
Topology describes the retailer's company organizational setup. This includes the company structure (legal entities), warehouses, stores and how the departments for purchasing and store supply are structured. This information is fundamental for the Replenishment setup.

In this part you will collect information on:

  • Company structure (one or multiple legal entities)
  • Warehouses, Stores
  • Structure of purchase and store supply departments.


The goals of this step:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the retailer's company structure
  • Create a topology drawing
  • Set up LS Central to cover the Topology requirements.

Key questions / considerations

Covered in the detail sections.


Covered in the detail sections.

LS Central setup considerations

Covered in the detail sections.

Steps See
Company structure Company structure
Warehouses Warehouses
Stores Stores
Structure of Purchase and Store Supply departments Departments

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