Alert Rule Types

In this article

Examples of how the Rule Type works

See also

An Alert Rule has a Rule Type that defines the possible alert calculations. When you set up an Alert Rule, you can choose from the following Rule Types: Decimal Value (Simple), Decimal Value (Advanced), Boolean Value, Date Value, Time Value, and Duration Value.

The applicable Rule Type depends on the KPI value type. For example: Decimal Value (Simple) and Decimal Value (Advanced) are for KPIs measured by decimal values, Boolean is for KPIs measured by a true or false condition, and so on. Based on the Rule Type, you can select KPI Test Fields of the matching data type and define how the alerts will be calculated.

The following table describes the comparison conditions and setup fields of each Rule Type:

Rule Type Comparison Condition Calculation Options Setup Fields
Decimal Value (Simple)
  • Equal to
  • Less Than
  • Less Than or Equal to
  • More Than
  • More Than or Equal to
  • Outside Range
  • Inside Range
  Lower Range Value, Upper Range Value
Decimal Value (Advanced)
  • Increased by X%
  • Decreased by X%
Advanced Calc. Base Value - This field specifies whether the last signal's value or the signals' average will be used as the base value. Available options are:
  • Last Value
  • Average

If Average is selected, the Base Value Start Date Formula is required to specify the Start Date Formula which will be used to form a date filter. Signals within this date filter are used to calculate the base value.

Percent Value
  • Increased between X%-Z%
  • Decreased between X%-Z%
Lower Percent Value, Upper Percent Value
  • Top X%
  • Lowest X%
Base Value Start Date Formula - This field specifies the Start Date Formula which will be used to form a date filter. Signals within this date filter are used to calculate the base value. Percent Value
Boolean Value
  • Is True
  • Is False
Date Value
  • Equal to
  • Before
  • Before or Equal to
  • After
  • After or Equal to
Date Calculation Type - This fields specifies whether the Test Field will be compared with a fixed date/date range or a dynamic date/date range calculated based on a date formula. Date
Date Formula, Calc. Date Formula fr. Workdate
  • Outside Range
  • Inside Range
Lower Range Date, Upper Range Date
Lower Range Date Formula, Upper Range Date Formula, Calc. Date Formula fr. Workdate
Time Value
  • Equal to
  • Before
  • Before or Equal to
  • After
  • After or Equal to
  • Outside Range
  • Inside Range
Lower Range Time, Upper Range Time
Duration Value
  • Equal to
  • Less Than
  • Less Than or Equal to
  • More Than
  • More Than or Equal to
  • Outside Range
  • Inside Range
Lower Range Duration, Upper Range Duration

Examples of how the Rule Type works

Decimal Value (Simple)

  • More Than or Equal to
  • For the KPI PO-DELAYED, the KPI Test Field No. of Purchase Orders (a decimal value) is set up with the threshold of More Than or Equal to 10. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the number of Purchase Orders with overdue receipt date is more than or equal to 10.

Decimal Value (Advanced)

  • Increased by X%, Last Value
  • For the KPI OOS-TODAY, the KPI Test Field No. of OOS Items (a decimal value) is set up with the comparison condition of Increased by X%, and Percent Value is set as 10 and based on Last Value. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the current number of out-of-stock items has increased by 10% or more since its last value.

    Case No. Last KPI Value Newly calculated KPI Value Increased by Alert raised?
    1 75.00 84.00 12.00% Yes
    2 50.00 54.00 8.00% No
  • Increased between X%-Z%, Last Value

  • For the KPI OOS-TODAY, the KPI Test Field No. of OOS Items (a decimal value) is set up with the comparison condition of Increased between X%-Z%, the Lower Percent Value and Upper Percent Value are set as 10 and 20 respectively, based on Last Value. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the current number of out-of-stock items has increased between 10% to 20% from its last value.

    Case No. Last KPI Value Newly calculated KPI Value Increased by Alert raised?
    1 100.00 120.00 20.00% Yes
    2 89.00 97.00 9.00% No
    3 95.00 108.30 14.00% Yes
  • Decreased by X%, Average

  • For the KPI PO-TODAY, the KPI Test Field Total Item Qty. (a decimal value) is set up with the comparison condition of Decreased by X%, and Percent Value is set as 10, based on Average with Base Value Start Date Formula set as -7D. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the total item quantity in the Purchase Orders has decreased by 10% or more compared to the average of the total item quantity in Purchase Orders over the past 7 days.

    Case No. Average KPI Value Newly calculated KPI Value Decreased by Alert raised?
    1 50,100.00 42,585.00 15.00% Yes
    2 43,000.00 39,560.00 8.00% No
    3 10,000.00 9,000.00 10.00% Yes
  • Decreased between X%-Z%, Average

  • For the KPI PO-TODAY, the KPI Test Field Total Item Cost Value (a decimal value) is set up with the comparison condition of Decreased between X%-Z%, the Lower Percent Value and Upper Percent Value are set as 10 and 20 respectively, based on Average with Base Value Start Date Formula set as -3D. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the total item cost in the Purchase Orders has decreased between 10% to 20% compared to the average of total item cost in Purchase Orders over the past 3 days.

    Case No. Average KPI Value Newly calculated KPI Value Decreased by Alert raised?
    1 5,500.00 4,785.00 13.00% Yes
    2 6,300.00 5,796.00 8.00% No
    3 10,850.00 8,680.00 20.00% Yes
  • Top X%

  • For the KPI TO-DELAYEDSHP, the KPI Test Field No. of Transfer Orders (a decimal value) is set up with the comparison condition of Top X%, Percent Value is set as 10, and Base Value Start Date Formula is set as -10D. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the current number of Transfer Orders with overdue shipment falls into the top 10% segment of the values from the past 10 days.

    The threshold value is calculated by extracting the highest value and lowest value from the past 10 days, using the formula below:

    Top 10%
    Highest Value: 82
    Lowest Value: 60
    Difference = 82 - 60 = 22
    Threshold Value = Highest Value - (Difference x 10%) = 82 - 2.2 = 79.8
    If current Signal Value >= Threshold Value, then raise an alert.
    Case No. Highest KPI Value Lowest KPI Value Newly calculated KPI Value Threshold Alert raised?
    1 82.00 60.00 85.00 79.80 Yes
    2 70.00 50.00 68.00 68.00 Yes
    3 95.00 85.00 91.00 94.00 No
  • Lowest X%

  • For the KPI TO-DELAYEDSHP, the KPI Test Field No. of Lines (a decimal value) is set up with the comparison condition of Lowest X%, Percent Value is set as 10, and Base Value Start Date Formula is set as -1M. In this case, an alert will be raised whenever its relevant calculated signal indicates that the current number of Transfer Lines with overdue shipment falls into the lowest 10% segment of the values from the past 1 month.

    The threshold value is calculated by extracting the highest value and lowest value from the past 1 month, using the formula below:

    Lowest 10%
    Highest Value: 102
    Lowest Value: 85
    Difference = 102 - 85 = 17
    Threshold Value = Lowest Value + (Difference x 10%) = 85 + 1.7 = 86.7
    If current Signal Value <= Threshold Value, then raise an alert.
    Case No. Highest KPI Value Lowest KPI Value Newly calculated KPI Value Threshold Alert raised?
    1 102.00 85.00 85.00 86.70 Yes
    2 60.00 40.00 48.00 42.00 No
    3 95.00 85.00 86.00 86.00 Yes

See also

How to: Set Up Alert Rules

How to: Calculate Alerts