Status Setup

In this article

To create new Hotel Status 




The Hotel Status lets you define actions made to the hotel reservation. Settings should be defined and then assigned to reservations.

To create new Hotel Status 

  1. From the Navigation menu in the Hotel Back Office role center, click Hotel Setup to display the Navigation bar.
  2. From the Navigation bar, click Status Setup.
  3. Click the New action, and fill in the fields in the Hotel Status Card.

The tables below describe the main fields in the Hotel Status Card's FastTabs.


Field Description
Code Unique ID for the status.
Description Description of the status.
Reservation Type The reservation type where the status setting is available, when the user changes the status on a reservation. If left empty, the setting is not available.
Internal Status Specifies which internal status should be applied to the reservation. Available options:
  • Draft
  • Confirmed
  • In House
  • Checked Out
  • Canceled
  • No Show


Field Description
Automated Emails Specifies whether an email should be sent or not whenever the status is assigned on a reservation. For more information see Set Up Email.
Client Email Template Specifies the email template and script that are sent to the guest. Fore more information see Email Templates.


Field Description
Task Handling Issue or recall tasks related to the reservation.
Deposit Schedule Handling Specifies if the status assignment will either issue or delete the deposit payment schedule.
View Sequence Specifies in which order the status is shown in list selections.
Activity Status Specifies the status that the activities get when the hotel status is used.
Default Specifies using default status in shortcut selections.
Charge to Room Allowed Can only be used when Internal Status is Confirmed. Specifies if charge-to-room is allowed for reservations with status Confirmed.
Arrival Filter (Today + x) Used with Charge to Room Allowed. Specifies the number of future days that is shown on the charge-to-room reservation list on the POS.