Select applicable methods

In this step the available replenishment calculation methods are explained.

Available replenishment methods:

  • Stock based
  • Estimate based
  • Sales history based
  • Replacement of sold items.


The goal of this step:

  • Get an understanding of the needed replenishment methods
  • Select applicable methods for retailer.

Key questions / considerations

To gain information about the needed replenishment methods it is important that the retailer understands the capabilities of the different methods.
Therefore, it is best practice to present and demo the different methods first and then start the questions.


  • Which of the presented replenishment methods are currently used?
  • Do the methods cover the requirements?
  • Are other methods in use?
    • Which?
    • Can those be covered with Replenishment methods?


The output from this step is an overview of applicable replenishment methods.


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Replen Methods
