.
XPos and YPos Where in the window are the panel X and Y positions; with 0 value they start in the windows left down corner.
With and Height Percent The panel’s size as percentage of the window it is in.
Width and Height The panel’s width and height in pixels.
Padding The extra space around the panel in pixels.
Codeunit Some fixed panels have a setup for specific codeunits, in these cases the codeunit’s number is here. If a codeunit is defined, POS Commands triggered from this panel are first run through this codeunit.
Key Command Button Pad fields True – False values


The POS Panel Row/Column List FastTab

On the POS Panel Row/Column List FastTab you set up all the columns and rows that you defined on the General FastTab.

You must set up one line per column or row.

Each column and row line has Type, Number, Size Type, and Size fields.

Field Description
Type Column or row
No. Unique number for each line
Size Type 3 options
  • Autosize: uses the space left calculated with proportional rules
  • Absolute: possibility to have the size in pixels
  • Percent: possibility to have the size as a percentage

The most commonly used type is Percent. It is not necessary for the percentage numbers to be 100 in total; the system reserves space for the column/row proportionally depending on the size

Size The size of the field. The value here depends on the value set for the size type field.

When the type is

  • Absolute, the size is in pixels
  • Percent, the size is a percentage
  • Autosize, size 0 is used since the size depends on other lines


The POS Panel Control Lines FastTab

A Panel consists of many parts where each part is designed for some specific information. The POS Journal is, for example, one part of the #POS Panel.

With the POS Panel Control Lines you set up each part of the panel.  One panel must have at least one POS Panel Control Line. Each panel control is either one of the controls you define within the Interface Profile or a Panel; that is, a panel can include another panel.

The different parts of the panel should not overlap each other. You can have one part can cover more than one column and/or row by using the Span value.

Field Description
Line No. Unique number for each line.
Column The column number this part starts in.
Row The row number this part starts in.
Column Span When a part spans more than one column this is the number of columns it spans. Zero is default and is for one column.
Row Span When a part spans more than one row this is the number of rows it spans. Zero is default and is for one row.
Control Type These controls are set up and assigned for the interface profile. The same control can be used in multiple panels.
  • Button Pad
  • Input
  • Panel
  • Data Grid
  • Record Zoom
  • Media Control
  • Browser Control

Tip: How to create and work with the controls is explained in the next topics.

Control ID Works with the Control Type field; select the control ID for this line.
Key Command Button Pad A check mark in this field sets this Button Pad Control as the ‘Key Commands Button Pad’ for this Panel.
This means that shortcut Keys that have been mapped to Menu Buttons (in the Key Commands in the Hardware Profile) will find and execute a Menu Button on the Menu that is active in this Button Pad control.
Dynamic Control The control selected on the line is a dynamic control. It does not have any menu or data table assigned. The control can be used with multiple menus or data tables. When this panel is shown, the Control Assignment field contains the menu or data table that should be shown in the control for the pane.
Dynamic Ctrl. Assignm. This field contains the menu or data table that should be shown in the control for this panel. The control is dynamic and the same menu or data table can be used in multiple panels.

Tip: It is easy to move the lines up and down with the Up and Down features .

Warning: The system does not check if the panel's parts overlap each other, the user has to take care of that in the setup.


Fixed Panels

In the ##Default Interface Profile you have a list of fixed panels for the POS Client:


You can have more fixed panels, for example for LS Hospitality.


Important Panels:

  • #POS is the main POS screen. This is the screen where the user can start to sell on the POS
  • ##OFFLINE is the first panel that loads when the POS client starts. This is also the panel the LOGOFF command opens.

Note: The #POS Panel has to exist in each Interface Profile even though it might be identical to the one in the ##DEFAULT interface profile.