Hotfixes on LS Central version 19.1.x.x
Tip: LS Retail Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

32535 Fix Basic Authentication
- Details not available.

25005 Discount Amount on Deals gives a wrong Total
- Line amount is right when using Line Amount.

15624 CEN-9190 Selling and using gift card from Magento
- Details not available.
14723 Item Inventory in Negative on POS Lookup
- Store filter added to calculate inventory for Items with Tracking specification.
13193 CEN-9190 Selling and using gift card from Magento
- Details not available.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

13193 CEN-9190 Selling and using gift card from Magento
- Details not available.

13192 CEN-9139 Bug in newest LSC version, cannot complete transaction
- Error when adding a regular Item after a SerialNo/LotNo Item in a Transaction is now fixed.

13194 CEN-9204 Give Access to LSC AutoFormatmgt
- Details not available.
10231 CEN-8825 Customer Order incorrect payment
- Added code to insert the correct amount into the Customer Order payment line.

CEN-8478 Blocking on POS when using infocode with random factor %
- Details not available.
CEN-8078 String overflow in customer ledger entries lookup
- Details not available.

CEN-7806 Configurations for scale text not used when Qty and Price in Descr is true
- When the Qty and Price in Descr. check box in an Interface profile is set to True and a scale item is sold, the text that is displayed in the journal is now using the Price per unit configurations from the Functionality profile.
LLD-883 NMI Related to show NET in Customer Display
- Details not available.

CEN-8650 Table Search Index action locked
- Performance improvements in the Search Index feature.
- User would get a table locking error on table Search Index Action when running the Adjust Cost - Item Entries routine.

CEN-8555 Access granted to functions
- Access granted to functions ItemLinesErrorCheck in Customer Order Line.table and ShipToSameAsSellTo in Customer Order Header.table.

CEN-8548 Mix & Match calculation
- Updated condition expression to apply the correct Deal price.
CEN-8383 Hardcoded format string with typo causes error on POS login
- A DateTime formatting error in NA Localization was fixed. Fixes login problems in the Hospitality POS triggered during Dining Plan insertion/modification.
CEN-8369 Request to make internal functions available to dependent apps
- Make procedure GetNextLineNoInWorksheet and InsertStoreInventoryLine in LS Central Store Inventory Management external for extension availability.
CEN-7739 Use full remaining balance, POS Data Entry Type
- If the flag "Use Full Remaining Balance" is set on the POS Data Entry Type Card, when a gift card or a voucher using Data Entry is being used as a payment, the full remaining amount will be used and a refund made if the Transaction is overpaid.

CEN-8371 New discount setup possibilities in Mix & Match
- New field, Deal Split Qty., on the Benefits FastTab, is only displayed when Discount Type is of type Line spec.
- New column, Split Deal Price/Disc. % on the Lines FastTab is only displayed when the new Deal Split Qty. field is populated.
- Use these fields to set up a discount where there is a deal price/disc % for when the Item quantity is less than Deal Split Qty. and a deal/price for when the item quantity is bigger.

CEN-8404 Infocode for items gets skipped when triggered by Mix & Match
- Skipping Infocodes when triggered by Mix & Match is fixed.
CEN-8380 Desc Length of MXM allows more than 10 characters, but encounters an error when scanning on the POS.
- The acceptance of 10 characters for Mix & Match offer IDs has been extended to 20 characters.

CEN-8317 Data upgrades taking longer than expected and causing timeout issues
- Code change in Retail Image upgrade to reduce Database I/O.

CEN-8324 Requesting access to LS Central internal code for Saas
- Make procedure PrintKDSHeader in POS Print Utility external for extension availability.

CEN-8423 Missing Events from CEN-8145 hotfix 19.1.3
- Added events to enable the possibility to not use the Dimension Matrix page in Sales and Transfer Orders.
CEN-8167 Customer Order Refund
- Issue with Discount % is set as zero when Quantity is changed in Sales Lines that are connected to Customer Order.

CEN-8292 First float transaction is not transferred to HQ
- Details not available.

CEN-8329 Error when upgrading from version 18.4 to 19.0
- Error when upgrading to 19.x in procedure ItemOnBeforeModifyEvent has been fixed.

CEN-8282 Customer Price Group price applied incorrectly
- Price calculation changes in CEN-7524, CEN-7846, and CEN-3283 are reverted in this hotfix and will be addressed later.
CEN-8213 POS Virtual Keyboard Not Showing
- Keyboard icon on input fields works again; did not work in versions 19.1.0 – 19.1.5.
If you are using the on-premises version, you must upgrade LS Central and LS Central System App with DLLs.

CEN-8302 Version 19 Upgrade/App IDs
- Internal parameter removed from InsertTableNoIntoBuffer in PreactionCreation.table.

CEN-8088 Web Replication Add Download Data
- Added the possibility to download replication request and packet data. Data download gives the possibility to get web replication data from SaaS environment.
CEN-8066 Give LS localization apps access to internal
- Details not available.

CEN-8145 Add events to LS Central 19.1
- Events released after the 19.1 release are now available through this hotfix.

CEN-8163 KOTS panel in Hospitality is not working
- Details not available.
CEN-8157 Cannot add customer to sale on POS
- When you start a transaction on the POS and enter an Item and then a Customer, an error will occur. This has been fixed.
CEN-8150 LSCUpgrade.UpgradeRetailImage fails
- Some lsmedia links were not formed as expected by the upgrade routines. These links are now handled like no lsmedia links.
CEN-7912 Screen covered in error banners if POPUP is called with empty parameter
- Details not available.

CEN-8128 Web Replication Delete Preaction Fix
- Fix process of delete preaction for table where the first field in the primary key is blank.
CEN-8106 Configurations for scale text not used when Qty and Price in Descr is true
- When Qty and Price in Descr in the Interface profile is set to true and a scale item is sold, the text displayed on the Virtual Receipt is now using the "Price per unit" configurations from the Functionality profile. A new help topic, "How to: Configure Price and Quantity for Scale Items" will be added to the LS Central Help.
CEN-8105 POS Slip: incorrect subtotal amount
- If Print Disc/Cpn Info on Slip in the POS Functionality Profile is set to Detail information for each line, when having an income/expense in the POS Transaction, the amount of the income/expense is doubled in the subtotal of the printout slip in the NA version.
CEN-8102 Update preactions created when Statement is posted
- To reduce the number of items logged in preactions when posting a Statement, to minimize the data for replication. Clone from CEN-8074.
CEN-8074 Do not create preaction for item modifications if fields "Cust is Adjusted" or "Allow Online Adjustment" values are changing.
- To reduce the number of items logged in preactions when posting a Statement, to minimize the data for replication.
CEN-7806 Configurations for scale text not used when Qty and Price in Descr is true
- When Qty and Price in Descr in the Interface profile is set to true and a scale item is sold, the text displayed on the Virtual Receipt is now using the "Price per unit" configurations from the Functionality profile. A new help topic, "How to: Configure Price and Quantity for Scale Items" will be added to the LS Central Help.