Adjusting the Appearance and Info on Dining Table Buttons

The buttons that represent dining tables (graphical layout or grid layout) show important information about the status of the dining tables through colors and text. A dining table button can show all the states that can be identified for dining tables when you combine their dining table status, kitchen status, KOT status, transaction status, and reservation status.

To change the dining table caption

To adjust the dining table button menu glyph info and caption

To change the colors and fonts of each status

See also

Note: It is very important to adjust the colors for each status and the information that is displayed to the requirements of each restaurant. If the dining table buttons are very small, displaying a lot of text information is not desirable. When you press the dining table, more detailed information is displayed in the pop-up heading that appears. Some restaurants only need colors to identify an available table, an unavailable table, or an occupied table. Then you need to select the same color for the statuses that represent an occupied table and the same color for the statuses that represent an available table or an unavailable table.

The dining area controls the look of these dining table buttons and what information is displayed on them.

To change the dining table caption

  1. Click the icon, enter Dining Areas, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select you dining area.

The Dining Table Caption field shows how the dining table caption is constructed. You can include in the caption certain types of information by selecting the relevant check boxes in the Dining Table Caption group.

Note: The guest count and amount information can also be shown in a glyph.

The Dining Table ID controls how the ID of the dining table is constructed, using the Dining Table No. and the Dining Table Description fields as they appear in the dining table list for each dining area layout. For example, if you want the dining table to be identified only by its description, you select Description in this field. The program then updates the Description on Button field for each dining table in every layout in the dining area.

To adjust the dining table button menu glyph info and caption

The Hospitality Status Setup table contains all the states that can be identified for dining tables when you combine their dining table status, kitchen status, KOT status, transaction status, and reservation status. The dining table button menus contain the setup for the colors and text per status. The demo data offers four different menus:

  • #DT-GRAPH (for graphical layout, covers/guests are not used).
  • #DT-GRAPH-GUEST (for graphical layout, covers/guests are in use).
  • #DT-GRID (for grid layout, covers/guests are not used).
  • #DT-GRID-GUEST (for grid layout, covers/guests are in use).

Tip:To compare the setup between the menus and easily copy and paste glyphs between statuses, use the POS Menu Comparison – Lines page:

  1. Click the Assist button (three dots) next to the Dining Table Button Menu ID field.
  2. Click Actions - Compare Menu Lines for Selected Menus.

Here you can change the glyph information and where it is shown on the button. The Button Preview shows approximately how the button will look.

You can adjust the caption alignment and offset.

To adjust the glyphs

You can use four glyphs to show information on the button.

In the Glyph 1 field, you can select the following:

  • Text – for symbol (you can use a symbol font)
  • Staff – staff name or staff ID (controlled by Dining Table Staff Descr. Field in the dining area)
  • Guest – number of guests or seating capacity
  • Time – time (controlled by Seating Time Info and Serving Time Info in the dining area)
  • Amount – total amount of the order
  • Rest. Menu Type – the restaurant menu type of the active KOT
  • Reserv. Time - the time of the first reservation today that is allocated to the dining table.

You can adjust the position of Glyph 1, the font and offset.

The program replaces any text in the Glyph 1 Text field with the corresponding informatin (staff, guest, time, amount, menu type, and reservation information). The same applies to the other glyphs.

To show a picture

You can show a picture on the button:

  1. Click Lookup in the Image URI field and select an image from the Retail Image List.
  2. Select a position for the image in the Picture POS field.
  3. You can set an offset in the Picture Offset field.

To change the colors and fonts of each status

Each status line of the dining table button menu has a unique skin and font, starting with #DT_ followed by the number of the status line and a short description of the status. These skins and fonts are under the ##DEFAULT style profile in the demo data.

Instead of selecting different skins or fonts for the status lines, you can either change the skins and fonts within the ##DEFAULT style profile, or copy them to the style you are using and change them there:

  1. Click the icon, enter Style Profiles, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select the ##DEFAULT profile.
  3. Locate the #DT- skins and change the colors of the skins as desired.
  4. Locate the #DT- fonts and change them as needed.
  5. Locate the #DT-GL_ fonts and change them as needed. They are used for the glyphs.

See also

How to: Show that a Dining Table is Allocated