Hotfixes on LS Central version 21.1.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.

40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.

40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.

39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.

36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.

35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.

34392 Cost Amount is Inaccurate from BOM Receiving Explode
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.

35941 Disable the upgrade code for POS Data Entry Currency Code
- The upgrade of POS Data Entries with Currency has now been removed from the upgrade process. It was causing very slow upgrades for some customers. Instead, the Currency Code is fetched from Store/GLSetup when using POS Data Entries that were created in versions older than v21.1.

34925 Statements do not post if there is a shortage in a Customer Order
- Fix for statements that do not post if there is a shortage in a Customer Order transfer order.

29982 Missing SetRange is causing insert fail in CopyToVoideTrans function
- This fixes the use of the VOID_L command in Training mode where there was an insert error trying to insert the POS Voided Trans. Line twice.

34221 Franchise module - archive of processed messages refactored
- Franchise module improvements:
- Refactored archive of processed messages.
- Validation for PO line Qty. to Receive (Base) was removed when processing incoming updates for PO.
- SO Release was removed when processing incoming SO requests.
- Fixed the message "This order is a Franchise order. Inconsistency with......" which appeared when F7/Statistics was pressed in PO. The message should not have been displayed.

34267 Retail Sales Order - Calculate Offer Discount
- This issue will be fixed in master.

33447 Extra charges amounts are doubled in the Activity Host Web template
- Extra charges lines are no longer multiplied by the number of activity reservations and now show the correct number of extra charges and the extra charges amount.

33204 Print copy of last transaction
- Issue fixed where PRINT_LAST_C was not working correctly.

34083 Franchise Module refactored
- Franchise Module - removed newly added fields in Franchise Setup. They are not to be used.

33947 Random Refund issue
- This fix is an attempt to resolve a case, that could not be reproduced, where regular card payments became refunds in random cases.

33862 Duplicated Merchant Receipts
- Event OnBeforePrintMerchantReceipt moved due to a bug with duplicated merchant receipts.

29367 Updating Hierarchy description stops other auto fill options for fields
- Added an action to the Hierarchy card to modify the description of hierarchy node links of type Item, Deal, and Item Category.
Changing the description at the level of hierarchy nodes and hierarchy node links is possible.
The old functionality has been removed.

33309 Rounding on Customer Orders in Statement Post
- Rounding on Customer Orders in Statement Post.

30574 Franchise Module issue with variants on Retail Sales Orders
- Franchise Module issue with variants on Retail Sales Orders.

32790 Sales after midnight not included in statement
- Details not available.

33496 Self-Service Activity error
- Set SkipOnMissingLicense and SkipOnMissingPermission to true on Event Subscriber in Acitvity Wep API Proxy.

33420 Inventory adjustment wrongly triggered
- Negative Inventory locking avoided on Customer Order Transfer Orders:
An Inventory Adjustment can now be made on the POS before the picking if the Inventory is incorrect and too low.

33464 Hotfix for EFT recovery and many MarkedREcords issues
- Details not available.

29639 Rounding when over tendering a transaction
- Details not available.

32852 WI Discount Table is not updated correctly
- Fixed incorrect discount calculation in WI Discount table after running COMMERCE_UPDATE Scheduler job.

29366 Call Center fixes and improvements
- The Delivery Orders page has been made visible. Cancelling orders caused an error. This has been fixed. If there is an error when printing orders from the call center in the restaurant, the KOTs created are reprinted until the error has been corrected when running the Print Orders from call center job.

33303 Skip Direct Unit Cost Recalculation in Purchase Replenishment Journal
- When the quantity is manually changed in the Purchase Replenishment Journal Lines and Detail Lines, you now have the option to skip the Direct Unit Cost recalculation, by enabling the Skip Cost Recalculation on Qty. Change setting in the Replen. Setup page, the Replen. Journals FastTab, Purchase group.

33144 Code change to prevent deadlock
- Code changed to prevent deadlock in restaurant when changing dining table status.

33112 Hospitality - order paid not served even display station is set to Served
- When KDS printers are used for a restaurant that has KDS printing On POS Exit and Posting, and KOT Status after Send is Served, adding an item and then paying results in a free dining table, not an occupied dining table with status Paid-Not Served as before.

32641 Web service LSCGetMemberContactInfo
Web service LSCGetMemberContactInfo released as hotfix.

32825 Discount Entries added for discount applied in a transaction done in Training mode
- Fixed an issue where when in Training mode, the Discount Entries were not being removed from the system.

30081 Negative Inventory locking avoided on Customer Order Transfer Orders
- An Inventory Adjustment can now be made on the POS before the picking, if the Inventory is incorrect and too low.

32950 Inventory Transfer receipt posted by source location
- Inventory Transfer receipt posted by source location.

32183 Rounding error in Statement Posting when paying into account
- Fixed rounding error in Statement Posting when paying into an account.

32678 Release events
- Released event on version 21.1
- 31726 For calculated discount percentage in TAXFREE transaction, publisher is required.

32622 Extra KOT created for deal header in Coursing
- An extra KOT was created for a deal header (deal header with 0 menu type) containing items with coursing menu types, when a deal was sold with Coursing active. This has been fixed.

31770 Handling of Shortage when using Transfer orders
- Fixed handling of Shortage when using Customer Order - Transfer Orders.

32014 Release events on version 21.1 - W04
- Released events on version 21.1 - W04
- #32137 Procedure InsertLogLine in "LSC POS Log" change to public
- #32142 Procedure VoidTransaction in "LSC POS Transaction" change to public
- #32187 SetVisible on "LSC Transaction Factbox" page change to public
- #32140 SetAllowedDeleteGroupALL to public in Table LSC Job Receiver Group
- #32122 Entry point to bypass lookup in lsc pos transaction
- #32063 New event OnbeforePrintMerchantReceipt
- #32021 LSC-1209 For validating the fields an event is required in LSC Member Card Management codeunit
- #32143 Procedure ToggleEnabled in "LSC Offer" change to public
- #32136 WriteMgrStatus from "LSC POS Transaction" codeunit to public
- #31902 LSC-169 For Loading the customized Member Information card an event is required in POS Member Mgmt. codeunit
- #32125 Extend case statement in ProcessLookupResult in lsc pos transaction
- #32124 Entry point for Lookup command VOID_TR for custom cancellation in lsc pos transaction
- #32022 LSC-1209 For adding the new fields an event is required in POS Member Mgt. codeunit
- #31913 Request 2_Event Subscription
- #31906 Amend Event Signature requested in LSTS-23881
- #31904 LSC-543 For displaying error on POS if user tries to add Discount on Voucher line
- #32028 Procedure getItemDistribution in "LSC Item Distribution" change to public
- #32123 Entry point to bypass lookup result in lsc pos transaction
- #32134 Table 99001487 - event OnBeforeInitNoSeries is required
- #32135 Need event to skip asking Lot No for modifier items which are lot enabled
- #32138 GetBarcode from "LSC Label Utility" to public
- #32179 Make procedures public
- #32181 Procedures GetMemberPointSetupInfo and GetMemberSchemeInfo changed to Public
- #31563 Keep Procedure's Public
- #32024 Change "Codeunit X is marked for removal"
- #32145 Codeunit 99009000 "LSC POS Calc. Member Points" made public
- #32192 Procedure PrintWorksheetReport from "LSC Store Inventory Management" codeunit change to public
- #32199 Procedure RoundPoints in "LSC POS Calc. Member Points" change to public
- #32202 Change request for LS Central 21.1: Change SeatGuestsAtAllocatedTables Event in codeunit 10001307 "LSC Dining Area Utilities" to be External
- #32288 Change procedure TD_DuFloatEntry from "LSC POS Transaction" codeunit to public
- #32193 Change POSExchangeLCYToFCY from "LSC POS Exch. rate conversion" codeunit to public
- #32243 Coupon Tender
- #32178 Make codeunits public
30061 Customer gets both cash and credit memo
- Fixed Statement Post - creation of Customer Ledger Entries when selling an item and using a higher Deposit than the sold items and refunding on the POS.

32314 Add StreetNo to DeliveryOrderMgtEvents.OnBeforeGetStreetNo(LookupID, IsHandled) event
- StreetNo added as variable to OnBeforeGetStreetNo event.

32164 eCommerce order with modified price is stopped because it exceeds max price
- It is possible to send price with an eCommmerce request and it is comparable with max price in the Functionality Profile.

31531 Hospitality POS with two graphical layout hospitality types - clear issue when switching
- System App updated. Replaces

28382 Call center payment types - change option to enum in delivery order flow
- Ten new events were added to Delivery Order Management so that partners can do more customer modifications.
The new events are:- OnBeforeExecuteCommand
- OnAfterExecuteCommand
- OnBeforePaymentPressedExecuted
- OnAfterPaymentPressedExecuted
- OnBeforeUpdateOrder
- OnAfterUpdateOrder
- OnBeforeUpdateAddress
- OnAfterUpdateAddress
- OnBeforeGetAddress
- OnAfterGetAddress

31885 Parameter fix
- Parameter update for subscription event.

31131 Create events for Send to KDS codeunit
- Six events created in Send to KDS codeunit according to requirements.

31788 Fix missing Aggregate and History panels
- Aggregate and History Panels are now shown on the KDS Display Stations.

Replaced by System App hotfix
31531 Hospitality POS with two graphical layout hospitality types - clear issue when switching
- When switching between two hospitality types with graphical layouts with different numbers of dining tables, for example 12 and 30, the system always showed 30 dining table buttons. This has been fixed so that the system now shows one button per dining table (12 and 30 respectively).

31183 Issue with Customer Order Transactions with Non-Inventory items
- Fixed processing of None Inventory items in Customer Order changes. Transaction was created with Gross Amount excluding the None Inventory item.
- The system has been changed to prevent users from creating Customer Orders with only Items of type Service or None Inventory.
- Processing of Transfer Orders and Customer Orders was tuned.

31312 Cannot seat guests after allocating tables to a walk-in reservation
- Status handling after tables have been allocated has been fixed for both timeline and graphical view. Seating reserved guests is fixed also.

31321 Hotfix for OAUTH printing Hardware Station failure
- Fixes an error when sending to the Hardware Station to print.
- Fixes the error when converting decimal to integer when takeout/delivery order is sent.

31245 Release events on version 21.1 - W02
- Released events on version 21.1 W02
- #31223 New Event in Exchange Functionality
- #31225 New event-publisher for "LSC Periodic Discount Benefits"
- #31423 New integration event OnBeforeProcessScannerFunctionCode
- #31462 New event OnBeforePeriodicDiscFiltersPassed added
- #31072 Change of scope procedure RunWithoutCheck
- #31425 New event OnBeforeOfferFiltersPassed

31386 Integration Events for Replenishment Planned Sales Demand
The following integration events have been added in codeunit LSC Replen. Calculation, to allow you to extend the Planned Sales Demand functions during Replenishment Journal calculation:
- OnBeforeCheckPlannedSalesDemandExists
- OnReturnPlannedSalesDemandUpdatedQtyOnBeforeFindPlannedSalesDemand
- OnCheckPlannedSalesDemandAndUpdateQtyOnAfterReplenCalculationTypeCheck
New parameters have also been added to the following existing integration events, to allow overriding of calculation log lines in Replenishment Journal calculation:
- OnCheckPlannedSalesDemandAndUpdateQtyOnAfterSSQChanged
- OnCheckPlannedSalesDemandAndUpdateQtyOnAfterCrossDockQuantityChanged
Additionally, the procedure InsertTempReplenCalculationLogLine has been made public to enable extension development in SaaS.

31039 Rounding amount on Customer Order payment
- Details not available.

31071 New Integration Event for Replenishment
- A new integration event, OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnBeforeInsertPurchaseHeaderTEMP, has been added in codeunit LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, to allow you to override the details of the temporary Purchase Header variable.

26903 Post as shipment- an extra SO with 0 amount is created on customer
- Details not available.

31397 Update Image Links on the Retail Image List
- Details not available.

27936 Retail Image List - only 20 in characters in filename
- Retail Image Import/Export now uses the full filename in the Description field.
- An option has been added to have the Retail Images use No. Series.
- Number series is used for Retail Image.Code, if the Retail Setup.Retail Image Nos. is filled.
- If not, it uses the first 20 characters of the filename like before.

31322 Events for skipping house number in delivery address
- Two new events added for Delivery Order Management:
- OnBeforeHospAddress(var AddressValue: Text; var StreetNo: Text[30]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
- OnBeforeGetStreetNo(LookupID: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

30903 New setting for Self-Service Kiosk Currency
- Currency Code has been added in the Kiosk field.
The system uses this field together with the language of the restaurant to select the correct number formatting in the kiosk. This field is mandatory for using the Self-Service Kiosk, even if the restaurant uses local currency.

31191 Table cannot be seated after opening allocation panel in store S0005
- Fix on seating table - when checking overlap and after opening allocation panel.

30890 Release events on version 21.1 - W52
- Release events on version 21.1.

30502 Overflow issue when creating an SPG order
- Overflow issue with Customer Order, External ID when creating SPG orders was fixed.
- Changes done to creation of Transaction for Sales Order posting.

30150 OAuth in On-premises multi-tenant LS Central implementation
- Login URL added to advanced tab in web service setup to set up on-premises S2S.

31531 Hospitality POS with two graphical layout hospitality types - clear issue when switching
- When switching between two hospitality types with graphical layouts with different numbers of dining tables, for example 12 and 30, the system always showed 30 dining table buttons. This has been fixed so that the system now shows one button per dining table (12 and 30 respectively).
Hotels hotfixes

33301 Tape Chart - date is invalid error cont.
- Extra check on the date string before using it in Tape Chart.

31769 Cannot Open Hotel Invoice Management Page via Code
- A new procedure, HotelInvoiceMgt_OpenPage, has been created in Hotel Integration Codeunit to use externally to open the Hotel Invoice Management page passing the required parameters. This function calls SetReservationNo to set parameters in the page.

31768 Event to be able to open Room Rate Change in Code
- A new procedure, RateManagement_OpenRoomRateChangePage, has been created in Hotel Integration Codeunit to use externally to open Room Rate Change passing the required parameters. This function calls SetData to set parameters in the page.

31849 Add "Enabled" to Room Type Blocking to indicate if it should affect hotel availability or not
- Added the field Enabled to the Room Type Block table. If the field is set to true, it will take availability from the hotel availability table, if it is set to false it will not have any affect on hotel availability.
- Also added that all blockings coming from web services have this field automatically set to true.
- Hotel Availability is now accessible through action navigation for quicker access to the affected table.

31966 Upgrade page allows changes when invoiced or paid DRE
- Upgrade reservation after payment will charge the paid DRE lines again on POS. Only when HotelSetup.Show Rates Lines = No.

31961 Double discount on POS
- Double discount shown on POS when Hotel Setup->Show Rate lines is false.

30711 Moving between dates in Tape chart gives an Invalid Date error
- Moving between dates in Tape chart gives an Invalid Date error when "Server Time Zone" is used in the web service time zone.

32015 Credit Memo reservation balance negative
- Credit Memo against a hotel reservation creates a negative balance.

32029 Rate attributes posting patterns allow 0 amount with BEC Enabled
- Rate attributes posting patterns now allow 0 amount with BEC Enabled. Previously, only daily posting pattern was allowed when BEC was enabled.

32066 Tender Type not set for PaymentDeposit web method
- Tender Type Code was not set for PaymentDeposit() web method. Uses Tender Type Code from Reservation Payment Table.

32029 Rate attributes posting patterns allow 0 amount with BEC Enabled
- Rate attributes posting patterns now allow 0 amount with BEC Enabled. Previously, only daily posting pattern was allowed when BEC was enabled.

31775 Upgrade-Upsale does not work for reservation stays over 14 days
- Details not available.

31038 LS Hotels hotfix
- Bug fixed regarding hotel discount being applied when confirmed.
- Bug fixed regarding room occupied error when rate code is changed.