Hotfixes on LS Central version 21.5.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

36954 Pressing Search in Contact Search panel on POS returns error
- Member Contact Search with a single result was causing problems and has now been fixed.

37607 Events released for Replenishment on version 21.5 - W20
- 37578 - SetParameters function internal > external
- The SetParameters procedure has been made public in the LSC Add Items to Replen. Jrnl report.

3672 Release events on version 21.5 - W18
- 37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- 36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- 36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- 36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- 36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- 36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- 37277 - More Events for Retail Messages (GitHub)
- 36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- 36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine

36348 Transfer Posting Dimension issue
- Changes made to the way dimensions are assigned when Post-Receipt from a Retail Transfer Order, standard BC Transfer Orders, and the Retail Receiving page.
- Changes also applied to always skip the warning dimensions message when posting from the Retail Receiving page.

31691 Error doing sales quote in POS
- An error when suspending transactions with Susp./Retr. Transaction active on the POS functionality profile has been fixed.

36229 CO Shipment - Change inserted twice
- Details not available.

34800 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21 New: TaxDate
- Details not available.

36418 Validation period issue
- Details not available.

36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.

35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.

35980 Add a setting to create KOT per menu type automatically
- With the new option, Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type, for Menu Type Usage in the Hospitality Type Card, the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.

33985 Time period filter reset on restaurant Allocation panel when allocating
- In the Allocation panel, the period filtering on reservations when allocating is maintained. Also, when you open the Allocation panel without a reservation, an error does not occur. When you open it with a reservation, the reservation is the only one shown.
When you select a reservation to view from the Reservation List in the Allocation panel, this reservation is the only one shown.

36948 Request to keep methods publicly available
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.

36908 Functions made public
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.

36350 Cannot collect customer order with service item
- Fixed an error when collecting Customer Order with Service Item.

36113 Event Request for keeping Trans. Discount entries for coupons in returns
- Details not available.

35721 Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are now copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.

36134 Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.

30911 For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.

36155 Release events on version 21.5 - W16
- 35945 - Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
- 35721 - Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
- 30911 - For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
- 36113 - Event Request for Keeping Trans. Discount Entries for Coupons in Returns
- Details not available.
- 36134 - Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.
- 36415 - Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
- 36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
- 36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
- 36129 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 35946 - Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.

36415 Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.

35793 Activity Matrix Freezing when clicking next/previous days too fast
The Activity Matrix does not stop working, if the next/previous day buttons are clicked too often too fast. A loading indicator was added when the matrix is updating after the dates have been changed.

35096 Cash difference will be deducted from the stock amount
- Start float difference entries moved from safe entries to decl. diff entries.

34392 Issues when a prepack item is exploded
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.

35910 Events released for Replenishment on version 21.5 - W17
- 35909 Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
- Two new integration events: OnBeforeUpdQtyInDetailLinesPO and OnUpdQtyInDetailLinesPOOnBeforeUpdateDetailLinesLog have been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
Hotels hotfixes

37707 HOTELPREPAY shows Balance without Tax
- Fixed HOTELPREPAY on POS so it checks if balance uses amount excl. VAT when HotelSetup.Rate incl. VAT is false.

37688 Partially charge to Room is not working properly with taxes and the charge room line is missing folio
- The DRE amount for partial charges when "Rates does not include tax" has been fixed. Also, the room charge for "Guest" Folio is routed by default, a bug caused empty room charge without folio.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

37570 Reservation Extra included in cancellation fee
Reservation extras were part of the cancellation fee. This has been fixed.

37568 Charge to Room rounding
- Rounding error fixed for sales tax in North-America.

37487 Get VAT percentage again when unit price changes for DRE
- VAT pct fetched when unit price changed. Skip VAT calc when unit price is 0.

37043 LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment Inaccessible
- Procedure PrePayReservationWEB in LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment was made public.

37419 Night Audit calculates tax on Hotel Balance account
- Details not available.

36579 Post and delete DRE Reverse lines in Night Audit
- Details not available.

37417 Insert Deposit Entry returning always false
- A bug regarding the InsertDepositEntry function that caused it to always return false, was fixed.

37083 Routing rule not working correctly
- An issue regarding setting a routing rule with Paymaster was fixed. Another issue on settling a group invoice that skipped creation of some reservation lines has also been fixed. Anew field, LSCHT DRE Res No., was created in LSC POS Trans Line to better track DRE lines from the POS.

37018 Add TAX calculations to Detail Cancellation Policy page
- Tax calculations have been added to the Detail Cancellation Policy page.
When calculating the TAX on the Cancellation page, the system uses the item for the cancellation posting, if that is specified in the cancellation policy itself. If not, the one specified in Hotel Setup is used, because that is the one that will be behind the DRE for cancellation fee added to the reservation.

37021 Balance hotfix
- Balance fixed in the Reservation FactBox and POS.

37020 Link deposit to schedule line from Deposit Payment Page
- New field, Schedule Line Date, added to the Deposit Payment page to select which deposit schedule line is paying.

36818 Reservation Extras are included when canceling a reservation
- Previously, the "Prompt when applying" setup on the Cancellation Policy page resulted in a message box so users could decide if to apply the cancellation fee or not. This message has been replaced by a new page where users can select which reservation extras will be included in the cancellation fee.
- When a cancellation fee is applied, it is written in the FactBox notes for traceability. This page also shows separately the rate cancellation fee, the reservation extra cancellation fee, and the total cancellation fee that will be applied if the user clicks OK.

33560 Deposit and Cancellation schedule
- Enhancements for Cancellation Policy, now supports multiple penalty scenarios to define days/time before arrival or after confirmation. Cancellation Policy included in Rate Code Price Config.
- Enhancements for Deposits.

36679 Balance Transfer - tax calculations and modal error
- Balance Transfer now looks at the "Rate Includes Tax" in Hotel Setup, and shows the balance on the Balance Transfer page accordingly.
- A new line in the Factbox was added showing transfers where balance transfer lines can be viewed separately from other DREs.
- A commit was added for the RunModal error in an attempt to fix the reported error, which, however, could not be reproduced.

36676 Nationality report not available in SaaS
- Nationality Report and Guest List in Back Office Role Center are now available in SaaS.

36819 Incorrect Sales Tax on DREs
- Sales tax for DRE was fixed, now always uses the sales tax % from the store.

36820 Open Balance Tile on POS shows a lower number than the Reservation List with Open Balances
- The Open Balance tile on POS and the Reservation List are now in sync.

36814 Settle Invoice on POS does not include Sales Tax
- Sales Tax for North America was wrong when the amount is settled.

36729 POS settle guest invoice has the wrong amount including tax
- Finalized invoice on POS had the wrong amount for the room when a discount was applied.

36728 NA General Journal not posting Sales Tax liability
- The Night Audit General Journal now includes posting Sales Tax liability.

36691 Hotel Reservation List – Balance is without Tax and may show negative
- Hotel Reservation List, Balance now includes sales tax.

36649 Discounts are not calculated correctly in Upgrade Reservation Page
- When the discount amount is over the Room Price, an error is prompted.

36633 ActivitySave removes POS Trans Lines
- Fixed. Hotel POS Finalized Invoice command pulls in DRE lines into POS Trans Lines, but when activity status was changed on activity POS, the Hotel POS Trans Line was deleted without resetting the DRE line.

36440 Dimensions in Night Audit
- Fixed issue with Global Dimension 2.

36401 Reservation Builder customer discount not in price line
- Reservation Builder customer discounts fixed.

36390 Not able to edit dates for groups when no currency is set in the hotel setup/rate code
- An issue with changing dates on groups when no currency was set on the group reservation (rate code/hotel setup) has been fixed.

36227 Staging Comment not working
- Staging Comments have been fixed and are now using LSC Comment table.

36400 Include sales tax on income expense POS trans lines
- Income expense POS Trans Lines now include sales tax when VAT is not included in the rate.

36146 Accrual Accounting changed to Account Method
- In Hotel Setup, the Accrual Accounting field was renamed to Account Method and the data type option changed to enum.