Menu Type Usage, Hospitality Type

This field indicates whether and how restaurant menu types are used for this hospitality type. Menu types indicate for example whether ordered items should be considered a starter, main course or dessert. They are important to control which items are sent together to the kitchen for preparation in order for them to be ready at the same time.

If menu types are used for taking orders, the item transaction line is marked with the item's default menu type (if any) on entry. The menu type can be set and changed manually.

The options are:

  • No
  • Yes-Sent Manually to KDS - The waiter picks a menu type to send to the kitchen in one KOT. Items with no menu types are sent to the kitchen as defined by the KDS Display/Printingfield.
  • Yes-Info Only - Item transaction lines are marked with a menu type but are used for information only, for example on the kitchen printouts.

If the option Yes-Send Manually to KDS is selected, the program automatically fills in the following fields:

  • KDS Display/Printing with the At POS Exit option
  • On POS Exit/Posting with the Send Items with No Menu Type option

If the option Yes-Info Only is selected, the program automatically fills in the following fields:

  • KDS Display/Printing with the At POS Exit and POS Posting option
  • On POS Exit/Posting with the Send All Items option