Dining Area Layouts

You can have one or more dining area layouts for a dining area. You can have a layout that is for the weekends and another for the weekdays, and a layout that is for the dinner period, and so on. The layout specifies a number of properties for each dining table in the dining area, such as position (graphical layout), section and availability.

Designing dining area layouts

Replicating design layout

You can set up a graphical layout or a button grid layout. A layout can also be displayed as a dining table list for POS terminals that use an interface profile with the #HOSP-TABLELIST startup controller instead of the #HOSP-MULTIVIEW startup controller.

You can use the dining area plan to schedule when each layout is in use. If you use the dining area plan for scheduling, the program switches between layouts automatically. If you do not, you can switch manually between layouts within the POS.

For each layout you

  • set up a background image (graphical layout).
  • specify pages (graphical layout), rows, and columns (button grid layout).
  • specify for each dining table:
    • description on button
    • graphical placement and size
    • dining area section placement (can override the default section)
    • availability.
  • set up combined dining tables.
  • select when the layout is in use via the dining area plan (if you use dining area plans).

Tip: Once you have created and set up one dining area layout, you can copy this layout to other layouts by clicking the Copy Settings from Current Layout action.

Note:The dining table type of a dining table does not depend on the dining area layout, it is always the same. Therefore, you cannot change the capacity and shape of a dining table for the layout.

Designing dining area layouts

You design the dining area layout to best represent the physical layout of your dining area. This layout is stored as the design layout. During opening hours, the current layout of the restaurant may change when tables need to be moved and/or joined, but meanwhile the design layout is not affected.

Therefore, you can reset the current layout and let it revert to the original design layout once all transactions have been completed on the dining tables. You can move a dining table back to its design location at any time.

You can design all dining area layouts for a dining area while the restaurant is open and the current layout is being adjusted.

Important: The design layout can be edited on only one POS terminal at a time.

Replicating design layout

If you want to replicate a design layout from the head office to restaurants, you can do so by designing the dining area layouts for the restaurants within your database. The database table that needs to be replicated is the Restaurant Dining Table Design (10001226). When this table is replicated, the next time the restaurant reverts to design layout for its hospitality types within the POS, the replicated design will be loaded up.

See also

Creating a New Layout

Example: Copying and Designing a Dining Area Layout

Creating Dining Tables

Setting Up Combined Dining Tables

Switching Dining Area Layouts Manually