How to: Set Up Tare Handling for Scales

Tare calculation can be set up to be calculated by the scale or in Business Central.

When configuring a scale in Business Central, one of the configurations on the scale is called Tare Calculation. If you clear this check box, the scale will not calculate the tare, and if any tare information is available on the item, the Business Central system will do the calculations. If, however, you select the Tare Calculation check box, the system sends the item's tare information to the scale and the weight that is returned is then without the tare.

To configure the tare calculation on the scale

  1. Go to the POS Scale List, and select your scale.
  2. Select or clear the Tare Calculation check box, depending on if the scale should handle the tare calculations or not. If the scale should handle the tare calculations, select the check box.

To set up tare weight for an item

  1. Open the Retail Item Card for the item.
  2. On the POS FastTab, set the Tare Weight (click Show more to see this field).

Note: If Manual Input is allowed on the scale and the Tare Calculation check box is selected, the system assumes that when using manual input the user has entered the weight without the tare. This means that in this case the POS does not subtract the tare from the weight.