Module Terminology

Term Description
Location Activity locations are defined to decide the physical location of the source for the services (activity products and memberships).

In LS Central member details and identification share the member contact. A member can have either an active or inactive membership. A member will always require a customer account that is linked to the membership to track subscription charges. A customer account can be charged by multiple members, for example when a head of a family is charged for family members.


Each member can be assigned to one or more memberships. The memberships can either be single-sale (paid up front) or subscription-based. Membership identifies access options and charges.

Membership type The membership type is the product that is sold or assigned to members. The product (or membership) can have restrictions and access settings, as well as a set charge for the initial sale or the subscription charges.  A membership type can be paid up front as a single-sale membership, or it can be charged by subscription through Business Central invoicing.
Status Each membership can these statuses:
  • Draft
  • Active
  • Non-active
  • Canceled
  • On hold
Subscription batch

When the subscription process is manually executed, it creates entries in a subscription batch. This batch consists of charges for all active memberships for the period and the selected subscription type. The batch lines can be edited prior to posting, which then creates a Business Central invoice per customer. If the member does not have a customer account, the process will automatically create a Business Central customer account. The posting process posts the batch to member transactions and updates access settings.

When the invoices have been created, standard Business Central processes apply for posting, printing, and emailing invoices. The Membership module keeps track of all membership charges and that they are correctly finalized and posted to Accounting.

Subscription type Memberships can either be single-sale or subscription. Subscription-based memberships can be invoiced at fixed intervals. The subscription type defines the invoicing interval, that is monthly, quarterly, yearly, and so on. The execution process is manually invoked.