Setting Up Coursing Tasks

To set up Coursing tasks

To assign Dining Table Tasks to restaurants

Coursing tasks are tasks that apply to menu courses or to the dining table as a whole. All coursing tasks are set up in the Coursing Tasks page.

To set up Coursing tasks

  1. Click the icon, enter Coursing Tasks, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the Insert Basic Coursing Task action. This creates the required tasks of Firing, Serving, and of opening the Course Overview.
  3. Create other menu course tasks that are needed (such as Place Cutlery, Pour Wine). These are optional tasks that apply to a menu course.
  4. Select the KDS-COURSTASK-TASK command in the POS Command field for each task created.
  5. Create dining table tasks as needed (such as Place Bread). These are optional tasks. They apply to the dining table, not to a menu course.
  6. Select the KDS-COURSTASK-TASK command in the POS Command field for each task created.
  7. Edit the Order field for the tasks so that they will appear in the desired order. Menu course tasks appear ordered in one location in the Coursing Overview panel and dining table tasks appear ordered in another location in the same panel.

Now you can create menu courses and assign menu course tasks to each course.

If you created dining table tasks other than the Open Course Overview, you need to assign them to the restaurants were they should be applied.

Note: The Open Course Overview dining table task does not appear on the Course Overview panel itself. It is needed only to give a caption to the KDS-COURSE-OVERV-COU command, the command that opens the Coursing overview. The Description of the command is in the <#COURSE-OVERVIEW> tag and appears blank if a Coursing KOT does not exist for the dining table in question.

To assign Dining Table Tasks to restaurants

  1. Click the icon, enter Restaurant List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select the desired restaurant.
  3. Click the Coursing action, then the Rest. Dining Table Tasks action.
  4. Click Process - Assign All Dining Table Coursing Tasks.
  5. Delete any task that should not be applied in the restaurant, such as the Open Course Overview task.