Virtual Scanner

The Virtual Scanner can be used to emulate a scan coming from an OPOS barcode scanner. The Virtual Scanner device is at the top of the Virtual Station, on the right side.

Click here for instructions on how to install, configure the devices, and start the Virtual Station
To be able to use virtual devices in the POS, they need to be added to the Hardware Profile through the Detect Hardware operation.
The same configurations are used as for an actual device.
Note: You can use the Virtual Scanner to emulate bulk selling of items for load testing.

The syntax for this emulation is: #BULK(loopXtimes, millisecondsBetween_each_scan)comma separated list of input

Example: #BULK(50, 100)4056845689784,5690527145008 which means scan this list of 2 items 50 times with 100 milliseconds between scans (2x50=100 scans).