Working with Comments in the POS

Designing the Comments panel

Where and how to open the Comments panel

Showing total comments for a source in panels

Showing total comments for a source in a #POS panel

The Comments panel in the POS is equivalent to the Comments page. Here you can view, insert, edit, and delete comments and change their priority, scope, and kitchen status.

It shows comments that are linked to the source that is active when the panel is opened. The panel has two grids:

  • the top grid which shows the comments directly linked to the source (main grid).
  • the bottom grid which shows the comments related to the source (related grid).

Designing the Comments panel

The Comments panel must be set up with the comment categories you are using. It is important to make the usage easy and clear to the user. The Demo Data shows various ways of how you can design your panel. See Setting up Attributes for Dining Preferences for an example of how to design the panel.

When users create a new comment in the panel, they either double-click on a new line or they press a button in the function menus:

  1. Related Comments View is By Source and Reference
    • User double-clicks in a new line.
    • Enters a comment.

    The program creates a comment entry, assigned to a default category, if specified.

  2. Related Comments View is By Category
    • User double-clicks in a new line.
    • If no Default category specified, selects a comment category from the category list.
    • If category is linked to an attribute, selects one or more of the options that appear.
    • If not, enters a comment.

    The program creates a comment entry assigned to the category (if more than one option selected, an entry per option selected).

    • User clicks a button that is linked to a comment category.
    • If linked to an attribute, selects one or more of the options that appear.
    • If not, enters a comment.

    The program creates a comment entry (an entry per option selected).

    • User clicks a button that is linked to a specific option of the attribute's comment category.

    The program creates a comment for the option.

Where and how to open the Comments panel


The command COMM_SHOW is used to open the Comment panel (#COMM-COMMENTS) with the active source record, except from within the Sales POS panel (#POS).

The command takes a panel as a parameter. This panel must include a POS data grid control with Control ID starting with #COMM-MAIN. A grid control with Control ID starting with #COMM-REL is optional.

Note: If your sources never have related source comments, you only need the #COMM-MAIN grid control.

The command also has an optional parameter setup parameter - DEFAULTCATEGORY. You can enter the code of a comment category as DEFAULTCATEGORY. The program uses the default category when you create a comment without a category specified.

The command can be used in the Allocation panel, the Dining Reservation Desk panel, from an #OFFLINE panel with the MULTIVIEW startup controller, and in dining table pop-up menus.


The command COMM_SHOWSALES is used to open the Comment panel (#COMM-SALESPOSPAN) within the Sales POS panel (#POS).

The command takes a panel as a parameter. The panel Control ID must start with #COMM-SALESPOS. This panel must include a POS data grid control with Control ID starting with #COMM-MAIN. A grid control with Control ID starting with #COMM-REL is optional.

Note: If your sources never have related source comments, you only need the #COMM-MAIN grid control.

The command also has an optional parameter setup parameter - DEFAULTCATEGORY. You can enter the code of a comment category as DEFAULTCATEGORY. The program uses the default category when you create a comment without a category specified.

The command can be used on a menu in the #POS panel only.

Showing total comments for a source in panels

You can show total comments for a source in a one-column grid in the Dining Reservation Desk and Allocation panels. This gives you immediate overview of the comments for the source.

First in the grid are comments directly linked to the source. Then comes a ----- Related Comments----- separation line followed by the related comments sorted by comment category.

The data grid control you need to include in the panel must have a Control ID starting with #COMM-TOT. You also need to have a menu button in the panel with the POS command COMM_SHOW with parameter #COMM-COMMENTS to open the Comment panel.

Showing total comments for a source in a #POS panel

You can show total comments for a source in a one-column grid in a #POS panel. This gives you immediate overview of the comments for the source.

First in the grid are comments directly linked to the source. Then comes a ----- Related Comments----- separation line followed by the related comments sorted by comment category.

The data grid control you need to include in the panel must have a Control ID starting with #COMM-TOTALSALES. You also need to have a menu button in the panel with the POS command COMM_SHOWSALES with parameter #COMM-SALESPOSPAN to open the Comment panel.