How to: Use KDS Coursing for Your Fine Dining Restaurant

KDS Coursing flow

Viewing the Coursing data tables - information on timing and staff

To view information related to KOT Coursing

See also

KDS Coursing lets you separate items into different menu courses and control the start of preparation for each course to ensure the greatest level of service for the customer.

KDS Coursing flow

This is how the KDS Coursing flow works:

  • Take the order for all courses for the dining table (1).
  • Announce the order in the kitchen by pressing a button: the program creates a Coursing KOT and prints the course overview on printer stations according to the item routing. The kitchen staff then knows what has been ordered for the dining table (1).
    Note: A menu course can be set to always be automatically fired when the overview is sent, or only if it is the first course in the order.
  • Change the order by pressing the announce button again: the program reprints the course overview where additions to the course items are marked with an asterisk * (1).
  • Fire a course when the timing is right, signaling to the kitchen that the production of the course should start. The program prints a slip on the relevant printer stations asking the kitchen staff to start preparing the course (1, 2, 3).
  • Mark other menu course tasks, such as Place Cutlery as Done (2).
  • Mark dining table tasks, such as Place Bread as Done (2).
  • If courses are manually served (configured in the Hospitality Service Flow), serve a course when the guests have received the course items on the dining table (1, 2 ,3).

    Note: When all courses have been served and the guests have paid for the order, the dining table becomes free (this is controlled by the service flow in use and can be changed). If the waiting staff forgets to mark the course as served, it is either possible to:

    • Press Serve "Next Course" repeatedly to finish serving all non-served courses.
    • Select the dining table and press the Kitchen Status - 1 KOT button, select the Coursing KOT and press Serve.
  • If courses are automatically served when fired, no further action is needed.
  • Send comments to the kitchen regarding the order or guest preferences. Each comment can be 100 characters long and is registered for the KOT as a whole, not per course. It appears in a section in the Coursing Overview panel. The program prints the comments on all the printer stations that the KOT was printed on except for printer stations that have Show KOT Comment as No (1, 2, 3).

1) - in the Sales POS 

2) - in the Coursing Overview panel

3) - on the Dining Table Pop-up menu

Viewing the Coursing data tables - information on timing and staff

The program creates a Coursing KOT for the items in the order that belong to menu courses. The data specific to coursing is stored in the following data tables:

  • KOT Course - contains information on the menu course.
  • KOT Course Routing - contains the display stations that the menu course is routed to.
  • Hosp. Ord. Cours. Kit. Stat - contains the kitchen status information per menu course, which course is the currently active course, and which is next to be fired and served.
  • Hosp. Ord. Cours. Task Stat - contains task status information for each menu course and the dining table tasks. Includes information on timing and which staff member performed each task.

To view information related to KOT Coursing

  1. To view the coursing data tables, click the icon, enter KOTs, and select the relevant link.
  2. Select the relevant KOT.
  3. On the action banner, under KOT, you can select to view KOT Courses, KOT Course Routings, and KOT Comments.
  4. On the action banner, under Status, you can select to view Coursing Kitchen Status and Coursing Task Status.

See also

KDS Coursing

KDS Coursing Setup