3 Set Up Gateway Server

The Gateway server has a two-fold purpose:

  • Hosting the Analytics product folder and running the deployment script.
  • Hosting the Integration runtime gateway - used for communication from Azure to LS Central source.

It is important that this server is within the same domain as the LS Central SQL server:

  • If you use a machine on the customer domain that has access to the LS Central source database to run the deployment script, the script can check the connection parameters to LS Central before resources are created in Azure. This prevents errors and unnecessary cost.

It is also important that this server is always running:

  • The Gateway server needs to be up and running when the pipelines are scheduled to load data from LS Central to Analytics. Otherwise, the pipelines will not run and no new data will be loaded to the warehouse.

Prepare hosting Integration Runtime management gateway

The Integration Runtime management gateway will be set up after the deployment of Analytics.

The hardware and system requirements follow the requirements set for the Integration Runtime by Microsoft.

Set up VS Code

To run the Analytics deployment script, the machine should have PowerShell installed. We recommend setting up VS Code with PowerShell extension and then configure PowerShell as described below.

Configure PowerShell

To run the onboarding script, you must have the new Azure PowerShell Az module installed. For further instructions see Introducing the new Azure PowerShell Az module.

Note: You must open the PowerShell 'as administrator' to be able to set up the module.

In case you do not have the Az module installed, run the following command as Administrator in PowerShell:

Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber

You must also register the AZ resource provider by running these lines in PowerShell:


This will open an Azure login window in the background where you must log in before you continue with the next line:

Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderName Microsoft.DataFactory


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