Hotfixes on LS Central version 19.4.x.x
Tip: LS Retail Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

32535 Fix Basic Authentication
- Details not available.

30932 Add configurations for the receipt due to scale certification requirements
- Two properties have been added to the Functionality profile to make configurations to fulfill scale certifications requirements easier:
- General -> Print Total Price Line in Bold: When selected, the total amount line of the receipt is printed in a bold font.
- Amount -> Print Currency Symbol in Amount header: If selected, the POS Currency Symbol is added to the "Amount" header in the Customer's Receipt.

28270 Add member to reservation without creating a transaction to avoid Duplicate Receipt Nos and $0 Transactions - Hospitality
- Populating the member web template is now done without creating a dummy POS Transaction.

28017 LSC Customer Account tender type in Norwegian Localization
- Details not available.

25005 Discount Amount on Deals gives a wrong Total
- Line amount is right when using Line Amount.

25579 LSC NA EBT Void Transaction and Refund issue - Part 2
- Using EBT with the Tender Type Card (for LS Pay), the pin pad is charging tax even when it has been configured not to.

25579 LSC NA EBT Void Transaction and Refund issue - Part 1
- Using EBT with the Tender Type Card (for LS Pay), the pin pad is charging tax even when it has been configured not to.

19667 EBT charging tax with LS Pay - Verifone Point
- Details not available.

23033 Manager cannot take over EoD after 3rd attempt and warning when diff is too high
- Fixed an issue where it is not possible to log in the manager in tender declaration.

15785 Email Receipts
- Error message "Email Print Status Line is Missing" has been fixed.

13994 Gift Card Return Error
- Field inconsistency error when making a gift card return has been fixed.

22290 Remover Internal Property from codeunit 99009325 LSCCOSourcingLocListV2Utils
- Details not available.

21326 Customer Orders applied to unrelated transactions
- Clear global Customer Order related variables in a single instance, codeunit POS Transaction has been added.

20414 Store coupon triggers the 100 % invoice discount
- New event OnBeforeInsertCpnPOSTransPerDiscLine

20453 Web Store in Stores by Period report
- Fixed issue where Customer Order is posted through sales order has net amount = 0.

20244 Staff can post EoD with higher cash diff. than allowed
- Field Max. Diff./Warn. from Perm. Gr added to GetStaffXML.

19322 Commerce Request Mgt, add new request GetVariantRegWithStatus
- New request added to Commerce Request Mgt that returns "Item Variant Registration" with Item Status information.

11991 [CEN-8996] Manager takes over EoD after X attempt(s) with too high difference
- Added OnBeforeRefreshMgrStatus event on codeunit POS View.

19137 Customer Order cannot be created
- Text overflow error when creating Purchase order from Customer Order with document number larger than 10 characters.

19436 New Integration Events for Replenishment
New events have been added to the following codeunits for Replenishment:
- LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, which let you override the details of the Purchase, Transfer, and Sales Orders created from the Replenishment Journals.
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeInsertTransferHeader
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeModifyTransferHeader
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeInsertTransferLine
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeModifyTransferLine
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeInsertSalesHeader
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeModifySalesHeader
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeInsertSalesLine
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeModifySalesLine
- OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterDocumentsCreation
- LSC Replen. Calculation, which let you override the Location Lead Time retrieved from the Customer Order Sourcing Locations setup.
- OnInsertWorksheetDetailOnAfterLocationLeadTimeCalculation
- LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, which let you override the details of the Purchase, Transfer, and Sales Orders created from the Replenishment Journals.

19394 Unable to use events of some codeunits and customization getting difficult (issue 15587)
- Added the event OnBeforeOpenCOSourcingLocations on codeunit Customer Order Create Panel.

19284 New event in ApplyCouponsToTransaction. Newly created event OnBeforeApplyCouponsToTransaction obsoleted (issue 16233)
- In Coupon Management codeunit, a new event, OnBeforeTransPeriodicDiscUpdate, has been added in procedure ApplyCouponsToTransaction. By this event the POSTransPeriodicDisc line can be altered before the call to PosTransDiscUpdateRec is called.

14522 Infocodes, cannot CANCEL when using a display option
- Making sure that the input can be skipped or canceled, if the infocode is not required.

17094 Franchise Purchase/Sales Order is not transferred
- Sales Header Modify was added after a new Sales Order was inserted, and customer info was added in Franchise Document Process.

16839 Get Table Data SetRange Fix
- Fix Setrange for fields of data type date in web request GetTableData. Field value for date 0D is stored as '' when combined into preaction key, the process of restoring '' into 0D when processing the preaction key was missing. Resulting in NavText to Date convert error.

12945 & 12926 Service/Retail charge wrongly rounded
- Rounding error in calculations of Service/RetailCharge fixed.
15118 Printing non-coursing items when autofire is on does not work
- Mixed coursing KDS printing and normal KDS printing fixed. Firing printout fixed when item is added to a course already fired. The added item is marked with * to show it has been added.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

16233 Coupon redemption issue
- New event that enables extensions to exit procedure ApplyCouponsToTransaction in codeunit Coupon Management.

16356 Only call License Manager if a license has been activated
- System App updated to System, see below.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

10000 [CEN-5349] Inventory lookup different codes for Store No. and Location Code
- Issue when the Location Code of the Store is not the same as the Store No. has been fixed.

15624 CEN-9190 Selling and using gift card from Magento
- Details not available.

15658 Exposing procedures on SaaS
- Details not available.

15629 Hotfix for Assisted setup issue
- Details not available.

14886 Cash & Safe Management issues after hotfix
- Global variable cleared where needed to fix logoff problem in Cash and Safe for hospitality.
14723 Item Inventory in Negative on POS Lookup
- Store filter added to calculate inventory for Items with Tracking specification.

15216 Public Access to Procedures in Codeunit 10012201 LSC Replen. Calculation
- The procedures FindVendor and UpdateDirectCostForPurchReplenJnlManualUpdate in codeunit LSC Replen. Calculation are now available for extension development in SaaS.
14097 Web Request Get Table Data, Empty string filter in primary key fix
- Fixed. When filtering on fields with “real” blank values, the filter is ignored and treated as nonexistent.
10256 CEN-8899 Unable to identify store ID when using sourcing location
- A new event has been introduced to be able to override Store and Location code on Sales Orders linked to Customer Order.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

14747 Reform "Attached to Line No." to "Customer Order Line No."
- Customer Order processing has been upgraded to use a new field, Customer Order Line No., in table Sales Line Ext. when processing Sales Orders connected to Customer Order. The new field is used instead of the standard field Attached to Line No.

14331 Release events added since code freeze of LSC 19.5
- Events released in version 19.5 are now available in version 19.4 by installing this hotfix.
12965 CEN-8961 Hospitality Cash & Safe Management
- The behavior of Cash & Safe Management in Hospitality has been reviewed and fixed as needed. Instead of showing a panel with the tender operations, a pop-up menu is now displayed when you press the TD_OFFLINE command button. The menu is the #SAF-OFFLINEMENU and exists already as part of demo data. An upgrade removes the POST POS command from the line with the LOGOFF command. If the Start of Day float operation is needed, the FLOAT_ENT command is run automatically.

14391 No transaction sales data transferred from version 19.1 on-premises POS to version 19.4 SaaS
- Details not available.

13838 Grant access to procedures in POS Transaction, Web Request Functions and LSCSendTransactionUtils
- Access granted to procedures UpdateContext in codeunit LSC POS Transaction, UpdateTableByTempTable in codeunit LSC Web Request Functions, and SetRequest and GetResponse in codeunit LSCSendTransactionUtils.
13193 CEN-9190 Selling and using gift card from Magento
- Details not available.

14087 Status changes on extra activities do not cause correlating changes in finalize invoice on POS (i.e. confirm -> draft, should remove the line from the transaction)
- Details not available.
14064 Hotel Reservations with room no. cannot be added to a group
- Details not available.
13902 New reservation issue if default room type is empty
- Details not available.
13192 CEN-9139 Bug in newest LSC version, cannot complete transaction
- Error when adding a regular Item after a SerialNo/LotNo Item in a Transaction is now fixed.
12481 Not All Extra Activities pulled to POS
- Details not available.
12469 Synxis Bookings with no country code
- Details not available.

13650 Customer Order cannot be created due to length of string
- Text overflow error when a Purchase order is created from Customer Order with a document number larger than 10 characters.
13602 Charge to room/res are being deleted from DRE
- Details not available.
13185 Permission error on Sales Shipment Header table when picking and shipping a Customer Order on POS
- Permission error on Sales Shipment Header and Sales Shipment Line tables when picking and shipping a Customer Order on the POS has been fixed.

13194 CEN-9204 Give Access to LSC AutoFormatmgt
- Details not available.
10338 CEN-9162 Error when upgrading from 19 to 19.3
- In the UpgradeSalesTypeRetailImageLink method we are controlling the insertion, meaning that we will not get an error if the record already exists.
10231 CEN-8825 Customer Order incorrect payment
- Added code to insert the correct amount into the Customer Order payment line.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.
System hotfixes

16356 Only call License Manager if a license has been activated
- Background session is no longer triggered without a license manager activated.
- This will avoid showing the background session error "The LSC License Manager does not exist" on event viewer.
Hotels hotfixes

LS Retail_LS
- Details not available.