Replenishment Methods

The replenishment methods describe different approaches to calculating the demand for the items in the stores and warehouses. Different replenishment methods can be applied to individual items and can also vary between different stores. Replenishment methods may change for one item during the item's life cycle. This information is fundamental for the Replenishment setup.

Available replenishment methods:

  • Stock based
  • Estimate based
  • Sales history based
  • Replacement of sold items.


The goal of this step:

  • Get an understanding of the needed replenishment methods
  • Identify item groups with similar methods
  • Identify detail level for setup
    • Item groups
    • Items
    • Item and Stores
  • Get an understanding of selected Replenishment parameter values
  • Set up replenishment methods for items in LS Central.

Key questions / considerations

Covered in the detail sections.


Covered in the detail sections.

Steps See
Select applicable method Method selection
Identify item groups and link to methods Identify item groups
Identify level of detail Identify level of detail
Replenishment Parameters Replen. Parameters

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