Allocating Dining Tables Automatically

Allocating dining tables for a selected date or a dining period

Allocating dining tables automatically on reserving

See also

Automatic allocation takes place in the following ways:

  • By pressing the Allocate Reservations in the Dining Allocation panel. The program allocates automatically all reservations for the selected date.
  • When you create a reservation or a walk-in entry, provided that the dining area is set up with automatic allocation on reservation.

Note: The program can only allocate automatically those entries for which there are available dining tables. It does not allocate walk-in entries.

Allocating dining tables for a selected date or a dining period

You can let the program allocate dining tables automatically by using the command TR-R-ALLOCATE_DAY (Allocate Reservations).

The program selects all the unallocated reservation entries for the date selected in the Allocation panel and tries to allocate them, starting with the entries that need the most number of guests.

If you have pressed a dining period on the dining period filter menu, only the dining reservations for this dining period will be allocated.

For each entry, the program builds a list of dining tables and combined dining tables that are free at reservation time for the desired duration. It sorts the tables by Allocation Rank No. and selects the first in the list.

To allocate dining tables automatically

  1. In the Allocation panel, browse to the day you want to allocate for.
  2. If you want, you can press a dining period to allocate only reservations during that period.
  3. You can press Allocation Filters to see the statistics on unallocated, partially allocated, and fully allocated entries.
  4. Select Allocate Reservations.
  5. Confirm.

The program attempts the allocation and prompts you in the end with how many entries it allocated and how long it took.

Allocating dining tables automatically on reserving

You can let the program allocate a dining table or a combined table automatically when you create a dining reservation or a walk-in entry.

For the desired dining area, select either Allocate if Possible or Always Allocate in the field Automatic. Alloc. on Reserv. in the Dining Area Card.

When either option is selected, the program attempts to allocate a dining table or a combined table when a dining reservation entry is created or its date and time changed.

  • Always Allocate - there must be a dining table or a combined table available when a slot is picked to make a reservation. If there is no dining table available, the reservation cannot be confirmed. If waiting list is allowed for the period, the program suggests putting the reservation on waiting list.
  • Allocate if Possible - if there are no dining tables available for allocation, the reservation is confirmed but you need to manually allocate dining tables.

Note:  If the option Always Allocate is selected, be aware that the maximum number of guests that you can make reservations for, is the highest maximum capacity of the dining tables and combined tables you have set up for the dining area. For example, if the highest maximum capacity is 12, 12 is the maximum number of guests you can make a reservation for.

See also

How to: Allocate a Table

How to: Allocate Dining Tables

How to: Change and Cancel Allocation