Hotfixes on LS Central version 18.2.x.x
Tip: LS Retail Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

LLD-882 5839-Posting Statement - G/L Entry Table Inconsistencies
- Details not available.

CEN-8650 Table Search Index action locked
- Performance improvements in the Search Index feature.
- User would get a table locking error on table Search Index Action when running the Adjust Cost - Item Entries routine.

CEN-8150 LSCUpgrade.UpgradeRetailImage fails
- Some lsmedia links were not formed as expected by the upgrade routines. These links are now handled like no lsmedia links.

CEN-8105 POS Slip: incorrect subtotal amount
- If Print Disc/Cpn Info on Slip in the POS Functionality Profile is set to Detail information for each line, when having an income/expense in the POS Transaction, the amount of the income/expense is doubled in the subtotal of the printout slip in the NA version.
CEN-8074 Do not create preaction for item modifications if fields "Cust is Adjusted" or "Allow Online Adjustment" values are changing.
- To reduce the number of items logged in preactions when posting a Statement, to minimize the data for replication.

CEN-8025 Hotfix for Suppress Search Indexing Building
- A new check box, Suppress Search Indexing Building was added to the Retail Setup page. Set the box to true to stop the updating of indexes in the background.
- With this box selected, the Search Index functionality will not create a background session to update the search index. This should prevent table locks and give some performance gain.
CEN-7172 Item Distribution is not working
- When distributing one location to a list of locations, the replication data was not cleared between locations, and therefore accumulated data replicated to locations. This has been fixed.
CEN-6982 Suppress Search Indexing Building
- A new check box, Suppress Search Indexing Building was added to the Retail Setup page. Set the box to true to stop the updating of indexes in the background.
- With this box selected, the Search Index functionality will not create a background session to update the search index. This should prevent table locks and give some performance gain.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

CEN-7746 Error in Line Discount when doing refund
- Error in refunding a transaction line with discount has been fixed. The error occurred when refunding a transaction containing voided lines.
CEN-7657 Transaction tables says Nothing to do when using Replication Counter
- MaxLines parameter has been added to the GetActionsFromRemoteDBV2 web service to prevent resource overflow.

CEN-7622 Give public access to the CalcPrices procedure in record Pos. Trans Line
- Allow extension development in SaaS for the CalcPrices function through the LS Pos View codeunit.

CEN-7542 Missing parameter in upgrade codeunit
- Hotfix has been implemented for version 18.3 and 18.4 where parameter has been added in upgrade codeunit and in function UpdateField.
CEN-7531 Remove onPrem scope on functions in codeunit 10014600 Franchise - Process Inbound Ms
- Allow extension development in SaaS for procedure CreateOutboundPurchHdr in codeunit LSC Franc. - Process Inb. Ms. This function is accessible through codeunit 10000714 LSC PublicFranchiseProcedures.
CEN-7493 Remove onPrem scope from functions to allow extension development in SaaS
- Allow extension development in SaaS for the CalcPrices function through the LSC PublicPOSTransLine codeunit.
CEN-7492 Remove onPrem scope from functions to allow extension development in SaaS
- Allow extension development in SaaS for the InsertTransDiscPercent function in the POS Price Utility codeunit.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

CEN-7483 Upgrade fails due to long table caption value in translation app
- Upgrades are failing on the ES cluster. A bug in the upgrade codeunit seems to affect the translations resulting in an error.

CEN-7404 Web replication run by Scheduler
- Because of technical challenges in SaaS, running web replication in a background session is not a viable solution. Therefore, running the web replications has been changed to be run by a Scheduler job instead of a dedicated background session.

CEN-7337 Make tax fields in transaction related web services optional
- Initially, these fields were added as required fields in previous hotfixes. When a POS that does not have these fields but the Head office does, the web servers returned an 500 error. This has been fixed by making the fields optional.

CEN-7304 Add Shipping Agent code and Shipping Agent service code to CustomerOrderCreate
- When users send shipping information when creating an order from SOAP UI, they receive a response with empty lines and nothing in Business Central.
CEN-7200 Distribution Group/Subgroup with no filter made uneditable
- The No filter check box on the ALL subgroup was cleared by mistake making the whole Distribution Group logic unusable.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

CEN-7248 Remove Shipment check
- eCommerce uses the field Click and Collect Line = false instead of Ship Order = true when creating a Customer Order through CustomerOrderCreate web service to identify if orders should be processed and shipped through Sales Orders.
CEN-7243 Error on Label Print - SaaS
- When loading a POS printer for Hardware Station PDF printing, the URL protocol is set based on the printer settings (http:// or https:// ).
CEN-7068 Web replication filter fix
- Support added for subjob fixed filter in web replication.

CEN-7177 Web replication packet split fix for 18.1 and 18.2
- Data packages were not split correctly resulting in too big packets being sent in each request.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

CEN-7067 Hotfix for inventory calculations based on sourcing locations
- Inventory available in sourcing location added to Inventory Lookup table.
- GetInventoryMultiple returns inventory on Sourcing Location if parameter SourcingLocationAvailability is included in the request and is set to TRUE.
- If eCommerce is sourcing from a location that is specified in the Sourcing Location Setup on the Store Card, the sourcing location is set on the Customer Order for when it is created.

CEN-7133 Statement posted with wrong VAT Entry calculation HF18.2
Statement with items with different VAT percentage were posted into one VAT GL account. This applied if VAT calculation is used, and the General Posting Setup and the Item.General Posting Group is configured to post Sales for items with different VAT percentage to the same Sales G/L account.

CEN-7023 Fix Xmlport parser
- This fixes an issue when request parser is reading xmlport metadata to create request field mapping.
CEN-6829 Error setting Next Check date when running Scheduler with NAS
- Next check time is always blanked out, and next check date is changed to one or more days in the future.

CEN-6992 Fix Get Table Data filter
- When using filter that is not including primary key fields, full replication failed in some cases.
CEN-6894 Accumulated Events added to LS Central since version release
- Accumulated events added.

CEN-6357 Negative adjustments when posting statement
- When posting adjustments, the system does not pull the "Gen. Prod. Posting Group" from anywhere.
LLD-784 Add Tax Area Code & Tax Liable to SendTransaction xmlport in NA version
- Missing tax related fields, used in the North American version, added to GetPOSTransSupLines, GetPosTransSusp, GetPosTransSuspList, GetTransaction, GetTransactionHeaderList, GEtTrnasStatementCode, SendPostransBackup, SendPosTransSusp, SendTransactionHeader, and SendTransaction XML ports.