How to: Configure Price and Quantity for Scale Items

When using a scale in Business Central, you can configure how the price and weight for the scale items is displayed on the Point of Sale. For example, the location of the currency symbol, before or after the amount.

To configure the price and quantity (weight) for scale items

  1. Go to the POS Functionality Profile that is attached to the POS terminal that you are using
  2. In the Amount FastTab there are four configurations that control the price and quantity description: POS Currency Symbol, Multiple Items Symbol, Pad Multiple Items Symbol, and Placement of LCY in amount text.
  3. The Price per unit example field shows the quantity and price as it will be displayed on the POS when using these configuration settings.

The default functionality is that this description is displayed below the item description in the POS Journal, but the POS can be configured to display this information in the same line as the item description.

To display the price and quantity description with the item description

  1. To configure the amount and quantity description to be displayed with the item description itself, go to the POS Interface Profile that is attached to the POS terminal that you are using.
  2. Select the Qty and Price in Descr. check box in the Journal FastTab.