Inventory Codes

Device Type Code Description Bitmap Code Type
Mobile CHANGESTORE Change Store   Function
Mobile CUSTOMERCARD Customer Card   Card
Mobile DATARETRIEVAL Data Retrieval   Function
Mobile DOCUMENTSEARCH Search by document number   Document

Search by document number blind

Mobile FULLMASTER Full master data update   Function
Mobile ITEMCARD Item Card   Card
Mobile MAINTAINDB Maintain Database   Function
Mobile PICKPROACTIVEBLIND Pick PRO by active vendors - blind   Document
Mobile PICKPROACTIVECREATE Pick PRO Active Create   Document
Mobile PICKPROACTIVELIST Pick PRO by active vendors - list   Document
Mobile PICKPROALLBLIND Pick PRO all - blind   Document
Mobile PICKPROALLCREATE Pick PRO All Create   Document
Mobile PICKPROALLLIST Pick PRO all - list   Document
Mobile PICKPROLOCALBLIND Pick PRO by local vendor - blind   Document
Mobile PICKPROLOCALCREATE Pick PRO Local Create   Document
Mobile PICKPROLOCALLIST Pick PRO by local vendor - list   Document
Mobile PICKSOACTIVEBLIND Pick SO by active customer - blind   Document
Mobile PICKSOACTIVECREATE Pick SO Active Create   Document
Mobile PICKSOACTIVELIST Pick SO by active customer - list   Document
Mobile PICKSOALLBLIND Pick SO all - blind   Document
Mobile PICKSOALLCREATE Pick SO All Create   Document
Mobile PICKSOALLLIST Pick SO all - list   Document
Mobile PICKSOLOCALBLIND Pick SO by local customer - blind   Document
Mobile PICKSOLOCALCREATE Pick SO Local Create   Document
Mobile PICKSOLOCALLIST Pick SO by local customer - list   Document
Mobile PICKTOACTIVEBLIND Pick TO by active location - blind   Document
Mobile PICKTOACTIVECREATE Pick TO Active Create   Document
Mobile PICKTOACTIVELIST Pick TO by active location - list   Document
Mobile PICKTOALLBLIND Pick TO all - blind   Document
Mobile PICKTOALLCREATE Pick TO All Create   Document
Mobile PICKTOALLLIST Pick TO all - list   Document
Mobile PICKTOLOCALBLIND Pick TO by local - blind   Document
Mobile PICKTOLOCALCREATE Pick TO Local Create   Document
Mobile PICKTOLOCALLIST Pick TO by local locations - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOACTIVCREATE Receive PO Active Create   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOACTIVEBLIND Receive PO by active vendors - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOACTIVELIST Receive PO by active vendors - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOALLBLIND Receive PO all - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOALLCREATE Receive PO All Create   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOALLLIST Receive PO all - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOITEMBLIND Receive PO by item selection - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOITEMLIST Receive PO by item selection - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOLOCALBLIND Receive PO by local vendor - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOLOCALCREATE Receive PO Local Create   Document
Mobile RECEIVEPOLOCALLIST Receive PO by local vendor - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROACTIVEBLIN Receive SRO by active customer - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROACTIVELIST Receive SRO by active customer - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROALLBLIND Receive SRO all - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROALLLIST Receive SRO all - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROITEMBLIND Receive SRO by item selection - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROITEMLIST Receive SRO by item selection - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROLOCALBLIND Receive SRO by local customer - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVESROLOCALLIST Receive SRO by local customer - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOACTIVEBLIND Receive TO by active locations - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOACTIVELIST Receive TO by active locations - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOALLBLIND Receive TO all - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOALLLIST Receive TO all - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOITEMBLIND Receive TO by item selection - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOITEMLIST Receive TO by item selection - list   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOLOCALBLIND Receive TO by local location - blind   Document
Mobile RECEIVETOLOCALLIST Receive TO by local location - list   Document
Mobile UNSENTDOCS Unsent Documents   Document
Mobile UNSENTWORKSHEETS Unsent Worksheets   Worksheet
Mobile UPDMASTER Update master data   Function
Mobile VENDORCARD Vendor Card   Card
Mobile VIEWDATARETRIEVED View data retrieved   Function
Mobile WHOAMI Who am I   Function
Mobile WORKLIST Worksheet List   Worksheet
Mobile WORKSHEET Worksheet   Worksheet