Housekeeping Rule

In this article

Housekeeping rules determine which tasks will be assigned to each room when the housekeeping job is run.

To create a new Housekeeping Rule

  1. In the Hotel Back Office role center's top navigation menu, click Housekeeping Setup, and then click Housekeeping Rules.
  2. Click the New action, and fill in the fields.

The tables below list and describe the fields in the FastTabs on the Housekeeping Rule page.


Field Description
Rule Code Unique ID reference for the housekeeping rule.
Description Description of the housekeeping rule.

Housekeeping Rule Line

Field Description
Rule Code Unique ID reference for the housekeeping rule. The field is automatically populated with the value in the Rule Code field in the General FastTab.
Housekeeping Task Select which task this housekeeping rule should have. Here there is a table relation to the Housekeeping Task table.
Day Interval Displays the day interval of which the task is issued. The value here comes from the housekeeping task, if set. The user, however, can manually overwrite the interval for this specific housekeeping rule.
Estimated Time (minutes) The estimated time in minutes this task takes the housekeeper to complete. The value here comes from the housekeeping task, if set. The user, however, can manually overwrite the time for this specific housekeeping rule.

The housekeeping job looks at the Hotel Setup and applies a corresponding housekeeping rule that determines which tasks are applied to the room.
Note: Housekeeping rules can be overwritten through the Room Type.