The Job Queue Scheduler for Hospitality

In hospitality in general, there is a great need for running jobs within the restaurants every few minutes or once every 24 hours when the business is either closed or there is little activity.

For Dining Table Management

For KDS (Display and Printing)

For Delivery & Takeout

For Offline Call Center (Call Center database)

For Offline Call Center (Restaurant database)

To configure the Task Scheduler

Data cleanup – KDS and statuses

To assign the Scheduler Job in the Hospitality Setup page

In a busy environment the data tables containing the KOT information fill up quickly and slow performance. Only the Meal Planning does not need to have the Scheduler running, although the process that changes the POS menus by validation period could be run by the Scheduler.

Note: The jobs needs to be inserted with one user and run on one client only. They are not set up in the demo data.

Inserting the jobs and making them ready to run

  1. Click the icon, enter Retail Setup, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the Insert Default Data action.
  3. Click Clear All.
  4. Select the Override Current Settings check box.
  5. Select the Hospitality Commands check box.
  6. If you are setting up Delivery and Takeout, select the Include Delivery & Takeout check box.
  7. Click the Insert action.
  8. Open the Job Queue Entries list. There you can see the jobs inserted by the program with the current user. The jobs have status On Hold.
  9. In the Earliest Start Date/Time column, select the date and time you want the job to start running.
  10. Adjust the value in the No.of Minutes between Runs column.
  11. Make sure the job is Recurring and running on the appropriate weekdays.

To run these jobs, a Task Scheduler has to be running on the Service Tier.

For Dining Table Management

Job Role Codeunit  
KDS - Data Cleanup To delete entries from the order kitchen and KOT status tables and KDS tables older than a set number of days (set in the Hospitality Setup page). Must be run to maximize performance. LSC Hosp. Sts and KDS Cleanup Run as a job (once a day, during closed hours) 
Job Queue Category: HOSP
Serv. Flow Status/Alert Upd To update dining table status changes on timing and dining table alerts (set in the Hospitality Service Flow page) LSC Hosp. Service Flow Updates Run as a job (every 1-5 minutes during active hours) 
Job Queue Category: HOSP
Dining Reserv. Entries Automatic Status Update To update the status of open dining reservation (entry type Reservation, not for walk-in and waiting list entries) to late or no-show on timing (set in the Hospitality Service Flow page) LSC Dining Reservation Util. Run as a job (every 5-15 minutes, during active hours) 
Job Queue Category: HOSP
Dining Areas - Calculate Statistics and Archive Data To archive dining area plan entries and dining table history entries, and close any open dining reservation entries and attribute POS transaction entries.

As a result, the Dining Area Statistics report can be used to view important information on the dining areas in the past.

LSC Dining Area Utilities Run as a job (once a day, during closed hours) 
Job Queue Category: HOSP

For KDS (Display and Printing)

Job Role Codeunit  
KDS - Data Cleanup To delete entries from the order kitchen and KOT status tables and KDS tables older than a set number of days (set in the Hospitality Setup page). Must be run to maximize performance. LSC Hosp. Sts and KDS Cleanup Run as a job (once a day, during closed hours) 
Job Queue Category: HOSP

For Delivery & Takeout

Job Role Codeunit  
KDS - Data Cleanup To delete entries from the order kitchen and KOT status tables and KDS tables older than a set number of days (set in the Hospitality Setup page). Must be run to maximize performance. LSC Hosp. Sts and KDS Cleanup Run as a job (once a day, during closed hours)
Job Queue Category: HOSP
Hosp. Delete Driver Trips To delete delivery driver trip entries order than a set number of days. LSC Del. & Takeout Sched. Jobs Run as a job (once a day, during closed hours)
Job Queue Category: HOSP

For Offline Call Center (Call Center database)

Job Role Codeunit  
Offline CC-Get Estimated Time To get estimated timing information on orders from restaurants (how many orders are in progress, current average production time) LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs Run as a job 
Job Queue Category: OFFLINECC
Offline CC-Status on Orders To get status information on orders from the restaurants. LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs Run as a job
Job Queue Category: OFFLINECC
Offline CC-Delete WS Log Delete entries in the web service log older than a set number of days. LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs Run as a job
Job Queue Category: OFFLINECC

For Offline Call Center (Restaurant database)

Note: The following jobs are inserted through the Insert Job Queue Entries action in the Offline Call Center Setup page.

Job Role Codeunit  
Offline CC-Process CC Orders To send orders that have been sent from call center to the kitchen. LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs Run as a job
Job Queue Category: OFFLINECC
Offline CC-Send Conv. Orders To send orders after they have been converted to delivery or takeout orders back to the call center LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs Run as a job
Job Queue Category: OFFLINECC
Offline CC-Delete WS Log Delete entries in the web service log older than a set number of days. LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs Run as a job
Job Queue Category: OFFLINECC

To configure the Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler should be enabled when the Dynamics Business Central i installed.

  1. Open the Microsoft Business Central Administrator for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralIf the shortcut is not in the Start Menu, the applicaton can be located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\160\RoleTailored Client. The name is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Server.msc.

    We assume the parameters for the Dynamics Business Central SQL server have already been set up correctly so the connection to the database has been established. Also, remember to fill out the Services Default Company.

  1. Open the Task Scheduler tab for the service you want to configure. If the check box Enable Task Scheduler is not selected, select the box and save the settings. And then restart the service tier.

    This is enough for the Job Queue Scheduler to run.

Data cleanup – KDS and statuses

One Scheduler job is needed for the KDS system and the hospitality status tables:

  • KDS - Delete KOT Header

This clean-up job reads the Days Status and KOTs Exist field in the Hospitality Setup page. If the value in field is 5, the job deletes all KOTs that are older than 5 days. The job deletes data in all KDS related tables, including the Hosp. Order Kitchen Status and the Hosp. Order KOT Status tables.

Note: To maximize performance, it is necessary to run this job once a day during closed hours.

Warning: When data in the KDS tables is deleted, it is not possible to run KDS reports for the deleted data. You will have to decide how far back you want to be able to use the reports and fill in the Days Status and KOTs Exist field accordingly.
This is an example of a Job Queue Entry for the KDS cleanup job.

To assign the Scheduler Job in the Hospitality Setup page

  1. Go to the Hospitality Setup page.
  2. In the Kitchen Display System FastTab, the Maintenance section, locate the Days Status and KOTs Exist field, and enter the number of days the KOT and status tables should exist.
  3. In the Delete Status and KOTs Job ID field, select the job with description KDS - Delete KOT Header.