Data Director Connection Strings
This shows several examples of connection strings that you can use in your setup. In most cases it is just a matter of copying the string shown and changing the database name, user, and password.
The DD connection string consists of three sections: database-specific connection string, database type, and database-specific string. These three parts are separated by the “|” symbol. Each section is configured with parameters that can be different for each database type.
Syntax: <database connection string>|<database type id>|<database specific string>
Supported database types are:
Types | Specific Str | Description |
mssql | none | Microsoft SQL Server Database |
mssql | schema=xxx | Microsoft SQL Server Database with different schema name for table than default dbo |
ms | navxx | Direct SQL access to NAV SQL Database not using CFront (xx is the NAV version number) |
ms | bc | Direct SQL access to BC SQL Database |
lsws | none | LS Central SaaS Web Service v1 |
lsws | s2s | LS Central SaaS Web Service v1 using oAuth (S2S) for authentication |
file | none | Export/Import Data to/from file Tab delimited with txt extension |
file | xxx@d | Export/Import Data to/from file (xxx is the file extension and d is tab delimiter character) |
xml | none | Export/Import Data to/from XML file (values as Elements) |
xml | attr | Export/Import Data to/from XML file (values as Attributes) |
oledb | none | OleDB access to Database |
odbc | none | ODBC access to Database |
mysql | none | MySQL Database Server |
ext | External Data Processing using DDDatabaseExt process |
DD knows how to process connection strings designed for one type of database and use them to connect to a different type of database. For example, a NAV native connection string can be used to connect to an SQL database, as DD knows different commands for each item in the connection string.
These are the commands that DD understands for connection string item:
Database Server: | server, data source, address, network address |
Database Name: | initial catalog, database, dbname, datapath |
Database User Name: | user id, user, uid |
Database User Password: | passwd, password, pwd |
Database Security Mode: | integrated security, trusted_connection |
Network Library | nt, net, network library |
LS Location id: | locationid, id |
LS Central Company Name | company |
NAV 2013-2018 Additional Object replication commands for finsql process:
navservername | navsrv |
navserverinstance | navinst |
navservermanagementport | navport |
tenant | navten |
synchronizeschemachanges | navsync |
For information on how to put together a connection string for your database, see This site has samples of the most common database servers and data providers out there.
If a connection string does have some special features that do not fit the current rules that DD expects, then put “cust” in <database specific string> value and DD will use the connection string as is without trying to process it.
The following are examples of connection strings:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC – LS Central Web Service v1
Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC – SaaS
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 201x – Standard Connection
company=mycompany;Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;User ID=dd;Password=ddpwd;|ms|nav80
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 201x – Trusted Connection
company=mycompany;Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;|ms|nav80
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 201x – Server Tier/Instance for FOB import
company=mycompany;Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;navsrv=myserver;navten=mytenant;navport=7045;navinst=myinstance;|ms|nav80
Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC – Standard Connection
company=mycompany;Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;User ID=dd;Password=ddpwd;|ms|bc
Microsoft SQL Server – Standard Connection
Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;User ID=dd;Password=ddpwd;|mssql|none
Microsoft SQL Server – Trusted Connection
Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;|mssql|none
Microsoft SQL Server – Trusted Connection with user login
Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;User=domain\dd; Password=ddpwd;|mssql|none
OleDB – Standard Connection
Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;User Id=dd;Password=ddpwd;|oledb|none
ODBC – Standard Connection
Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=mydata;Data Source=myserver;User Id=dd;Password=ddpwd;|odbc|none
Semicomma separated File Import / Export
XML File Import / Export