Hotfixes on LS Central version 24.1.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).
LS Central hotfixes
58351 Warning System Message When Viewing Allergens on the POS
- Resolved an issue where a journal opens unexpectedly when clicking "All" in the journal for Allergens.
58173 Issue with SendTransaction Web Service on German Translation
- Locked reserved captions to avoid multilingual issues during webservices.
58093 Not Possible to Void a Customer Order Line Linked to a Sales Order with Discount
- Fixed the bug preventing the voiding of a Customer Order line tied to a Sales Order when one line had a discount.
57887 Store Inventory Worksheet - No Error Log when using Batch Posting
- Fixed Log on Store Inventory Worksheet when using batch posting.
55479 Dynavics Events and Functions
- Details not available.
54493 Receiving Retail Purchase Order with different UOM - Over Receipt Issue
- Retail Receiving now support partial receipt of Purchase Orders. Over-receipt calculations are now based on the base quantity, allowing items to be received in different units of measure or a mix of units. This functionality also applies to variant collections. An over-receipt is reported if the total quantities exceed the tolerance for the entire collection. Additionally, an over-receipt code can now be entered on the Retail Vendor Card and Retail Item Card, with priority given to the item, then the vendor, and finally the default setting.
58351 Warning System Message When Viewing Allergens on the POS
- Resolved an issue where a journal opens unexpectedly when clicking "All" in the journal for Allergens.
58265 Duplicate Receipt No.
- Resolved an issue where certain POS conditions caused the same receipt number to be applied to posted transactions.
58156 CO Edit - Bug in POS Totals
- Addressed an issue where the total sign was incorrect on POS after voiding a line in edit mode for Customer Orders.
58093 Not Possible to Void a Customer Order Line Linked to a Sales Order with Discount
- Fixed the bug preventing the voiding of a Customer Order line tied to a Sales Order when one line had a discount.
57888 Page 99009582 "LSC Store Sales Info" Performance
- Optimized performance when opening the "LSC Store Sales Info" page.
57887 Store Inventory Worksheet - No Error Log when using Batch Posting
- Fixed Log on Store Inventory Worksheet when using batch posting.
57859 Hotel Integration - Change Status On Activities Always Returns an Error
- Fixed returning value in ChangeStatusOnActivities procedure in the "LSC Activites Functions" codeunit, it was returning failing results for successful executions.
57707 [Extensibility] Added Events COLineCancellationAllowed to allow contr…
- New events, OnCustomerOrderLineCheck, OnBeforeSalesOrderCheck, OnBeforeTransferOrderCheck and OnAfterCOLineCancellationAllowed, added to the Customer Order Status codeunit.
57597 Advanced Shipping Notice Automatically Post Retail Receipt
- Moving InventoryManagementSetup.Get to read from the InventoryManagementSetup table.
57507 Codeunit 10001319 "LSC Store Inventory Management": Remove Internal From Procedure CalculateLineQty
- Improved external access by removing internal access restrictions from the CalculateLineQty procedure in codeunit "LSC Store Inventory Management".
57397 Voided POS Transaction with Member Deposit Still Recorded on Account
- Fixed an issue where voided POS transactions containing member deposit entries were not removed from the member deposit records.
55821 Infocodes Blocking Other POS processes Due to Transaction Server Errors
- Details not available.
55672 Item Import Not Populating Item Template Values
- Fixed an issue where values from the Item Template were not populated when creating items using the Item Import Journal.
52089 POS Statement Posting - Difference
- Added validation to prevent posting lines without a tender type, and updated the PrePostingChecks procedure for better unit test integration.
51039 Automate Subscribe Function
- Details not available.
56636 Replen. Template Code Overflow Error in Redistribution Journal
- Fixed issue where using a Replenishment Template with Code of more than 10 characters would result in an overflow error in the Redistribution Journal when the Warehouse Effective Inventory or Store Effective Inventory field is clicked.
56159 Issue when posting Posting Statement
- Fixed issue with rounding net amount and VAT amount on customer order lines.
55087 Make procedures public for Medieval Times - Gourmet
- Details not available.
56542 Bug in POS Totals when editing a Customer Order
- Bug in POS Totals when editing a Customer Order has been fixed.
57666 Possibility to pass
- LocationCode_g parameter added to event OnBeforeCreateItemDetails.
57514 Report 99001546 "LSC Move Trans.s to New Shift": remove internal keyword from procedure SetTransaction #364
- Improved external access to report Move Transactions to New Shift.
57511 POSTransaction object changes #362
- Improved external access to POS Transaction codeunit.
57508 Extendibility of POS "LSC POS Create New Customer" codeunit #361
- Improved external access to POS Create New Customer codeunit.
57401 Codeunit 99001456 "LSC Statement-Calculate": remove "internal" keyword from two functions #359
- Improved external access to Statement-Calculate codeunit.
57400 Codeunit 99001462 "LSC Retail Price Utils": remove internal keyword from procedure SetMemberInfo #358
- Function PublicSetMemberInfo added to Retail Price Utils codeunit.
57398 Codeunit 99001571 "LSC POS Trans. Lines": make procedure IsModified non-internal #356
- Function PublicIsModified added to POS Trans. Lines codeunit.
57395 Codeunit 99009006 "LSC POS Member Mgt.": object changes and additions #354
Extend event parameters in POS Member Mgt codeunit.
57394 Codeunit 99009019 "LSC POS Member Contact Popup" changes (new+changed events + procedure visibility) #353
- New events and more access to Member Contact popup codeunit.
56919 Public Access to TestCustomer in POS Transaction Impl #352
TestCustomer procedure from POS Transaction codeunit has been made public in codeunit POS Transaction Public.
Public procedures added:
- Page Retail Item Avail. by Periods: PublicUpdateSubForm
- Page Dimension Matrix: PublicSetPuchasingMatrix
- Page Retail Item-Var-Prep-Availab: PublicPurchaseLineInit
- Page Retail PRO Subform: PublicCalcTotals
- Table Variant Worksheet: PublicFindAttributeValue
- Table Retail Comment Line: PublicGetComment
56918 Codeunit 99008900 "LSC POS Functions": two modified procedures + three new public procedures #351
- Functions added to POS Functions:
- PublicGetMemberCustomerDiscountGroup
- PublicGetMemberPriceGroup
- PublicLotNoIsValid
- PublicFormatWeight
- PublicFormatPricePrUnit
56546 Incorrect "New" dimension on Store Inventory Worksheet for Transfers
- Bug fix to post correct dimensions in Transfer through Store Inventory.
56379 Added Linerec.Reset in POS Transaction CU on line 2485 #342
- Added "Linerec.Reset()" in POS Transaction codeunit.
55995 Handle multi-payment lines
- Handle multiple payment lines in Shopify Order.
55835 Activity reservation Balance shows up differently when paying
- Changed how POS charges on a reservation are sent to the POS journal during payment to fix issue related to NA version inserting the amounts without tax.
55027 Rounding issue with CHARGE2RES POS command
- Changes have been made to the CHARGE2RES POS command which previously could fail posting due to rounding issues if the total was having two or more decimals.
57683 Remove Action Intrastat Journals
- Details not available.
57558 New event, OnBeforePrintEFTLineEx, in LSC POS EFT Utility
- Details not available.
57544 Page 99001507 "LSC Infocodes": remove applicationarea and usagecategory #365
- Caption on the LSC Infocodes List page has been changed from Infocodes to Infocode List.
57399 Codeunit 99009008 "LSC Point Jnl.-Post Line": make proc ApplyPointEntry #357
- Function ApplyPointEntry made public in codeunit Point Jnl.-Post Line.
56917 Codeunit 10012793 "LSC Offer Utils Public": change from Access=Internal to Access=Public #350
- Functions made Public in codeunit "LSC Offer Utils Public":
- GetMemberDirMarkInfo
- GetPublishedOffersForMemberContact
- GetPublishedOffers
- GetPersonalCoupons
56466 Added event OnBeforeOpenCreatePanelV2 with proper par… #344
- Event OnBeforeOpenCreatePanelV2 added.
57474 Roster entries are not synced with Matrix if the entries were done when roster was in Draft mode
- An issue was found when removing roster assignments on a draft roster. If the roster schedule was synched to the resource capacity in Bookings, then any shift assignments removed on a draft roster were not removed when re-confirming the roster.
56910 Event needed after creating a sales order from editing a Customer Order
- Event OnAfterCreateSalesOrderFromCustomerOrder added to the Customer Order Edit process.
56465 Integration event OnBeforeCallGetValidRetailPrice2 #345
- Integration event marking added to OnBeforeCallGetValidRetailPrice2 on the Item Label and Shelf Label tables.
56464 Add event OnBeforePrintTotalSavingsV2 #343
- New event, OnBeforeBuildTotalSavingsSection, added.
56381 Event request code unit: codeunit 99001572 "LSC POS View"
- Event OnBeforeSetStaffID added to codeunit POS View.
56540 Label Utility - Before Show Quick Print Result events #347
- Events added to Label Utility:
- OnBeforeShowQuickPrintItemLabelsResult
- OnBeforeShowQuickPrintShelfLabelsResult
56468 Rounding issue for exact 0.01 on FCY
- Changes implemented to take in consideration differences equal to amount rounding precision.
56382 OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode needs to be able to provide Result
- ReturnValue parameter added to event OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode in codeunit POS Transaction.
56350 Publish MIValidateItemTrackingV2 as a separate Web service using a new Enum Value
- Details not available.
56323 Statement Deleting
- Delete the Statement with the empty No. when opening a Statement with No.
56316 Commerce Service API does not return error messages in response for OrderCreate request HF2
- A few new error codes have been added to the CustomerOrderCreateV5 web request. These codes were returned in older versions of Customer Order Create web services and are now recovered:
- Code Error Message
- 2201 Customer Order already exists
- 2202 Store not found
- 2203 Member card validation failed
- 2220 Item not found
- 2221 Item.Variant not found
- 2222 Item.unit of measure not found
- 2223 Price or Net Price cannot be zero
- 2240 Posted Customer Order not found
For other data related errors the return code is 1000 as before.
Note that the error message is unchanged.
In order for these hotfixes to work, the latest Commerce Server must be in use.
56302 Publishers needed for filtration in Pages #341
- New events added to pages:
- Hourly Store Sales: OnBeforeModifyHourlySales, OnAfterFindPeriod
- Item Sales Statistics: OnAfterFindPeriod
- Sales History - Store Hierarchy: OnBeforeLimit
- Sales History - Dyn. Item Hierarchy: OnBeforeSetDateFilter
- Sales History by Period: OnBeforeRetailSetupCalcfields
- Item Variants Sales By Periods: OnSetDateFilterOnAfterSetDateFilter
- Variant - Dimension Sales: OnSetDateFilterOnAfterSetDateFilter
- Retail PRO Subform: OnBeforeColorSizeChange
- Retail SRO Subform: OnBeforeColorSizeChange
56301 POS and POS posting related publishers for customizations #340
- New events added:
- POS Functions: OnAfterPosTrLineInsertLine, OnFindOpenCustLedgEntry
- POS Order Connection: OnAfterTransPosToSL, OnAfterSalesInvHeaderSetRecFilter
- POS Post Utility: OnBeforeInsertTransCouponEntry, OnAfterIssueInsertCouponLine, OnPOSCouponTenderTransactionsOnSefilters
55886 Commerce Service API does not return error messages in response for OrderCreate request HF2
- A few new error codes have been added to the CustomerOrderCreateV5 web request. These codes were returned in older versions of Customer Order Create web services and are now recovered:
- Code Error Message
- 2201 Customer Order already exists
- 2202 Store not found
- 2203 Member card validation failed
- 2220 Item not found
- 2221 Item.Variant not found
- 2222 Item.unit of measure not found
- 2223 Price or Net Price cannot be zero
- 2240 Posted Customer Order not found
For other data related errors the return code is 1000 as before.
Note that the error message is unchanged.
In order for these hotfixes to work, the latest Commerce Server must be in use.
55876 Dimensions on GLE are blank on Prepacks Exploded during Receiving
- Details not available.
55669 Add Z-Report value to subtables when retrieving transaction from HO
- Fix to add Zreport values to subtables of transaction header when retrieving for refund.
55611 Bookings - Staff Roster not synchronizing today's changes into Resource Capacity
- The synchronization between roster and staff schedule in the Booking Module has been changed. Previously, only future entries were kept in synch when a roster was modified, but now all roster entries are kept in synch, including today's and past entries.
53597 #SAF-TENDERMENU1 not displaying as intended on remove float screen
- Fixed an issue with the menu when doing remove float command.
48692 Tender Declaration issue with Safe Bag manual number
- Tender Declaration Issue with Safe Bag manual number fixed.
56120 Add two new events for LSC WebPOS Process Mob. Line
- Two new events were added for LSC WebPOS Process Mob. Line codeunit.
56118 Events needed for Sales Order changes through Customer Orders
- New events added, OnBeforeModifySalesOrderLine and OnAfterModifySalesOrderLine in Codeunit "CO Edit Order".
56091 Delete LSC POSMembContactPopup Public
- Details not available.
55971 Cactoz Cancel Order issue
- Fixed Cancel Customer Order that fails to send webhook to Shopify to cancel an order in Shopify.
55872 Unable to add any items to an existing Customer Order if the Sourcing Location can both Ship and Collect Items
- Unable to add items to an existing Customer Order when editing the order has been fixed.
55871 [Extensibility + Improvement] event OnAfterRequisitionLines added #339
- New event, OnAfterRequisitionLines, added in Codeunit CO utility.
55811 Exchanges - Return Infocode trigger conflicts
- Details not available.
55810 Breaking changes for EMEA V23 upgrade require action by LS Retail
- Details not available.
55749 New event OnBeforeCopyFields (Copy FROM Current Terminal)
- New Event, OnBeforeCopyFields, in report "LSC Copy from Current Terminal".
55748 New event OnBeforeCopyFields
- New event, OnBeforeCopyFields, in report "Copy to Current Terminal".
55708 Required event on Periodic Discount Customization
- Event OnBeforeGetQtyInCalcMixMatchNew added to POS Price Utility.
55546 POS Data Entry barcode validation not done properly
- Fixed handling of Data Entry barcodes with No Series that have POS Prefix setting turned on.
55261 Opened LSC CO Edit Order Codeunit Functions #327
- New codeunit, LSC CO Edit Order Public, created.
55082 Ask for Public Functionality #320
- New procedures added to POS View codeunit.
49636 Rounding in foreign currency
- Details not available.
43128 Transaction Header, empty fields in some cases
- A function that is called when the POS is run again after pressing F5 has been fixed.
55687 Required extra parameters on given event OnValidatePricePermissionItem
- New parameters added to OnValidatePricePermissionItem event in PosTransaction codeunit.
55686 Member Points and Sales Entries not created from Sales Invoice Posting due to NA Localization/Variable re-use
- Details not available.
55556 Fix FindPrintLineLastLineNo - CU "LSC POS Print Utility Extras" #334
- Change made to Findlast in function FindPrintLineLastLineNo.
53654 VAT issue when selling key in price items to b2b customers
- Fixed an issue where if using "Must key in new price" for item with a customer that has "VAT Calculation Type": "Reverse Charge VAT", then this causes an error when posting the statement.
55868 Move POSMembContactPopup Public to a new object number
- Details not available.
55800 Added bypass event to TransferOrderCreate #338
- New event, OnBeforeTransferOrderCreate, added to "LSC CO Web Service Func Impl" codeunit.
55799 BackOffice Ext external document number filter events #337
- New events added to "LSC BackOffice Ext." codeunit.
55741 Daily Sales Calculation Issue when "Count Available Days" option is used with "Replenish as Location Code"
- When the Count Available Days option is enabled in Replen. Setup, an issue, where the Replenishment Item Quantity's Daily Sales calculation does not take into consideration the Replenish as Location Code setting, has now been fixed.
55671 FlowFilter fields cause an error when pulling from SaaS
- Fixed Update Field List in subjob, when set to Include list, that it will only pick Normal Fields for mapping.
55666 Reprint Shelf Label
- New event, OnRePrintReleasedSpoolsAfterCreatePrintBuffer, added to the Shelf Label Print page, in action Reprint Last Printed Spool.
55292 New event in Collect and Picking panels
- New event has been added to "LSC CO Collect Panel" and "LSC CO Picking Panel" codeunits.
As the code is different between versions and the partner needs the event, an event was added in the hotfix/latest that will be obsolete in v25.
55111 Can create a Statement with Blank No.
- Delete empty record when a statement is created with blank Statement No. and Store No.
55654 POS linked item filter events #335
- New event OnAfterApplyFiltersToLinkedItems added to POS transaction codeunit, and new event OnAfterFilterHasLinkedItems added to Product Ext. codeunit.
55604 Fix Sourcing Location Inventory check
- Fixed Shopify Inventory update when using Sourcing Locations.
55460 Remove added code in processrefundselection from 24.1
- Removal of code causing an issue where adding both refund and item infocode to return transactions causes issues.
55443 Need access to some POS GUI related procedures
- Added ShowSpecificMemberPanel and CouponsNotUsedLookup as public procedures.
55423 CU99001595-SafeDeno.PanelCommands
- Details not available.
55398 'PrintPosSalesInfo' procedure - new event 'OnAfterCompressHospitalityTransLines'
- New event OnAfterCompressHospitalityTransLines added to POS Print Utility codeunit.
55266 Transaction Register for Posted Sales Invoice of a Customer Order not finding CO Discount Lines #330
- Added a new variable to the ApplyCODiscount procedure to "LSC CO eCommerce Mgt" codeunit to be possible to find CO discount Lines for Transaction Register.
55263 Added access to SetCustomerOrderInfo on POS Func #326
- Procedure SetCustomerOrderInfo in POS Transaction made publicly available in POS transaction public.
55095 Need access to Codeunit 99009009 "LSC Point Jnl.-Post Batch"
- Access Internal removed from "LSC Point Jnl.-Post Batch" codeunit.
55091 MIValidateItemTracking cannot accept document ID
- Added a new field Document No to MIValidateItemTracking web service.
55074 Expose procedures in Replenishment functionalities #320
- Procedure CreateLSRetailPOLines has been made public in the LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit.
- Procedures ReturnCounters and InitPage have been made public in the LSC AP Create Docs page.
- Procedure ReturnContinueCreateDocs has been made public in the LSC Alloc. Plan Doc Overv RTC page.
- Procedure GetRecordInstance has been made public in the LSC Replen. ControlData Subp. page.
- Procedures SetFilterValue and GetNewFilterValue have been made public in the LSC Replen. Select Filters page.
54800 KDS queue counter not available through eCommerce
- Details not available.
53995 Change field type to enum to match Periodic Discount Line table #311
- Field Type changed from "LSC Arch Periodic Disc. Line" to enum.
55452 Card ID missing on 1st Order
- Details not available.
55321 Event OnBeforeVendorSourcing definition is missing var
- New event, OnBeforeVendorSourcingV2, added to LSCCOSourcingLocListV2Utils codeunit.
55318 Move OnBeforeRestoreArchivedPeriodicDisc to RestoreArchivedPreiodicDisc #331
- New event, OnBeforeRestoreArchivedPeriodicDisc2 and OnBeforeCopyArchivedPeriodicDisc2 added to Periodic Discounts Utility codeunit.
55291 Event request - resolve base test app breaking changes, part 2
- New procedures, OnRun, InitRefund, and RetrieveTransactionToRefundByReceipt have been added to "LSC POS Refund Mgt. Public" codeunit.
55275 GiftCard Customization to Skip Prefix removal prior to Data Entry same as a LS (LS NAV2015)
- New event, OnBeforeValidateDateEntry, added to POS Transaction codeunit.
55265 Add event to handle Customer Order Refunds #329
- New event, OnBeforeInsertCustomerOrderPayment_CreateRefundPaymentLine added to CO Utility codeunit.
55264 [Extensibility] added function CO web Serivce Functions for unlock #328
- New functions added to CO Web Service Functions codeunit.
55262 [Extensibility] Access to using Panel form Custom ext. #325
- Access to procedures from Customer Order View Panel.
55259 New event - codeunit LSC CO POS Functions #322
- New event, OnBeforeOpenPickPanel, added to CO POS Functions codeunit.
55258 Events added to extend Qty Limitations & POS Messaging #321
- New events added to POS Transaction Events codeunit and POS Trans Line table.
55257 Add option to trigger ValidateTracking for documents
- A new field, Validate Tracking has been added to the Retail Vendor card, Retail Purchase Header, and Retail Receiving Header.
When a Retail Purchase Order is created, the value is inherited from the Vendor (if specified). When a Receiving Document is created, the value is inherited from the Retail Purchase Order. The value can then be overwritten on the Retail Purchase Order and the Receiving Header documents.
The value is then sent to the Mobile Inventory devices by web service GetDocument.
55212 Safe Tender Panel
- IsHandled parameter added to OnBeforeInitMenuOnInitSafTenderPanel event.
55192 Expose Procedure in codeunit LSC Replen. Ext.
- The procedure CheckItemIM has been made public in the codeunit "LSC Replen. Ext.".
55170 Need to access some inaccessible procedures
- Added BlockMemberContact from the LSC Member Contact table and DeleteFinishedJobs from LSC Batch Posting codeunit as public procedure.
55096 Input Member Card
- New event, OnBeforeOpenNumericKeyboardOnInputMemberCard, added to POS Transaction codeunit.
55084 Make procedure public
- Make procedure ConvertUOMCurr public in LSC Retail Price Utils codeunit.
54763 Extend the item import from 500 to 1024
- New events added to LSC Item Import File Mgt codeunit.
55171 Lookup.Get primary key fix
- Details not available.
54278 Vendor Item No. not populated on Retail Receiving Lines
- Details not available.
53379 Version 24: Transaction Panel does not open after scanning an older transaction
- Details not available.
52399 Customer Order Shipping tab displays billing address instead of shipping
- Fixed the Customer Order page for Ship Orders to display the shipping information instead of the billing information.
50422 Inventory Code refactor
- Fixed an issue with Shopify Inventory updates where items on order where not included in the total quantity until after the order was posted.
55006 Expose procedure in Replen. Item Store Rec table
- The procedure AutomaticReplenishment has been made public in the table "LSC Replen. Item Store Rec".
54966 Disable pop-up window in Store Inventory Worksheet
- New event, OnBeforeSendPurchOrdersOnProcessWorksheet, has been added to Store Inventory Management codeunit.
54871 Error on Prepack Explosion from Retail Receiving
- Fixed an error that occurred when a Purchase Order with two or more unique prepack items was being received.
54812 Trans. Sales Line Member Calc. Points
- New event, OnBeforeTransSalesLineCalcPoints, added to POS Calc. Member Points codeunit.
54808 Variance on Posted G/L on refunding transaction with multiple payment including Charge To Account as one of the payment
- Details not available.
54776 Codeunit LSC POS Price Utility
- New event, OnBeforeDiscountLineSpecific, added to POS Price Utility codeunit.
54774 Codeunit LSC Coupon Management
- New event, OnBeforeMemberCouponBufferInsert, added to Coupon Management codeunit.
54407 New Event Required in function "Code" of codeunit 99009010 "LSC Point Jnl.-Post"
- New event, OnBeforePointJnlPostBatchRun, created in Point Jnl.-Post Codeunit and called from procedure Code.
53211 Incorrect dimensions used on transfer orders
- Details not available.
52657 If a non-global dimension is set up just in the Store, or just in the Location, the dimension is not transferred to the sales order
- Non Global Dimensions are now added when creating a Sales Order from a Customer Order.
54919 Codeunit 99001595 - function BagOrSafeNoPressedOnClosePanel
- Details not available.
54866 Set Current Template and Batch in Replenishment Journal #319
- The procedure SetCurrentTemplAndBatch has been made public in the following pages:
- Purchase Replenishment Journal
- Transfer Replenishment Journal
- Redistribution Replenishment Journal.
54849 Internal server error, Web Service VoucherV2
- Fixed internal server error, Web Service VoucherV2.
54796 Access needed to lookup method on codeunit "LSC POS Control Interface"
- Details not available.
54669 NA Localization: Tax fields eCommerce event
- New events have been added in CO eCommerce Mgt.:
- OnBeforeCreateSPGTransSalesEntries (var TransSalesEntry: Record "LSC Trans. Sales Entry"; COLine: Record "LSC Customer Order Line")
- OnBeforeCreateTransSalesEntries (var TransSalesEntry: Record "LSC Trans. Sales Entry"; SalesLine_p: Record "Sales Line").
- Obsoleted existing event, OnBeforeCreateTransactionSalesEntry. The old event is still called but will be removed in version 25.0.
54652 Skip check in CheckPriceZeroIsValid in codeunit "LSC POS Transaction Functions"
- New event, OnBeforeCheckPriceZero, added in POS Transaction Functions codeunit.
54643 'Transaction Status' table locked when Customer Order created from web
- Details not available.
54642 Replenishment: New Events
The following integration events have been added to the corresponding objects:
- Codeunit LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys
- OnCalcReplQtyForItemOnAfterSetStockCoverageDates
- Report LSC Add Items to Replen. Jrnl
- OnUpdateReplenishmJournalBatchOnBeforeModifyReplenJournalBatch
- Report LSC Add BOM to Replen. Jrnl
- OnUpdateReplenishmJournalBatchOnBeforeModifyReplenJournalBatch
- Report LSC Add Comp. to Replen. Jrnl
- OnUpdateReplenishmJournalBatchOnBeforeModifyReplenJournalBatch
54515 Coupons LS Central/Mag
- Trans Coupon Entries has been created for Dummy Transaction linked to Customer Order from eCommerce.
53161 New configuration added to POS Terminal - EFT Section
- Use Referenced Refund - default value: Off
- If activated, when doing refunds to cards, information about the original transaction will be sent to LS Pay.
Note: In previous hotfixes, this functionality was added without allowing users to activate or deactivate it. After this change, customers who want to use referenced refunds must specifically activate the functionality in the POS Terminal Card.
52192 Cancellation of Return Reason selection after PI cancellation transaction
- Fixed an issue where a card payment transaction existed without any transaction in LS Central when canceling return reason infocode.
49636 Rounding in foreign currency
- Details not available.
54645 Create hotfix for hotfix/latest (24.1) for change in issue 48101
- QTY command fix from 48101 has been added to hotfix/latest (24.1).
54624 Make Comparison Price fields visible on Retail Item Card V24.0
- Details not available.
54539 New Event Required in function OnBeforeDiscAmountGetAmount of codeunit (99008906) "LSC POS Price Utility"
- Details not available.
54498 New Event Required in function InfoKeyPressed of codeunit (99001599) "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
- New event, OnBeforeInfoKeyPressed, added in the POS Transaction Events codeunit, called from procedure InfoKeyPressed in the POS Transaction codeunit.
54470 New Event Required in function TenderCheckloyalty of codeunit (99001599) "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
- New Event Required in the function TenderCheckloyalty of codeunit (99001599) "LSC POS Transaction Impl".
54450 New Event Required in function ErrorOnRename of codeunit (99001451) "LSC Actions Management"
- New Event Required in function ErrorOnRename of codeunit "LSC Actions Management".
54413 New Event Required in function InsertItemLine of codeunit (99001599) "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
- New events, OnAfterQtyValidateInsertItemLine, OnBeforeTmpPosTransGetSuspend, OnBeforeAskForQtyItemPhase2, OnAfterCommitSuspend, have been added to "LSC POS Transaction Impl".
- New parameters, OnBeforeChangeSalesType and OnAfterProcessRefundSelection, have been added to existing events.
54398 More parameter on event in POS Print Utility.PrintExtraSlip
- One parameter, Header, has been added to the event OnBeforePrintExtraSlip in the POS Print Utility Public codeunit.
52390 LSC POS Control Interface - Public procedures needed
- Details not available.
52290 Menu Line Permission Events
- Details not available.
39065 Training transaction in HO (SaaS) - Hybrid Setup
- Code added to avoid the rare case where training transactions are posted as regular transactions in the entry tables.
54438 Extensibility - Pos Print Utility
- Procedures PrintCOTransferSlip and PrintCOPickSlip are now accessible in the codeunit POS Print Utility Public.
54437 Add an event to SwitchSalesTypeInPosTransLine function
- New event, OnAfterSwitchSalesTypeInPosTransLine, added in POS Transaction Events which is activated from the SwitchSalesTypeInPosTransLine procedure in the Hospitality Functions codeunit.
54435 Number tend decl slips
- New event, OnAfterNumTenderDeclSlips, added in POS Print Utility Public and it is activated from the PrintTenderDeclSlip procedure in POS Print Utility.
54404 New Event Required in function SendRequest of codeunit (10033060) LSCMemberContactCreateUtils
- New event, OnAfterWSServerBufferReset, in the LSCMemberContactCreateUtils codeunit.
54403 Need Event on OnValidate Trigger of "Card No." on "LSC Tender Type Card Setup" Table
- New event, OnAfterGetTenderType, added to the OnValidate trigger of "Card No." on the "LSC Tender Type Card Setup" table.
54392 New Event Required in function Suspend of codeunit (99008900) "LSC POS Functions"
- New event, OnBeforeSuspended, added to the POS Functions codeunit, called from the Suspend procedure.
54239 Additional check for members
- New event, OnAfterChecks, added to the MemberContactUpdateUtils and MemberContactCreateUtils codeunits.
53735 Add dynamic check when record is insert in LabelDataChanged in codeunit 99001481 "LSC Label Utility"
- New event, OnChangeInShelfLabelAndPoster, added in the Label Utility codeunit.
53581 Calc. Member Remaining Points
- New event, OnBeforeCalcMemberRemainingPoints, added in the GetMemberInfoForPosUtils codeunit.
52192 Cancellation of Return Reason selection after PI cancellation transaction
- Fixed an issue where a card payment transaction existed without any transaction in LSC when cancelling return reason infocode.
53790 Error occurs with "Get Item" in Discount Offer (SaaS)
- Details not available.
53566 Addition of events in codeunit "LSC Statement-Post"
- New event, OnBeforeCreateServItemOnTransSalesEnt, added in the codeunit "Statement-Post".
52173 A single Retail Receiving allows users to post the same documents multiple times
- SetSuppressCommit added before running post codeunits in the PostSourceDocument function within the PickingReceiving - Post codeunit.
54275 Events Request for Status Changes
- A new event has been added to publishers for filtering status options in both reservations and group reservations.
54224 Events Request for Parameter to update Loyalty Points from Localization
- A new parameter, (TransSalesEntry: Record "LSC Trans. Sales Entry"), added to an existing event OnBeforeCalcMemberPoints.
53496 Events Request for Public Access
- New event, UpdateCustomerOrder, added in codeunit "LSC POS Functions".
53478 Events Request for BeforeUpdateVariantDescription
- New event, OnBeforeItemDescriptionOnAfterValidateEvent, added in codeunit "LSC Product Ext."
53455 Events Request with VARs on all records
- New event, OnBeforeGetMemberInfoForPosV2, added in "POS Member Mgt".
53454 [Extensibility] COUtility Made Variant and UoM Match functions public
- The procedures VariantMatch and UoMMatch from "LSC CO Utility" have been made public.
53453 [Extensibility] "LSC Customer Order Header" - AddMemberContactToCustomerOrder
- The procedure AddMemberContactToCustomerOrder from "Customer Order Header" has been made public.
53452 [Extensibility] LSC CO POS Functions
- The functions FinalizeOrderPick and FinalizeOrderCollect from "LSC CO POS Functions" have been made public.
53451 [Extensibility] Added SetCustomerOrderEdit to "LSC CO Session Public"
- New procedure, SetCustomerOrderEdit, added to "LSC CO Session Public".
53450 [Extensibility][Event] LSC POS Transaction added SetCustomerOrderForEdit
- New procedure, SetCustomerOrderForEdit, added to "POS Transaction public".
53449 [Extensibility] Access to function in "LSC CO Reservation Entry Mgt"
- New codeunit, CO Res. Entry Mgt Public, added to grant public access to CO Reservation Entry Mgt functions.
53437 Version 24: Total Discount not calculated correctly in Case of Return
- In POS Refund Mgt., a filter has been added when creating and calculating the Total Discount info line in a Return transaction. This is to avoid showing incorrect discount information when there is more than one transaction in the POS Transaction table.
53225 Change Qty not working as expected in v23.2 POS
- In POS Transaction codeunit function ChangeQtyPressed, the IsHandled variable is set to false before calling event Invoke_OnBeforeCheckQuantityNegativeOnChangeQtyPressed.
53187 Manual Line Discount Amount not applied properly on Activity Products (Pay for Reservation on POS)
- Manual Discount amount can be applied similar to Manual Discount percent.
53139 Make internal functions public
- Procedure ClearPosTransDiscEntryBuffer made public and procedure CleanupCustomer made public through POS Transaction Public.
53045 Only show messages regarding Base Unit assignment to Full Users
- The code has been updated to ensure that only relevant users see the base unit assignment requirement message. Device users will no longer receive this message.
52835 Issue with scanning GS1 item barcode with additional product attribute
- Details not available.
53355 Event request: Staff User is able to login to Blocked Stores (Both Primary and Secondary) in LSC POS
- Details not available.
53306 Hotel Group Booking / Activities filter wrong when changing status to confirm after hotfix 23.1.22
- Details not available.
53254 Sales Order line linked to Customer Order that was created from the web (Omni) cannot be deleted if it has already been partly shipped
- Details not available.
53028 Table color change to know status, occupied (not-paid) or order in the table & non-occupied (paid)
- Two events added for the ReturnHospStatus function - enables the user to customize the colors and text on dining table buttons.
Forecourt hotfixes
55884 Refactor AL response to template
- Minimize AL response failure points, LS.Navigate to template with skipWebCall instead of timestamp to notify template it needs to get data and update.
- Forecourt Terminal ID field on Terminal Card validates per store instead of per terminal.
- Forecourt Web Template default decimal precision 0 instead of 2.
- Forecourt Extension AL backend logging on sending pump and transaction commands.
Hotels hotfixes
58044 Detailed Revenue Entry and Reservation Payment Entry Created on Failed POS Post
- Fixed the code so that all revenue entries are completed after transaction processing.
57995 Balance on Reservation After Fully Paying with Cash and a Partly Deposit
- Fixed an issue with deposits on POS when using Temp Balance account method.
57992 When you create a new reservation add activity and then change the date the activity does not follow
- Fixed an issue on the new reservation page where activity dates were not updated when hotel reservation dates were changed.
57700 Balance Transfer Excluded from Deposit Consumption After Check-out
- Fixed an issue in Night Audit where deposits were not being consumed for balance transfers after check-out. Additionally, resolved an issue where Night Audit was not posting the salesperson dimension for deposit lines correctly. When a customer had an assigned salesperson, the deposit journal line was not adding the salesperson dimension as expected.
57542 LS Hotels OPENBALANCE View
- Fixed an issue where the hotel reservation payment status was used in the POS "OPEN BALANCE" list, causing reservations with a 0 balance to appear incorrectly as having an open balance if the payment status was not correct.
57526 Hotel Preview Invoice and Extras
- Fixed the Hotel Preview Invoice report so that reservation extras are always shown.
57938 Cannot open Rate Info in version 24
- Fixed an issue where the Rate Info page could not be opened when the rate code was 20 characters long and had restrictions.
57902 Upgrade code updating the Consumption Date in DRE missing from v23 to v24 resulting in Room and Item summary pages not showing any information
- Fixed an upgrade issue where the Consumption Date in Detailed Revenue Entries (DRE) was missing after upgrading from version 23 to 24, which caused the Room and Item Summary pages to display incorrect or no information.
55070 POS allows refunds more than the deposited amount
- Fixed the issue where the POS allowed refunds exceeding the deposited amount. The validation process is now aligned with the Back Office procedure.
- Fixed an issue where POS transactions involving deposits and another payment type did not create the correct payment entry.
55882 Issue voiding transaction with only deposit line on POS
- Fixed an issue on voiding transaction on POS when transaction only has deposit payment lines.
55934 Duplicated qty in rev entry after posting corrective credit memo with Accrual Accounting
- Fixed an issue with cr.memo when qty <> 1 and only when using accrual accounting.
55836 Deposit collected is not inserted in Hotel Sales Invoice after Posting Credit Memo
- Fixed an issue with deposit after posting Credit Memo. The deposit consumed was not reverted and deposit could not be consumed in a new invoice.
55784 DRE line reversed when changing line discount, unit price, and when changing Paying Res No if the line has no consumed deposit
- There are two instances where a DRE line is reversed:
- Unit price or line discount is changed. There was an error that if deposit had been consumed, the total amount was credit but only net amount (amount - consumed deposit) was changed again.
When changing Paying Res. No., there was also an error that reservation was not moved until you did the change again.
Now it is NOT possible to change Paying Res. No. for a DRE line that has consumed deposit.
- Also fixed Customers Domestic account and Hotel Balance account not balanced after running Night Audit.
54508 How to move charges after Night Audit marks DREs
- Open for change of Paying Reservation No. and reverse DRE that was posted to finance. Also corrected the Night Audit that did not process the Reversed DRE transaction correctly when Accommodation Tax is included in rate.
56259 Hotel Reservation number missing in Transaction Payment Entry when payment is done from Open Transactions panel
- Fixed an issue where Transaction Payment Entries created from the Open Transactions List (POS) were not generating the Hotel Reservation Payment Entries and not setting the corresponding Hotel Reservation No. value in the entry. Also included is an upgrade fix for historical data.
56175 Hotel Reservation Deposit overconsumed when running the NA twice for same day due to line not marked as posted to finance
- There was an issue causing duplicate deposit consumptions for the same revenue entry lines and overconsuming deposits. It was fixed for new cases, but the historical data will be fixed in another process/hotfix.
56198 Error when upgrading Hotels for LS Central from 23 to 24, issue number 3
- Fix for upgrade from 23.0 up to 24.0 times out.
55936 Hotel-group reservation not confirming
- Fixed an issue with group reservation not getting confirmation status when using email templates.
55977 Error when upgrading LS Hotels from 23 to 24 issue number 2
- Fixed ResDepositDueFix in upgrade codeunit.
55207 Hotel Reservation Deposit overconsumed when running the NA twice for same day
- New validations and checks were added to prevent deposit overconsumption in Night Audit and other processes.
55647 Cancellation fee not checking if paid
- Fixed an error when canceling a reservation with paid revenue lines.
55490 Incorrect balance on POS after Deposit and Night Audit run
- If Revenue Line (DRE) has only been partially consumed by Night Audit, the balance must be pulled into the POS. Line discount is recalculated to get the correct net result.
54914 Adding Reservation Extras to a canceled or checked-out reservation
- Users can now add Reservation Extra to cancel, noshow, and checkout reservations.
55476 Archive report - endless loop
- Fixed an issue with archiving activity linked with hotel reservation.
55094 Hotel Reservation Balance rounding issues
- Added rounding for DRE amounts.
53516 Charged to room items do not include tax when paying a reservation where tax is not included in rate
- Fixed charged to room items not including taxes when paying a reservation.
55255 Shortened stay on "In House" reservation does not update DRE charges correctly
- Fixed an issue where shortening the stay for "In House" reservations did not remove the revenue lines correctly.
55144 Hotel WS ReservationCreate price fix
- Fixed an issue with prices in the ReservationCreate web method.
54967 Hotel WS res update fixes found by channex
- Fixed an issue in the ReservationUpdate() web method where DRE lines were not added when a day was added, nor removed when a day was removed.
55023 Paying an activity reservation sets the payment to the wrong Hotel Reservation
- Fixed an issue where a transaction payment entry was created with the hotel reservation number when paying for an activity in the activity POS.
55022 Night Audit is consuming deposit for paid lines on checkout and is not consuming deposit for lines coming from another reservation
Fixed two issues in Night Audit related to deposit consumption:
- Deposits were being consumed for paid charges during checkout.
- Deposits were not being consumed for lines coming from other reservations.
54925 Wrong lines included in POS Transaction for Folio
Fixed various issues detected in Folio POS Transaction:
- No rate lines were inserted for folio without a room line linked.
- For a folio with a room line, all rate lines were inserted, including those linked to other folios.
- In North America localization, lines from a reservation different from the payer's reservation were not including tax.
- Lines paid by deposit consumption in Night Audit were included in the transaction.
54922 Moving charges from one INHOUSE reservation to another INHOUSE reservation fails
- Fixed an issue where changing the paying reservation number for revenue lines with "Room Charge" is true.
54451 Pay Folio button disabled for folio that has only Balance Transfer line
- Fixed an issue where the Pay button was disabled for folio in POS when the folio contained only a Balance Transfer line.
54386 Cannot finalize Folio payment in Hotel POS
- Fixed an issue related to folio payments for North America localization, where rate amounts were not calculated, and the assigned deposit was not added as a result.
54342 AppscourceCop v24 linespace1 missing
- Missing linespace1 added to page Folio Cues - AppSourceCop issue.
54289 POS error when trying to add a Customer AR to a Hotel Deposit Refund transaction
- Fixed an issued with using PostCommand = 'SELECTCUST' in hotel POS.
54054 Hotel POS gratuity turns reservation balance negative
- Fixed an issue that was affecting the posting of POS transactions that included tips. This issue occurred when tips were included in POS transactions from folios different from folio 1. With this update, tips are now correctly created as revenue lines and linked to the selected folio.
- Clarified that when adding tips with a zero Reservation Balance or initiating transactions from the POS menu, revenue lines are only created if the tips or items are charged to the room.
53913 Not possible to change the room during the stay if it is another room type
- Modified the Rate Change page to allow changing the room type after check-in.
53912 Issue opening Reservation Card with FlowFields and DrillDowns
- Changes were made to the Hotel Reservation page to keep the Reservation open after changing the status was reverted. This affected the standard behavior of BC pages and cannot be guaranteed to be maintained in the future.
- A new event, HotelReservationPage_OnNextRecord, was created in the "LSCHT Hotel Integration" codeunit. This event lets you modify the standard behavior to keep the reservation open after changing the status. The code to achieve this can be provided upon request.
53911 Hotel Availability page should take End Date from Date field filter
- Fixed the hotel availability end date to take the last date for the property and room type.
53910 Hotel Preview Invoice includes Deposit Consumption lines
- Fixed an issue in the Hotel Preview Invoice report that was showing Deposit Consumption lines and causing confusion.
53709 Cannot add two rooms with two children on group reservation in draft mode
- Fixed children in group reservation.
53656 NA posting for reservations part of a group aggregates the Gen Journal lines by G/L account
- Check added to ensure that Tax Group and Dimensions are not ignored.
53556 Deposit Due Schedule does not automatically update when Paying Res No is changed to a different reservation no
- Fixed an issue regarding to Refreshing Deposit Due Schedule when "Paying Res. No." is changed in the Detailed Revenue Line. Now, the deposit due is recalculated in the original reservation and the new payer reservation.
- Restriction to exclude reservations with zero or negative balance of refreshing deposit schedule has been removed. It still has the restriction for Internal Status (Canceled, InHouse, or CheckedOut).
53538 Tax Liability obsolete table field
- Fixed tax liability obsolete table field not used.
53528 Void and Copy for groups only voids one reservation
- Void & copy have been fixed for hotel group reservations.
53517 If a deposit is assigned it is not possible to create an invoice
- Fixed an issue with sales invoice and deposits when using Account method: Accrual accounting.
53472 Tax Liability for Deposits does not post correctly when charges are moved to a different reservation
- Fixed sale tax liability for DRE lines has changed the paying res. no.
53421 Fixing conflict in tape chart hotfix merge
- Details not available.
53420 Accommodation tax and change rate code
- Fixed accommodation tax not being included in rate, change rate code created extra lines in DRE.
53351 Tape Chart UI Issue - status selection problem
- The set room status method for the tape chart was fixed and added back.
- The color of the ooo and oos has always been gray, but the color now works when status is changed.
53334 Discrepancy in Reservation Tax Calculation
- Fixed a problem with Accommodation Tax not being included in the rate. When dates were removed from the reservation, the tax was not removed.
53318 Folio FactBox displays wrong amounts
- Fixed incorrect amounts displayed in the Folio FactBox and addressed a minor issue with Discounts Calculation in the "LSCHT Gr. Invoice Mgt. Cues" Factbox. Made minor design improvements to the FactBox.
53317 Cannot finalize Folio payment in POS
- Fixed an issue on paying folio in POS. When folio had deposits assigned, there was an error on finishing POS transactions. Other issues related to this process were found and fixed:
- POS line text for Deposit assignment changed to Deposit Assignment instead Deposit Assignment for folio [x].
- Improved selection of default folio number for deposit refunds, when there are deposits collected without folio, the folio number for refund will be empty.
53300 Auto-Assign Deposit does not calculate the percentage and Total Unassigned correctly
- Calculated amounts in the Deposit Assignment sub-page in Hotel Reservation Deposits has been modified:
- The Total Unassigned amount has been fixed and its caption changed to Deposit Available To Assign. The calculation was modified to include some refunds done to a folio.
- The Total Collected amount has been deprecated, because the information is irrelevant in the section and it is available in the FactBox.
53269 Reservation update Channex issues WS
- Fixed issues with guest names and phone numbers in Hotel web services.
53253 Change Routing rule with room charge
- Fixed, can now change folio no. for Charg2Room DRE lines.
53239 Change Paying Res for all records errors out
- Fixed Change Paying Res. for all records which previously errored out. Now, in the new reservation/group reservation page, selecting a routing rule before choosing the customer is possible.
53099 Using Guest name -full name- in MemberContactSaveGuest not working
- Fixed an issue when only the Guest name only (no first, last names) is used for member contacts.
53059 Night Audit must consume deposit that is taken after Night Audit has posted reservation to finance
- NA consumes deposit that is taken after Night Audit has posted reservation to finance.
- NA consumes remaining deposit amounts after the reservation is checked-out with a balance.
52349 Hotel Account Method by Accrual according no Item ledger entries
- Post Item Ledger Entries in Night Audit when the Accounting Method is set to "Accrual Accounting", as the POS does not post it.
51832 Cannot checkout group reservation if all reservations in group are cancelled
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change the status of a group reservation if any of the individual reservations was canceled.
54922 Moving charges from one INHOUSE reservation to another INHOUSE reservation fails
- Fixed an issue where changing the paying reservation number for revenue lines with "Room Charge" is true.
54384 NA consumes more deposit than available
- Fixed an issue where the deposit consumption from NightAudit was exceeding the available deposit.
53912 Issue opening Reservation Card with FlowFields and DrillDowns
- Changes were made to the Hotel Reservation page to keep the Reservation open after changing the status was reverted. This affected the standard behavior of BC pages and cannot be guaranteed to be maintained in the future.
- A new event, HotelReservationPage_OnNextRecord, was created in the "LSCHT Hotel Integration" codeunit. This event lets you modify the standard behavior to keep the reservation open after changing the status. The code to achieve this can be provided upon request.
54451 Pay Folio button disabled for folio that has only Balance Transfer line
- Fixed an issue where the "Pay" button was disabled for folio in POS when the folio contained only a Balance Transfer line.
54386 Cannot finalize Folio payment in Hotel POS
- Fixed an issue related to folio payments for North America localization, where rate amounts were not calculated, and the assigned deposit was not added as a result.
53913 Not possible to change the room during the stay if it is another room type
- Modified the Rate Change page to allow changing the room type after check-in.
53709 Cannot add 2 rooms with 2 children on group reservation in draft mode
- Fixed children in group reservation.
54342 AppscourceCop v24 linespace1 missing
- Missing linespace1 added to page Folio Cues - AppSourceCop issue.
54054 Hotel POS gratuity (Tip) turns reservation balance negative
- Fixed an issue that was affecting the posting of Point of Sale (POS) transactions that included tips. This issue was specifically occurring when tips were included in POS transactions from folios different of folio 1. With this update, tips will now be correctly created as revenue lines and linked to the selected folio.
- Clarified that when adding tips with a zero Reservation Balance or initiating transactions from the POS menu, revenue lines are only created if the tips or items are charged to the room.
53910 Hotel Preview Invoice includes Deposit Consumption lines
- Fixed an issue in the "Hotel Preview Invoice" report that showed Deposit Consumption lines, causing confusion.
53239 Change Paying Res for all records errors out
- Fixed Change Paying Res. for all records which previously errored out. Now, in the new reservation/group reservation page, selecting a routing rule before choosing the customer is possible.
53656 NA posting for reservations part of a group aggregates the Gen Journal lines by G/L account
- Check added to ensure that Tax Group and Dimensions are not ignored.
53556 Deposit Due Schedule does not automatically update when Paying Res No is changed to a different reservation no
- Fixed an issue regarding to Refreshing Deposit Due Schedule when "Paying Res. No." is changed in the Detailed Revenue Line. Now, the deposit due is recalculated in the original reservation and the new payer reservation.
- Restriction to exclude reservations with zero or negative balance of refreshing deposit schedule has been removed. It has the restriction for Internal Status (Cancelled, InHouse or CheckedOut) still.
53528 Void and Copy for groups only voids one reservation
- Void & copy have been fixed for hotel group reservations.
53318 Folio FactBox displays wrong amounts
- Fixed incorrect amounts displayed in the Folio FactBox and addressed a minor issue with Discounts Calculation in the "LSCHT Gr. Invoice Mgt. Cues" Factbox. Made minor design improvements to the FactBox.
52349 Hotel Account Method by Accrual according no Item ledger entries
- Post Item Ledger Entries in Night Audit when the Accounting Method is set to "Accrual Accounting", as the POS does not post it.
51832 Cannot checkout group reservation if all reservations in group are cancelled
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change the status of a group reservation if any of the individual reservations was cancelled.
53517 If a deposit is assigned it is not possible to create an invoice
- Fixed an issue with sales invoice and deposits when using Account method: Accrual accounting.
53269 Reservation update Channex issues WS
- Fixed issues with guest names and phone numbers in Hotel web services.
53253 Change Routing rule with room charge
- Fixed, can now change folio no. for Charg2Room DRE lines.
Hotels BEC hotfixes
55446 Channex BEC logging added
- Details not available.
55438 Channex hotfix for BEC
- Channex channel management added.
55080 Add rates as comments
- Details not available.
53352 Issue with Booking Status Transition from Expedia
- Fixed that DRAFT reservation status is used when an empty country name is received from SM or Synxis.
52045 BEC appsourcecop validation fix
- Fixed appsourcecop validation error.
51372 Channex - Availability and Rates
- Details not available.
Localization hotfixes
58173 Issue with SendTransaction Web Service on German Translation
- Locked reserved captions to avoid multilingual issues during webservices.
54513 NA Sales Tax Not Displaying on PRINT_SL Command
- Initialized temptable before tax breakdown.
55432 Hotfix
- Details not available.
56013 Fiskaly cash point closing issue
- Details not available.
54556 GST bill number series
- Details not available.
54432 Add new events for existing procedure CreateDocumentNo
- Details not available.
56255 Extensibility codeunit 10044555 "LSCBE POS Print Utility" app version
- Details not available.
55591 Transactions cannot be closed in POS after payment
- Details not available.
54525 Tax fields are not copied from Customer Order to Transaction
- Details not available.
54513 Sales tax not displaying on PRINT_SL Command
- Details not available.
53897 Rounding issue in POS Terminal
- Details not available.
53567 TAX issue - include Customer Tax Liable in calculations
- The Customer Tax Liable field has been included in determining if tax should be calculated.
54933 Error at posting sales due to LS Central Portuguese translations
- Fixed an issue with incorrect translations in LS Central Portuguese that caused errors during sales posting.
54578 LSC Fiskaly still does not work properly
- The Refresh action has been enhanced and the token request fixed.
System hotfixes
53045 Only show messages regarding Base Unit assignment to Full Users
- The code has been updated to ensure that only relevant users see the base unit assignment requirement message. Device users will no longer receive this message.