Hotfixes on LS Central version 21.3.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.

42674 Event OnBeforeReturnProductPrice in LSC Activities Functions made global
- Internal subscriber events changed to public.

38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.

41119 More efficiency in web availability call
- Improved performance in the web API availability request when the related activity product pricing was based on availability. Previously, two executions would be made to the availability logic for each interval or product. This has now been reduced to one execution.

38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs has been improved.

40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.

40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.

34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.

39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.

38185 CRITICAL PERFORMANCE ISSUE: Great number of web requests after marking Loyalty Member Card at the end of the transaction
Performance issue where GetMemberInfoForPos runs too often has been fixed.

37214 Handling No. of persons/Quantity in Group reservations regarding pricing setup
Parameters sent to the pricing/discount logic regarding Quantity and No. of persons are now sent as a multiply of the Quantity field in the group line, so discounts and price is correctly picked up according to the total number of persons and the total quantity in the group line. Previously, the values were sent as 1 reservation only, rather than the total number of Quantity being assigned in the group reservation.
Important: Note that the pricing logic is changed. Previously, the Activity pricing and discount settings would need to match the No. of Persons or Quantity to be activated. Now , the No. of persons or Quantity can either match or be less than the related values in the activity to be activated.
This means that more valid prices might be set on the activity product, and if so, the last price setting in the matching criteria will be returned as the active price. This is only valid, if your price logic is based on either Quantity or the No. of persons. So partners and end users should validate their settings on any activity products that are based on the above criteria, and note that the sequence order of the pricing settings is crucial in the resulting price.

37906 Integration Event OnAfterPrintSalesInfo from local to public
- Details not available.

36636 Customer Order eCom payment
- A fix to make it possible to do a payment for customer orders online. When a payment is done from the web, a transaction will be created.

37327 Attachment report on group member causes endless loop
- An error, when attachment report was assigned on the email template sent to Activity group members, was fixed. This error caused an endless loop when trying to send the emails.

37935 LS Transfer Posting Dimensions bug
- Code added to check if the Transfer Order was fully posted.
- Code added to handle Store dimensions on Transfer Orders created by a Requisition Worksheet.

36348 Transfer Posting Dimension issue
- Changes made to the way dimensions are assigned when Post-Receipt from a Retail Transfer Order, standard BC Transfer Orders, and the Retail Receiving page.
- Changes also applied to always skip the warning dimensions message when posting from the Retail Receiving page.

36229 CO Shipment - Change inserted twice
- Details not available.

34800 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21 New: TaxDate
- Details not available.

36418 Validation period issue
- Details not available.

36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.

37041 Writing to log table "LSC KitchenDisplayLog" removed
- Details not available.

35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.

35980 Add a setting to create KOT per menu type automatically
- With the new option, Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type, for Menu Type Usage in the Hospitality Type Card, the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.

35793 Activity Matrix Freezing when clicking next/previous days too fast
The Activity Matrix does not stop working, if the next/previous day buttons are clicked too often too fast. A loading indicator was added when the matrix is updating after the dates have been changed.

35096 Cash difference will be deducted from the stock amount
- Start float difference entries moved from safe entries to decl. diff entries.

33995 Copy_TR function not allowing to add new item
- Adding items to transactions after copying transaction is now possible.

34392 Cost Amount is Inaccurate from BOM Receiving Explode
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.

35941 Disable the upgrade code for POS Data Entry Currency Code
- The upgrade of POS Data Entries with Currency has now been removed from the upgrade process. It was causing very slow upgrades for some customers. Instead, the Currency Code is fetched from Store/GLSetup when using POS Data Entries that were created in versions older than v21.1.

33607 Remove access internal for a few functions
- New codeunit added, Delivery Order Mgt Interface, to give partners direct access to procedures in codeunit Delivery Order Management.

34091 Member Discount Limit not working as expected
- Fixed an issue where changing a line quantity on the POS would generate a discount bigger than allowed by the discount tracking.

33456 Fixes for Replen. Planned Events
- The following improvements and fixes related to Replen. Planned Events have been introduced:
- When the Type of a Replen. Sales History Adjustment Calculation Rule is set to Planned Demand Event, its Event Start Date is not being updated when the Start Date of its linked Planned Demand Event is changed. This has now been fixed.
- A new index key has been added to the "LSC Replen. Planned Sales Dem." table to improve the performance of the Enable and Disable actions in the Replen. Planned Events page.
- When creating the Planned Sales Demand lines for a Replen. Planned Event with Source Type set to Discount, we have refactored how the last Line No. of the Planned Sales Demand record is retrieved and incremented, to improve the performance of the creation process.

34623 Image selection on POS web templates not working for Self-Service Kiosk
- Images are assigned to Web Template Image Lines and Language Profile Lines through Retail Image Link. Upgrade provided that moves the now obsolete Retail Image Code from these two tables to Retail Image Link.

33514 Receipt printing for deals that include item modifiers does not listen to printing settings
- If a recipe is part of a deal and the recipe has some item modifiers, the selected modifiers are printed out on a sales slip if All lines are selected in Deal Printing Lines in the current Functionality Profile.

32440 Add Action To Install License Modules
- Action added to install license modules.

35780 Event Request for Missing message during NEC (Taxfree) Transaction
- Obsoleted event created on #34270.
- New event created, OnBeforeProcess_CHSALESTYPE_TRANS.

35648 Changes made in LSC-29639 missing from Hotfix v21.3
- Added changes missing from LSC-29639 into hotfix/

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

35175 Issue with Training trans - Replication counter increased for Training trans
- Skip increasing replication counter for transaction tables when posting training transaction.

35033 Large number of records growing for Scheduler job header in Action table
- Skip creating preactions for Scheduler Header when running Scheduler job.

34101 Release events on version 21.3 - W12
- 31553 - Make functions accessible for Pharmacies
- Keep several procedures public.
- 34527 - Added variables Dec to the OnBeforeDiscPrPressed event.
- 34532 - New integration event OnBeforeShowSalesHistory on "LSC POS Create New Customer" codeunit.
- 34575 - New integration event OnItemProductGroupCodeAfterValidateEvent_BeforeUpdateLookupTable on "LSC Product Ext." codeunit.
- 34576 - New codeunit "LSC CO Session Public".
- Keep the below procedures public:
- SendAfterStatusUpdate - codeunit "LSC CO Omni Mgt"
- CreatePOfromCO - codeunit "LSC CO Utility"
- CreateDiscountLines - table "LSC CO Discount Line"
- CreateCouponLines - table "LSC Customer Order Line"
- 34619 - New integration event OnErrorInPostWorksheet_OnBeforeInsertTempItemJnlLine on "LSC Store Inventory Management" codeunit.
- 34621 - Removed access = internal from Codeunit "LSC Request Parser".
- 34624 - Keep PrintExtra, PrintFooter procedures public on "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit.
- 34626 - Handled in #34624
- 34798 - New variable MobileTransLineTemp added to event OnAfterCalcPeriodDisc.
- 34842 - New integration events OnPrintXZReport_OnBeforePrintPaymentStaff and OnPrintXZReport_OnBeforePrintItemCategory on "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit.
- 34843 - Handled in #34842
- 34844 - New integration event OnPostDiscountBuffering_OnAfterGetDefaultDim on "LSC Statement-Post" codeunit.
- 34845 - New integration event OnTotDiscPrPressed_OnAfterEvaluateInput on POS Transaction / POS Transaction Events.
- 34855 - New integration event OnBeforeDataFieldSetFilterOnAttributeValue on "LSC Member Attribute Mgm" codeunit.

34312 Transfer seating does not update the table overview
- When seating is transferred, the table overview is now updated to show the status of the two tables involved.

34925 Statements do not post if there is a shortage in a Customer Order
- Fix for statements that do not post if there is a shortage in a Customer Order transfer order.

35018 DualDisplay Playlist not working in AppShell 21.3
- Details not available.

34615 Dimension Error - Transfer Orders
- Fixed an issue where, if there was a Transfer Line with dimensions, this would be lost when Receiving.

29982 Missing SetRange is causing insert fail in CopyToVoideTrans function
- This fixes the use of the VOID_L command in Training mode where there was an insert error trying to insert the POS Voided Trans. Line twice.

34102 Release events on version 21.3 - W11
- 34113 Event to add data to the deal json for the Self-Service Kiosk
- Details not available.
- 33905 Fiscalization App for Lithuania
- Details not available.
- 33755 Customized event request - OnbeforeUpdateCostPriceHistory- LSCENTRAL20.2
- Details not available.
- 33738 Customized event request - OnBeforeDefaultPanelID - LSCENTRAL20.2
- Details not available.
- 32065 Event OnAfterGetRetailSalesPrice in Codeunit 99001462 not triggering correctly
- Details not available.

32282 Change fields "Type of Input" in "LSC POS Trans. Infocode Entry" and "LSC Trans. Infocode Entry" tables to extensible enums
- This also covers #32295. Options fields replaced by two new enums.

33820 Activity Matrix Check Resource Schedule (Yes, Per Interval, and Per Day) do not filter correctly
- A bug in the Activity availability matrix view, when the related matrix layout template had the Check Resource Schedule set, caused the matrix in some cases to show blank screen and no resources would be shown. This only happened in templates that were set as Javascript framework in the Matrix View field. This error has been fixed.

34568 Item scanning is not working in Self-Service Kiosk
- Scanning an item in the Self-Service Kiosk did not work. That has now been fixed.

33759 Deal with two recipes with the same ingredient - excludes in both
- If a deal has more than one recipe and they have the same ingredient, it was not possible to exclude the common ingredient from just one of the items. This has been fixed.

29063 AE - Arabic App convert to subscription based and opening the events
- Details not available.
28824 AE need events in code unit “LSCAE POS Print Utility” of Application “LS Central Arabic Receipt”
- Details not available.
28217 Arabic Receipt App
- Details not available.

31947 GS1 Databar POS Error
- A fix to clear the ScannedDatabar global variable in POS Transaction codeunit if the input is not identified as a GS1. To avoid that GS1 related errors persist in the POS.

34594 Dual Display playlist not working
- Details not available.

34604 Events released for Replenishment on version 21.3 - W10
- 31991 Expose Global Variable in Page 10012404 "LSC Replen. Item Store Rec Pre"
- The global variable OverwriteReplenItemStoreRec has been set to Protected in the LSC Replen. Item Store Rec Pre page.
- 32101 Events for Replen. Sales History Adjustment Calculation Rule
- Two new integration events: OnBeforeModifySalesHistAdjRule and OnAfterApplyItemLedgerEntryFilter have been added to the LSC Calc. Sales Hist. Adj. ILE report.
- 32434 Make procedures public
- All the requested procedures have been made public in the codeunit "LSC Replen. Calculation" and "LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys".
- 33436 New event before running LSC Add Items to Replen. Jrnl report
- A new integration event OnAddItemsToReplenJournalOnBeforeSetTableView has been added to the LSC Purchase Replen. Journal page.

34454 Not possible to sell a deal in Self-Service Kiosk
- An issue where it was not possible to sell a deal in the Self-Service Kiosk was solved.

34589 Upgrade is failing (UpdatePosMediaPlaylist)
- In releases 21.2 and onwards we saw an upgrade code running for the second time, resulting in failed upgrades. This has now been fixed.

34221 Franchise module - archive of processed messages refactored
- Franchise module improvements:
- Refactored archive of processed messages.
- Validation for PO line Qty. to Receive (Base) was removed when processing incoming updates for PO.
- SO Release was removed when processing incoming SO requests.
- Fixed the message "This order is a Franchise order. Inconsistency with......" which appeared when F7/Statistics was pressed in PO. The message should not have been displayed.

34267 Retail Sales Order - Calculate Offer Discount
- This issue will be fixed in master.

34041 Allow price modification of deals through eCommerce
- It is now allowed to modify the price of a deal, when the order is created through the Commerce Service. The deal has to allow price modifications and the web request needs to set PriceModified to True.

33447 Extra charges amounts are doubled in the Activity Host Web template
- Extra charges lines are no longer multiplied by the number of activity reservations and now show the correct number of extra charges and the extra charges amount.

33204 Print copy of last transaction
- Issue fixed where PRINT_LAST_C was not working correctly.

34083 Franchise Module refactored
- Franchise Module - removed newly added fields in Franchise Setup. They are not to be used.

33947 Random Refund issue
- This fix is an attempt to resolve a case, that could not be reproduced, where regular card payments became refunds in random cases.

33774 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21
- New field, VAT Date added in the Open Statement card.
The field is populated with Posting Date by default.
VAT Entries records will have the their VAT Date field populated with this value.

33916 Events added for 21.3
- 33609 Add parameter in OnAfterUpdateAddress event
Var TmpDelOrder added to the event OnAfterUpdateAddress
- 33610 New Event Required OnAfterValidateStreet
New event added to DeliveryOrderManagement
OnAfterValidateStreet(EPosControlEvent: Codeunit "LSC POS Control Event"; var TmpDelOrder: Record "LSC Delivery Order" temporary; var DeliveryContactTmp: Record Contact temporary; var DeliveryType: Enum "LSC DeliveryOrder DeliveryType")
- 33615 New Event OnBeforeInsertTmpDelOrder
New event added to DeliveryOrderManagement
OnBeforeInsertTmpDelOrderInGetAddress(var DeliveryContactAddress: Record "LSC Delivery Contact Address"; var DeliveryContactTmp: Record Contact temporary; var Store: Record "LSC Store"; var DeliveryOrder: Record "LSC Delivery Order"; var TmpDelOrder: Record "LSC Delivery Order" temporary; var OfflineRestaurant: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
- 33616 Adding parameter in OnAfterGetAddress Event
Var TmpDelOrder added to event OnAfterUpdateAddress
- 33721 Event OnBeforeTakeOrder required in TakeOrder Procedure

33017 Release events on version 21.3 - W08
- Released events:
- #33215 Adjust existing event: CU 99001457 - OnBeforeRunItemPosting
- #33434 Event OnBeforePrintSubTotalOnPrintTotal
- #33435 Access to Internal procedure CheckIfItemIsMeteredItem
- #33438 LSCSafeBagUtility.InsertDocLineBagByDenom public
- #33439 Event request in codeunit 99001595 "LSC Safe Denom. Panel Commands"
- #33606 Exposing procedure on SaaS
- MarkPressed function public in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction".
- #33726 Customized event request - OnBeforeRegisterMixMatch - LSCENTRAL20.2
- #33440 Functions that are restricted for LS Central version 22
- LSC POS Transaction: all requested functions are public at "POS View" codeunit
- LSC POS Functions: all requested functions are public at "LSC Localization Utility" codeunit
- LSC POS Trans. Lines: internal removed from the function
- LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility: internal removed from the functions
- LSC POS Price Utility: internal removed from the functions
- LSC Fiscal POS Commands: all functions are public at "LSC Localization Utility" codeunit
- DiscAmPressedEx function is public on "POS Transaction Public" codeunit.

33862 Duplicated Merchant Receipts
- Event OnBeforePrintMerchantReceipt moved due to a bug with duplicated merchant receipts.

33500 SELLPRODLIST command on POS does not take resource selection method into account
- Added setup to Activity Product Allow Resource selection at the POS section.
By default, the resources are always automatically assigned otherwise to make the POS process more smooth.

29367 Updating Hierarchy description stops other auto fill options for fields
- Added an action to the Hierarchy card to modify the description of hierarchy node links of type Item, Deal, and Item Category.
Changing the description at the level of hierarchy nodes and hierarchy node links is possible.
The old functionality has been removed.

33309 Rounding on Customer Orders in Statement Post
- Rounding on Customer Orders in Statement Post.

29174 Shopify incorrect price in Sales Order
- Changes done to creation of Sales Line from Customer Order.
- Customer Order and Posted Customer Order added to Find Entries in Posted Sales Invoice.

30574 Franchise Module issue with variants on Retail Sales Orders
- Franchise Module issue with variants on Retail Sales Orders.

31350 Norwegian SAF-T report Price Check
- Bug fixes for Norwegian Standard Audit File Taxation (SAF-T) export xml file encounter the errors for transID tag.

32790 Sales after midnight not included in statement
- Details not available.

33473 Activity Front Desk event license error
- Parameters SkipOnMissingLicense and SkipOnMissingPermission set to true on OnAfterFinalizePosting Event Subscriber in LSC Activity Front Desk codeunit.

33303 Skip Direct Unit Cost Recalculation in Purchase Replenishment Journal
- When the quantity is manually changed in the Purchase Replenishment Journal Lines and Detail Lines, you now have the option to skip the Direct Unit Cost recalculation, by enabling the Skip Cost Recalculation on Qty. Change setting in the Replen. Setup page, the Replen. Journals FastTab, Purchase group.

32428 Clicking space on virtual keyboard on AppShell not working properly
- Fixed an issue causing the focus to be lost and be placed on the first character on the input for Android devices.

33464 Hotfix for EFT recovery and many MarkedRecords issues
- Details not available.

31302 Field Length Overflow Issue in Retail Purchase Budget
- An error that occurred in the Retail Purchase Budget when working with items having a description of more than 50 characters, has now been fixed.

33496 Self-Service Activity error
- Set SkipOnMissingLicense and SkipOnMissingPermission to true on Event Subscriber in Acitvity Wep API Proxy.
Hotels hotfixes

40808 Transaction Details deleted from DRE after voiding the transaction
- Fixed so no. is not removed for charge2room lines when a line is voided on the POS.

38823 Error message - Detailed Revenue Entry does not exist
A bug in the payment process in POS has been fixed. The bug occurred when a reservation had a routing rule set and after adding new lines to the transaction in the POS panel.
The error message was "The Detailed Revenue Entry does not exist. Identification fields and values: Entry No. = '0'" just after pressing the "Cash" button.

37576 Not possible to post Sales Invoice linked to Hotel Invoice
Fixed adding a new sales line to DRE and saving the DRE resource number in the sales line.

37766 New events needed to reuse functionality of Guest descriptions logic
- Codeunit GuestList 10033528 -> procedure AddOneToGuestList()
- Codeunit Group Reservation Managment 10033497 -> procedure AddHotelResToGroupRes()

37043 LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment Inaccessible
- Procedure PrePayReservationWEB in LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment was made public.

36680 Add ReservationStatusUpdate web method to version 21.3
- ReservationStatusUpdate() web method added to codeunit "LSCHT Hotel WS".

36633 ActivitySave removes POS Trans Lines
- Fixed. Hotel POS Finalized Invoice command pulls in DRE lines into POS Trans Lines, but when activity status was changed on activity POS, the Hotel POS Trans Line was deleted without resetting the DRE line.

36574 VAT calculation on DRE raising data in Sales Invoice table
- Removed VAT calculation on DRE list page.

36507 Rounding issue. Sales directly on hotel POS
- Fixed rounding issue when item barcode is used on POS.

35889 Need Access to LSCHT Hotel Web Support procedures
- The following procedures were added to the Hotel Integration codeunit:
- RoomTypBlockSave()
- SetReservation()
- RunCommand()
- GetLastErrorFromRun()
- GetReservationNumbersFromRun()

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

35865 Rounding issue when room charge multiple lines are charged to room
- Fixed an issue where Detailed Revenue Entries were not created when a POS Transaction was split and DRE had a routing rule.

35729 Copystr issue in POS while getting DRE from POSTransLine Barcode
- Check if barcode starts with "#HRES" before using barcode with hotel reservation number.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

35326 Reservations coming in empty from MMS and
- Publishing derived rates for BEC lost the rate attributes. Only affected BEC users.

34766 Invoice management problems
- Warning added when setting routing rule to company when no customer on the reservation. A few bugs were also fixed:
- When activities with amount 0 were paid on the POS, they were not being marked as paid in the Detailed Revenue Entry table.
- When paying guest invoice other than primary guest, on payment it would get payer Name changed back to the primary guest - now it will keep the correct payer name (Guest 2).
- When opening the POS after having three invoices and paying the Guest 2 invoice and opening the split bill again, the routing would be messed up. This has now been fixed and is in sync.

33977 Children from SM and Web
- Details not available.

34557 New Reservation wrong number of rooms returned
- Filter added to NumberOfReservation() procedure in "LSCHT New Res. Price Lines" list part page so it does not need filtering from the parent page.

33968 Need ReservationSummary to be Accessible in Codeunit "LSCHT Revenue Entry Management"
- The procedure ReservationSummary has been added to the Hotel Integration codeunit.

34028 Unable to post 100% discounted or 0 balance transactions to Folio
- Details not available.

33724 OnAfterGetCancellationFee in codeunit 10033486 "LSCHT Change Status On Res." is Inaccessible
- OnAfterGetCancellationFee Event was added to Hotel integration codeunit.

34016 Not possible to open Hotel Invoice Management
- RunModal error for the Hotel Invoice Management page was fixed.

34018 Wrong codeunit passed to logging for Night Audit
- Logging process was fixed to pass the right codeunit.

33009 Add Event to After Hotel Res Status Change
- New event added to the Hotel Integration Codeunit and triggered in ChangeInternalStatusReservation procedure.
ChangeStatusOnRes_OnAfterHtlChangeInternalStatusRes(var Reservation: Record "LSCHT Hotel Reservation"; NewStatusCode: Code[20]; ResStatus: Enum "LSCHT ReservationStatus"; OldHotelStatus: Code[20])

33302 Need to be able to call Detailed Revenue Entry AmountCalc()
- New HotelInvoiceMgt_AmountCalc() method created in "LSCHT Hotel Integration" CU.

33010 Add New Status to OnBeforeHotelChangeInternalStatusReservation
- Added ResStatus and NewStatusCode as parameter for the event ChangeStatusOnRes_OnBeforeHtlChangeInternalStatusRes() in "LSCHT Hotel Integration" CU.

33127 OnBeforeHotelChangeInternalStatusReservation is Inaccessible
- New ChangeStatusOnRes_OnBeforeHtlChangeInternalStatusRes() event created in "LSCHT Hotel Integration" CU.

32876 Need to be able to use the Find Rates function
- New RateCalculation_FindRate() method created in "LSCHT Hotel Integration" CU.

32802 Need to be able to trigger upgrade after modifying reservation
- New HotelResChanged_ReservationUpgrade() method created in "LSCHT Hotel Integration" CU.

32923 LS Hotel objects marked as Internal only
Access to the following functions has been enabled through codeunit LSCHT Hotel Integration:
- For Codeunit Pos Trans Management
- PosTransMgt_GetPOSTransaction
- PosTransMgt_OnBeforeCharge2RoomLineDiscount (event)
- PosTransMgt_OnBeforePostDetailedRevenueEntry (event)
- For Codeunit Hotel Invoice Management
- HotelInvoiceMgt_VerifyPayment
- HotelInvoiceMgt_DREUpdateTotals
- For Codeunit Hotel Availability Mgt
- HotelAvailabilityMgt_HotelResCheckOverbooking
- For Codeunit Change Status On Res.
- ChangeStatusOnRes_FindGroupReservationStatus
- ChangeStatusOnRes_ChangeGroupStatusByRes
- ChangeStatusOnRes_OnBeforePreCheckIn (event)
- For Codeunit Group Reservation Mgt
- GroupReservationMgt_UpdateNewGroupNo
- GroupReservationMgt_CreateNewGroupReservation
- For Codeunit Hotel Functions
- HotelFunctions_GetPropertyFilter
- HotelFunctions_GetPropertyFromHotelUser
- HotelFunctions_TransactionDrillDown
- For Codeunit Hotel POS Command WEB
- HotelPOSCommandsWEB_OnBeforeFinalizePayment (event)
- For Codeunit Hotel Front Desk
- HotelFrontDesk_OnAfterUpdatePOSTransaction
- For Page New Reservation
- NewReservationPage_ConfirmReservation