Data Director

In this article

Data Director replication between two databases

How the Data Director works

Data Director replication using web services

The Data Director is an application specialized in moving data between databases in a fast and efficient way. Data Director works intimately with the Microsoft Business Central platform, but it is not limited to that platform. It can just as easily move data between other database types, such as MS SQL Server and MySQL.

Generally, if the database supports the Microsoft OleDB or ODBC interface, the Data Director should be able to use it.

Data Director replication between two databases

Data Director can replicate data between two or more databases as efficiently as possible. It accomplishes this by aggregating data into packages, and therefore minimizing the amount of data transmitted over the network.

The Data Director is run as a service and listens to incoming requests or packages.

How the Data Director works

  1. Scheduler picks up the job that is ready to be run, and reads it from its configuration.
  2. The Scheduler hands the job over to the DD for execution.
  3. DD creates the package according to the information in the job configuration.

Data Director replication using web services

To replicate data between HO in SaaS and HCCS and offline POSs, the Data Director needs to use web services.

To make the DD use the web services, a Use WS setting needs to be set in the Data Config tab in the DD configuration tool.