
The Processes section describes the setup that is needed to cover Replenishment processes in LS Central.

Process areas:

  • Planning
    Covers the budgeting and lifecycle setup.
  • Phase In
    Covers the setup steps to use Allocation Plans and Buyer's Push.
  • Automatic Replenishment
    Covers the setup steps to use Out-of-Stock calculation, Automatic Replenishment calculation, Thresholds management and the document creation from Replenishment Journals.
  • Monitoring
    Covers the setup steps to use Capacity Management and Store Stock Coverage.
  • Phase Out
    Covers the setup steps to use the processes at the end of the item's life cycle.


The goals of this step:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the retailer's processes and how to set those up
  • Set up the processes in LS Central.

Key questions / considerations

Covered in the detail sections.


Covered in the detail sections.

LS Central setup considerations

Covered in the detail sections.

Steps See
Planning (Budgets, Lifecycles) Planning
Phase In (Allocation Plans, Buyer's Push) Phase In
Automatic Replenishment (Out of Stock calculation, RIQ and Journal calculation, Thresholds calculation and Document creation) Automatic Replenishment
Monitoring Monitoring
Phase Out Phase Out

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