Dining Table Allocation POS Commands

Allocation Commands

Use these alphabetical links to quickly navigate the table below:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - TR-A - TR-R - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Command Parameter Description Context Variable/POS Tag






This command is used to mark the POS menu line that contains the GUI - skin, font, and glyphs - for the Allocation status that is selected as parameter. The allocation status applies to the allocation entry that is displayed in the list view, graphical view, or timeline view.

The command is used within the menus selected in the All. Timel. Tbl Status Menu ID, All. List View Status Menu ID, and All. Gra. Tbl. Status Menu ID fields in the Dining Area.





This command is used to mark the POS menu line that contains the GUI - skin, font, and glyphs - for the Reservation status that is selected as parameter. The reservation status applies to a reservation entry in the Reservation grid.

The command is used within the menu selected in the All. Reserv. Status Menu ID field in the Dining Area.

TR-A-ALLOC_CAPFILTER   This command is only active during allocation. It filters the dining tables by showing only tables with min. capacity <= guests to allocate and with max. capacity >= guests to allocate. The text Showing tables for x guests appears in the tag. The command works like a toggle - when activated, if the filter is not on, the filter is applied. If the filter is on, the filter is removed. Then the tag shows Show Tables for x Guests. <#TR-ALLCAPACITYFILTER>
TR-A-CAP_FILTER Capacity number


This command filters the dining tables with the exact number of guest capacity. <#TR-CAPACITYFILTER>
TR-A-CREATE_NEW-W Number of guests With this command you can create a new waiting list entry for the selected dining table in the dining table list.  
TR-A-DISJOIN_TABLES   With this command you can disjoin a joined dining table group that is free.  
TR-A-EDIT_GUESTID   With this command you can edit the guest ID or name associated with an occupied dining table in the dining table list.  
TR-A-MINCAP_FILTER Capacity minimum number


This command filters the dining tables with capacity greater than or equal to the input number. <#TR-MINCAPACFILTER>
TR-A-RESET_FILTERING   This command resets all filters in both grids of the Dining Allocation panel. Clears variables
TR-A-SEARCH_GUESTID   With this command you can search the dining table list for a guest ID or name associated with an occupied dining table. <#TR-GUESTIDFILTER>
TR-A-SEAT_AT_TABLE Number of guests This command seats guests at the selected dining table.  
TR-A-SECTION_FILTER CLEAR Displays a pop-up with the available sections of the dining area. If you select one section, the program shows only those dining tables within the selected section. #TR-SECTIONFILTER
TR-A-SHOW_RESERV   If a dining table has a reservation or a waiting list entry, this command filters the reservation or waiting list entry in the reservation list when the dining table is pressed in the dining table list. Idle-timer clears the filter or any command pressed in the panel.


TR-A-SHOW_SEAT_MENU   This command shows the pop-up menu that is appropriate for the selected dining table depending on the allocation status of the table. The available pop-up menus are defined in the current service flow: 
  • All. Free Pop-up Menu ID - Table is free and not joined to any table
  • All. Free-Join Pop-up Menu ID - Table is free but is part of a joined group of tables
  • All. Seated Pop-up Menu ID - Table is occupied but seated only
  • All. Occup. Pop-up Menu ID - Table is occupied and an order has been taken






This command filters the dining tables by allocation status. <#TR-STATUSFILTER>
TR-A-TABLE_FILTERING CLEAR This command filters the dining tables to show a specific dining table. <#TR-TABLEFILTER>
TR-A-TIMELINEINTERV   Used internally. Signals that a timeline interval button has been pressed.  
TR-A-TIMELINEINTHDR   Used internally. Signals that a timeline interval header button has been pressed. This results in a time scroll to the interval time.  
TR-A-TIMELINEPAGE Numeric page number This command is used to implement paging of dining tables in the timeline view of the Dining Allocation panel. It shows the dining tables that belong to the page in question. The program uses this command internally. <#TR-AL-E-PagingTblFrom%1>



TR-A-TIMELINETABLE   Used internally. Signals that a timeline table button has been pressed (the leftmost buttons with the table names).  













This command is used to scroll by time in the Dining Allocation panel. You can scroll to an exact date in time, to the current time, to the previous period or the next period, to the day after or day before, to the week after or week before, to the month after or month before, 60 min. ahead or 60 min. back or to the exact interval (by pressing the interval heading with the time you want to see from). <#TR-SEL-MONTH>












This command changes the allocation view to the view specified as parameter (graphical layout, dining table list or timeline view).  




This command toggles the allocation view between the views specified as parameters (the timeline view plus graphical layout and/or dining table list).  
TR-R-ALLOCATE   With this command you allocate a reservation/waiting list entry to a dining table. <#TR-STATUSBAR>
TR-R-ALLOCATE_DAY   This command runs automatic allocation for the reservation entries on the day plan selected in the Dining Allocation panel.  





With this command you can filter on reservation or waiting list entries based on whether they are fully allocated, not allocated or partially allocated.

Note: An entry is missing allocation if it has not been allocated or has not been fully allocated according to the capacity of the tables allocated.







TR-R-ALLOC_OR_SEAT     This command selects which pop-up menu is displayed when the reservation or waiting list entry is pressed. The selection depends on whether there are dining tables allocated to the entry. The menus are defined in the current service flow:
  • Res. Seat Pop-up Menu ID - dining tables allocated
  • Res. Alloc. Pop-up Menu ID - dining tables not allocated
TR-R-CANCEL_ALLOC   With this command you can cancel dining table allocation for a reservation or waiting list entry.  
TR-R-CHANGE_ALLOC   With this command you can change dining table allocation for a reservation or waiting list entry. <#TR-STATUSBAR>
TR-R-CHANGE_GUESTNO   With this command you can change the number of guests registered to the reservation or waiting list entry.  
TR-R-CREATE_NEW-R Number of guests With this command you can create a new reservation entry.  
TR-R-CREATE_NEW-W Number of guests With this command you can create a new walk-in entry. If there is no availability and waiting list is allowed, the program creates a waiting list entry.  
TR-R-EDIT_RESERV   With this command you can edit the reservation or waiting list entry.  
TR-R-FILTERING Filter type: RESERVED, WAITLIST, WALKINS, RESERVED-WALKINS, ENTRYTYPE, ALL With this command you can filter the reservation list depending on the filter type. If filter type is ENTRYTYPE, then a pop-up selection of the filter type is displayed. <#TR-ENTRYTYPEFILTER>
TR-R-LIST_CONFIRM   With this command you confirm a waiting list reservation in the Dining Reservation List panel, thereby removing it from the waiting list and making it a normal reservation.  
TR-R-LIST_EDIT   With this command you can edit the reservation you have selected in the Dining Reservation List panel (must be open, not on waiting list). The program closes the Dining Reservation List panel and loads the reservation into the Dining Reservation Desk panel for editing.  
TR-R-LIST_HISTORY   With this command you can show the following for the reservation you have selected in the Dining Reservation List panel:
  • (member registered) all dining reservations (past and present) that are registered to the member of the reservation.
  • (no member registered) all dining reservations (past and present) that are registered to the same email/phone number/mobile phone number as the reservation.
TR-R-LIST_RESET   With this command you reset the Dining Reservation List panel so that it shows dining reservations with the original filtering when the panel was opened.  
TR-R-LIST_SETDATE CLEAR With this command you set a date for your search in the Dining Reservation List panel. The program filters the reservations so only those reserved on the selected date are visible. With parameter CLEAR, the date filter is reset.  
TR-R-LIST_SHOW A reservation list panel





ACTIVE (confirmed, wait-listed, walk-ins)




With this command you open a panel with a list of active dining reservations, if you place it on the Dining Reservation Desk panel.

In the Dining Reservation List panel this command is used with the parameters to filter the dining reservations.

TR-R-LIST_SHOW_ACT A reservation list panel With this command you open a panel with a list of active dining reservations (confirmed, walk-ins, and on waiting list).  
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_CONF A reservation list panel With this command you open a panel with a list of confirmed dining reservations.  
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_WAIT A reservation list panel With this command you open a panel with a list of waiting list dining reservations.  
TR-R-LIST_SHOW_WALK A reservation list panel With this command you open a panel with a list of walk-in dining reservations  

No parameter: Shows all dining areas

With this command you toggle a dining area filter in the Dining Reservation List panel. The reservations for the dining area are made visible or not visible. <#TR-LI-AREA + posmenuline.KeyNo>

Text that indicates that only this dining area is visible (ONLY)

TR-R-SEARCH_RESERV Field number With this command you can search the reservation/waiting list by field number. Default search field is Guest ID/Name. <#TR-PHONENOFILTER>


TR-R-SEAT_AT_TABLE   With this command you seat guests on a reservation or waiting list entry at a dining table that is either allocated or not allocated. <#TR-STATUSBAR>
TR-R-SHOW_ALLOCATED   This command filters the dining table list so that it shows the dining tables that have been allocated to the selected reservation or waiting list entry.  
TR-R-SHOW_CSTAT_MENU   This command selects which pop-up menu is displayed when the reservation or waiting list entry is pressed. The selection depends on the status of the entry. The menus are defined in the current service flow:
  • Res. Arrived Pop-up Menu ID
  • Res. Open Pop-up Menu ID
  • Res. Late Pop-up Menu ID
TR-R-STATUS_CHANGE   Status: ARRIVED, CANCEL, LATE, NO-SHOW, SEATED, RESET. With this command you can change the status of a reservation/waiting list entry.  
TR-RESERVATIONFUNC   For future use.  
TR-RESET_PANEL   Not used in this version.  
TR-SHOW-STATISTICS   This command displays the Dining Table Allocation Statistics panel.  
TR-SHOW_ALLOC_PANEL ID of a Dining Table Allocation panel This command displays the Dining Table Allocation panel assigned as parameter.  
TR-STOP_ALLOCATING   This command lets you stop allocating. It clears the state of the Dining Allocation panel so that the system no longer expects you to select a table to allocate a reservation/waiting list entry.