Activity Products - Actions

This table lists and describes the actions on the Activity Product Card's Related action menu:

Action Description
(based on template)
Create a new activity product based on the retail item template on the activity type.
Retail Item View and edit the retail item used for posting and, optionally, pricing.
Attributes Maintain the attribute settings for the selected product.
Comments Maintain the comments for the product which is displayed at the role center product list.
Note: The comments are linked to the related retail item.
Tasks Setup tasks that can be issued based on status change of the activity. See the status settings if a status should issue or cancel the tasks related to the activity. Tasks date and time can be based on the activity starting and/or ending time.
Prices Maintain the pricing based on the price method. If the price method is Retail Price, the Retail Price page will be displayed for editing.
Note: Even if the retail pricing is set on the activity product as a price method, the activity pricing discount settings can be applied.
  • Activity Pricing: If the price method is Activity Price, an Activity Price page is displayed for editing with the following fields.
  • Location: The location of the price setting. Blank location is valid for all locations.
  • Quantity: The sold quantity required for validating the price setting.
  • Advance Booking Days: The number of days in advance when the booking must be made to be valid (optional).
  • No. of Persons: The sold number of persons' quantity for validating the price setting.
  • Season: Picks up date settings based on the season setup.
  • Date From/To: The date period the pricing is valid. (Based on reservation date/Time)
  • Time From/To: The time period the pricing is valid. (Based on reservation date/Time)
  • Day Setting: The weekday setting when the pricing is valid.
  • Club Member: The Loyalty club members the pricing is targeted at (optional).
  • Member Scheme: The Loyalty scheme members the pricing is targeted at (optional).
  • Value Type:The options here are Price, Discount %, and Discount Amount adjustment.
  • Value: The price, discount %, or discount amount (see Value Type).
  • Comment: Comment that can be displayed when this price setting is retrieved and assigned for an activity entry.
  • Comment Setting: Specifies if the price comment should be included on the POS receipt.
  • Promotion View Setting: If the price setting should be shown as a promotional offer in the Role Center or at the web or app promotional sections.
  • Booking Date From/To The date period which the booking is entered (created)

Resource based pricing

  • Skill Level Set if pricing is based on resource skill level
  • Resource Set if pricing is based on the main resource assigned

Note: In order to support pricing based on resource or resource skill level, the related reservation type must have Show Main Resource set.

Line Discounts The retail line discount settings based on the retail item. Only applied at the POS or in a Business Central invoice.
Additional Charges

Any additional retail items that can be automatically attached to the activity entries for mandatory or optional charges, normally for upselling purposes.

Product Type The product types can either be an item or a deal.

Product No.: The retail item or Deal assigned to the activity product. Note that Deals are always issued as Item Allowance.

Quantity: The default quantity which should be assigned at the sale.

Quantity Multiplier: If the default quantity should be multiplied by the quantity or the number of persons registered on the activity entry.

Price Handling: If the price should be retrieved from the retail item, or a new specific price should be set when the product is sold as additional charge.

Price: Only used if specific price setting is required.

Optional Item: If its allowed to deselect this item at the activity entry or at POS.

Resource Required: Its possible to link resource requirement to the additional charge line. See the Additional Resource Action command. This field will show if any additional resources are required. This allows that the additional charge will require resource availability. A good sample might be an optional rental of Buggy or Cart with a tee time golf booking, which would then reserve the equipment if selected as an option. The activity can still be booked if the equipment availability is not in place, however, the additional charge can not be selected unless the availability is in place of the related resource(s). Note that the activity products availability is not depending on the availability of the additional charge items. When setting up additional resource required which is optional, then the resource required setup should have "No. of Resources" set as 0. Then during the booking process and if the additional charge is included, then the resource assignment / requirement will also be updated.

Allowance If the product should be sold as Item allowance for later consumption through the Point of Sale. Deals are always set as Allowance. The temporary posting account for the Allowance derives from the settings on the activity type assigned to the related activity product. See the allowance settings for the activity type for assigning the Item or Income account for the Allowance issuing and consumption.

Resources Required Set the resources required to perform the services or product.

Resource Group: From which resource group are the resources required.

No. of Resources: How many resources are required. If 0 is specified, then NO resource is required for the related resource group, however, the user can then manually add resource to the activity reservation for that particular resource group during the booking process, or adjust the activity reservation afterwards.

Reserve (Pre Minutes): If the resources should be reserved prior (x minutes) to the activity time.

Reserve (Additional): If the resource should be reserved additional (x minutes) to the activity time.

Resource No.: The specific resources needed if only a specific resource handles the product.

Assignment Type: How the resources are assigned on the activity. The options are:

  • Automatic Next Available Resource 
  • Manually Select Resource
  • Specific Resource (see Resource No.)

Reserve logic Defines which resource is selected (if multiple resources are available). By default, the selection is according to priority settings on the resource capabilities, but the user can also select to balance selection based on the resource utilization at the assignment date. If the resource selection is manual, then the list of the resources will be shown in the sequence based on this setting.

Include on Receipt: If the assigned resource should be displayed on the POS lines.

Capable Resources: Action on the Home action menu. List showing the resources that can handle the product. This list is displayed in the same order in which the resources will be automatically assigned.

Shared Resource Specifies if the resources will just be assigned but can still be reserved on other activities for the same date and time.

Action Duration Adjustment +/- Minutes: You can adjust the duration of the service, depending on which resource is assigned to the activity.

Activity Duration adjustments can also be set based on resource skill levels. This allows the assignment and the appointment duration to be longer or shorter depending on the skill level. This will adjust the actual end time of the activity itself.

Note: In order to support pricing based on resource or resource skill level, the related reservation type must have Show Main Resource set.

Period Limitations The weekday, date and time settings which can be applied to limit the period when the product is available for reservation. Period restrictions can also be assigned according to membership type or the membership access profile. This means that products can be set to be available only for clients, who at the time of booking belong to specific memberships or memberships that have a specific access profile assigned.

The Period Limitation field on the Activity Product Card defines whether the period limitations are Inclusive or Exclusive.


  • If you insert an Include line that restricts timing for a period (no member club specified), the product is not valid outside of that period (for all customers). To have the product valid outside of that period, you need to add another Include line with no restrictions.

  • If you insert an Include line that restricts timing for a period for a specific member club, the product is never valid for other member clubs. To have the product always valid for other member clubs, you need to add another Include line with no restrictions.

Consumption The registration of retail products which are necessary to perform the service, but are not charged and included in the price of the main activity product, and only the consumption is posted for inventory control.

The posting process is on the activity card. It can also be executed as a backend process for all activity entries for a certain period which have been confirmed and fully paid. The same settings are available here as for the additional charges. See Additional Charges for a description of individual fields.

Product Schedule This option is only available for activity products that only have a single specific resource required to perform the services. Simply the schedule (capacity) of that single resource becomes the schedule for the product at the same time.

Products that require more than one or no resources can never have a product schedule, since the resource mechanism is the availability engine.

In this list the user can also reserve any additional resources needed to perform the service. This setup is normally used to set up products that are on a fixed schedule pattern (for example a yoga class which is always twice a week), and need to reserve, for example, the room and the yoga instructor in the same view.

The Product Schedule has the following fields:

Location - The location where the schedule takes place

Availability Date - The date the activity takes place but leave blank if general (always or per specific weekday)

Weekday - The weekday the activity takes place (leave blank if specific date)

Availability Time (from) - The time the activity takes place

Capacity - The total number of participants possible to book to the activity

Minimum Bookings - The minimum number of bookings required. On the cancellation policy setup there is a process which can be executed which will automatically cancel all activities which have not reached minimum bookings according to the cancellation policy settings. See "Cancel classes/courses" action on the cancellation policy setup.

Expired - Manually editable field which can be used to mark expired entries and use as filtering basis

Additional Resource - Resource can be linked to the capacity entry which can be assigned and reserved related to the schedule.

Additional Resource 2 - Second resource can be linked to the capacity entry which can be assigned and reserved related to the schedule.

Resources Reserved - Shows if any resources have been reserved related to the scheduled capacity.



Resource Status - View the resource status page based on the linked resources assigned

Check Capacity - Check if any schedule modifications have resulted in issues with already reserved activities/bookings.

(This will also be triggered automatically if changes are done, however the user can also manually execute the check to get information on which

dates the booking issues occur)

Reserve Resources - Reserve the related resource assignments - entries will be created as unavailability records (see the lower section of the screen)

Release Resources - Release the related resource assignments.


Note: When scrolling through the schedule lines, the lower section (related resource assignments) will be filtered on related resources, but only if the capacity entry is on a specific date.


Capable Resources Lists all resources which can handle the product.
Package Components If the product is a of the product type Package, the product can consist of multiple other activity products:

Sequence - the sequence number of the package line that is automatically issued.

Product No. - the activity product assigned to the package.

Description - the description of the package line.

Reference Sequence - the component sequence line used as reference base.

Day(s) after - when, in number of days, the activity should start after the reference activity started.

Minutes after - when, in number of minutes, the activity should start after the reference activity started.

Keep Same Resources - specifies if the component line should keep the same resources as the reference line.

Same Resource Group Filter - specifies if a package component should keep the same resources. If all are to be kept, leave the field blank, otherwise filter the resources.

Keep Same Customer - specifies if the component activity should keep the same customer details as the reference line.

Duration Minutes - specifies if the component activity has different duration than by default or if ti does not have a duration setting.

Quantity (optional) - set quantity value of the component activity if other than the default value.