Calculating Dining Area Statistics
When you calculate dining area statistics, the program archives all dining area plans, dining table history entries and dining table receipt entries for the selected time frame and calculates from this archived data the statistics for the dining area. It also closes any open dining reservation entries and associated attribute POS transaction entries.
Note: It is very important to calculate dining area statistics on a regular basis (up to once a day) to minimize the size of the database tables used in dining table management (Dining Table History Entry, Dining Table Receipt Entry, Dining Area Plan, Dining Reservation Entry ,and Attribute POS Trans. Entry).
You can also schedule the run of the Dining Areas - Calculate Statistics and Archive Data job once a day ,when the restaurant is not open.
It is also necessary to archive dining reserv. history entries.
To calculate the statistics for a dining area
- Click the
icon, enter Calculate Dining Area Statistics, and select the relevant link.
- Select the desired dining area in the Dining Area ID field. If no dining area is selected, the program will calculate the statistics for all dining areas.
- Select the date up to which you want to calculate statistics for. The number of dining area plans and dining table history entries that will be archived is visible in the window.
- Click OK.
You can also run the calculate statistics function from the Dining Area Card.
The program displays a progress bar while archiving and calculating. When the calculation is completed, the program displays the Dining Area Plan Statistics page showing the resulting statistics for the period in question.
The program archives the following tables that contain day-to-day information:
- Dining Table History Entry
- Dining Table Receipt Entry
- Dining Area Plan
- Dining Reservation Entry
- Attribute POS Trans. Entry
The program stores the statistics in these tables:
- Dining Area Plan Statistics
- Din. Area Plan Tbl. Statistics
- Dining Reserv. History Entry
Note: Even if you have not set up dining area plans in your company, the Calculate Dining Area Statistics function archives the dining table history entries and dining table receipt entries. We do recommend, however, that you set up dining area plan templates to create dining area plans. You can create dining area plans in the past just to get statistics on your dining areas from the first day you have dining table history entries.
To view the statistics for a Dining Area
- Click the
icon, enter Dining Areas, and select the relevant link.
- Select the desired dining area.
- On the Action bar, select Statistics and then either Plan Statistics or Table Statistics.