Hotel Restrictions

In this article

To create a new Restriction


Week Days

Purchase Control


Restrictions is a tool to control and influence the occupancy and room rate for the hotel.

To create a new Restriction

  1. From the Navigation menu in the Hotel Back Office role center, click Rate Management to display the Navigation bar.
  2. From the Navigation bar, click Restrictions.
  3. Click the New action, and fill in the fields in the Hotel Restriction Entry page.

The tables below list and describe the fields in the page's FastTabs.


Field Description
Restriction Select the restriction you want to apply. Available options:
  • Closed Arrival - Rate is closed for arrival, CTA. No reservation is accepted for check-in on this day.
  • Closed Departure - Rate is closed for departure, CTD. No guest is allowed to depart this day.
  • Max Lead Days - Maximum number of days before arrival for a specific rate or room type. Reservation can only be booked 'X' number of days before the arrival date.
  • Max LOS - Maximum length of stay for a specific rate or room type. A guest arriving on this date must stay at most 'X' number of nights.
  • Min Lead Days - Minimum number of days before arrival for a specific rate or room type. Reservation must be booked at least 'X' number of days prior to arrival.
  • Min LOS - Minimum length of stay for a specific room or room type. A guest arriving on this date must stay at least 'X' number of nights.
  • Sell Limit - Sets a limit on how many rooms can be sold at this rate.
  • Stop - Stops the sale of a rate or property. Stop Sell can prevent your hotel from being bookable.
Description Description of the restriction. Non-editable field, takes the predefined description of the restriction.
Restriction Name Name of the restriction.
Date from The start date when this restriction becomes active.
Date to The end date of when this restriction is active.
Rate Code Select the rate code that you want this restriction to affect once it is activated.
Property The property to which this restriction will be applied.
Room Type Select the room type that you want this restriction to affect once it is activated.
Booking Engine Enabled Specifies whether this restriction has effect on the booking engines or only the PMS system. If this check box is activated, the restriction will affect the booking engines.
Reservations Permitted Specifies when the restriction is active, if the system is allowed to create a reservation when the restriction 'kicks in' or not. If this check box is activated, new reservations are permitted but a warning message is displayed. If the check box is off, an error occurs with information about the restriction causing the error.
Enabled Specifies if this restriction is active or not. If this check box is activated, the restriction is active, if the check box is off, it is not active.

Week Days

Here you select the days of the week when the restriction is effective. You can select:

  • All Days - The restriction is effective every day from Monday to Sunday.
  • Monday - The restriction is only effective on Mondays.
  • Tuesday - The restriction is only effective on Tuesdays.
  • Wednesday - The restriction is only effective on Wednesdays.
  • Thursday - The restriction is only effective on Thursdays.
  • Friday - The restriction is only effective on Fridays.
  • Saturday - The restriction is only effective on Saturdays.
  • Sunday - The restriction is only effective on Sundays.

Purchase Control

Here you set the values for the number of days or nights these restrictions will use when applied. Depending on the restriction you select, use either Min LOS, Max LOS, Min Lead Days, or Max Lead Days.

Field Description
Min LOS Specifies the minimum length of stay (in days).
Max LOS Specifies the maximum length of stay (in days).
Min Lead Days Specifies the minimum lead days.
Max Lead Days Specifies the maximum lead days.


Here you must set the limit value when using the Sell Limit restriction or this field will be non-editable.