Room Types

To create a new Room Type

General FastTab

Housekeeping FastTab

Room List FastTab

Restrictions FastTab

All rooms in the hotel system must belong to a Room Type.

To create a new Room Type

  1. From the Hotel Back Office Role Centers Navigation menu, click Hotel Setup.
  2. From the Navigation bar, select Room Types.
  3. Click the New action, and fill in the fields.

General FastTab

Field Description
Room Type Unique ID reference for the room type.
Property The property this room type is in.
Name The name of the room type.
Description Description of the room type.
Bed Type Specifies what bed type this room type includes.

In the Hotel Bed Type List you can create multiple bed types:

  1. Click the icon, enter Bed Types, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the Edit List action, and insert bed type and description in the list.
No. of Persons The total maximum number of all guests (adults and children) allowed in the room type in the existing bedding.
No. of Adults The maximum number of adult guests allowed for this room type (less or equal to No. of Persons).
No. of Children The maximum number of children allowed for this room type (less or equal to No. of Persons).
No. of Extra Beds Number of children that can stay in extra beds.
No. of Cribs Number of children that can stay in cribs.
Sorting Sorting field.
Housekeeping Rule Specifies which housekeeping rule is applied to the reservations booked on this room type.

Housekeeping FastTab

Housekeeping rules that the housekeeping job should apply to a room can be overwritten for each room type.

Field Description
Check-in Housekeeping Rule Specifies which housekeeping rule the housekeeping job should apply to the room when a reservation is checked in.
Stayover Housekeeping Rule Specifies which housekeeping rule the housekeeping job should apply to the room when a reservation is staying over.
Checkout Housekeeping Rule Specifies which housekeeping rule the housekeeping job should apply to the room when a reservation is checked out.
Vacant Housekeeping Rule Specifies which housekeeping rule the housekeeping job should apply to the room when it is empty.
Room Swap Housekeeping Rule Specifies which housekeeping rule the housekeeping job should apply to the room when a reservation is moved from it, when there is a room swap.

Room List FastTab

Shows you a list of all rooms with this room type.

Restrictions FastTab

Shows you a list of all restrictions for this room type.