Device Panel

The panel on the left side of the Management Portal shows all the device types that the currently installed Hardware Station version supports.

A user can create one or more device under each device type, and the number beside the name of the device type indicates how many devices have been configured under each type. The virtual devices are also visible under each device type where possible. They are marked with a Virtual label, and they have fixed names that are set by the Hardware Station and cannot be changed by the user.

In most cases, adding a device is very straightforward. Click here to see instructions on how to add most devices to the Management Portal.

Some device types need more complex configurations when they are created. Click here for more information on each device and what properties are necessary for each one.

When a device is selected, two panels are displayed to the right of the Device list. The first panel has two tabs: Config and Status.

  • Config displays information about the device configurations, that is Device ID, Device Name, and Device Type. If the Ignore Device check box is selected, the Hardware Station will ignore this device when loading all the devices.

  • Status displays all the properties that the Hardware Station has on the device. Some of these properties are OPOS related, some are part of the configurations done in LS Central, while others are properties reflect what is happening on the device when it is being used.

The second panel, Tools, has the available testing operations for each device. These operations vary between devices, in some cases these are simple open-and-close-device operations, while in other cases more detailed testing operations are available.

See also

How to: Add a Device to Management Portal

Available Devices