Upgrading Issues and Breaking Changes for Comments

The following lists up the upgrading issues and breaking changes for centralized comments. When you upgrade to version 21.4, centralized comments replace the comments for Bookings, Hotels, and Restaurants.

Tables to be obsoleted

Fields to be obsoleted

POS commands not in use

The Dining Reservation Desk panel

The Allocation panel

The #RESPREFERENCES web template is obsolete

You must go through the upgrade steps in the Comment Setup page after you upgrade to version 21.4. The upgrading process that runs when you upgrade your client only upgrades comments in Hotels (hotel reservations).

Note: There are panels that you must change manually to incorporate the new comment structure.

Tables to be obsoleted

The Activity Member Comments table has been marked to be obsoleted. The Comment Setup upgrade process includes a step that copies the data in this table to the new Comment table.

The Attribute POS Trans. Entry and Attrib. Reserv. History Entry tables were used to store attributes on a dining reservation, dining table, and POS transaction. The Comment table now stores this information. The Comment Setup upgrade process includes a step that copies the data in the Attribute POS Trans. Entry table and the Attrib. Reserv. History Entry table to the new Comment table. The process creates an comment category for each attribute that has an attribute entry.

Fields to be obsoleted


The Comment field has been made not visible and not editable and marked to be obsoleted in these database tables:

  • LSC Reservation
  • LSC Activity Reservation
  • LSC Activity Group
  • LSC Activity Group Member
  • LSC Activtity Group Line
  • LSC Arch Activity Reservation
  • LSC Arch LS Reservation

The Comment Setup upgrade process includes steps that copy the contents of the Comment field into the to the new Comment table.

Special Requests

The Special Requests field has been made not visible and not editable and marked to be obsoleted in these database tables:

  • LSC Dining Reservation Entry
  • LSC Dining Reserv. History Entry

It is not necessary to use this field anymore.

Where used in a POS data table, the Comment Setup upgrade process replaces this field with a column with the COMM-COUNT source expression.

Dining Reserv. Special Request

The Dining Reserv. Special Request field has been made not visible and not editable and marked to be obsoleted in these database tables:

  • LSC Attrib. Reserv. History Entry
  • LSC Attribute POS Trans. Entry
  • LSC Attribute

It is not necessary to use this field anymore.

Din. Area Section Attr. Code

The Din. Area Section Attr. Code field has been obsoleted for this database table:

  • LSC Dining Area.

This field is replaced by a new field, Din. Area Section Attr Code. Instead of containing a Table Link attribute (where the table is Dining Area Section), this new field contains an option value attribute, where the options are the sections of the dining area. You use the Create Dining Area Section Attribute From function to create the new attribute. The Comment Setup upgrade process includes this step.

No. of Attributes Seated Only

The No. of Attributes Seated Only has been obsoleted for these database tables:

  • LSC Dining Table Info. Buffer
  • LSC Dining Table Status

The same information is now acquired through a function in the new Comment table. No action needed.

POS commands not in use

The following POS commands are not used anymore:

  • ATTR_SHOW_DINTABLE - replaced by COMM_SHOW and the Comment panel
  • ATTR_SHOW_POSTRANS - replaced by COMM_SHOW and the Comment panel
  • ATTR_SHOW_DINRESERV - replaced by COMM_SHOW and the Comment panel.

The Comment Setup upgrade process includes a step that replaces these commands where used. You must import the configuration package before this step can take place.

The Dining Reservation Desk panel

MANUAL STEP: Parts of this panel need to be redesigned. The attribute selection must be replaced by the new comment structure.

The following commands are obsolete within this panel:


Two commands, DR-SECTION_FILTER and DR-TABLEATTR_FILTER, can remain as they were.

In the Demo Data Company, there are these Dining Reservation Desk panels: 

In interface profile ##DEFAULT: #DR-RESERV-DESK

  • The #DR-ATTRIBUTES menu has been modified to include the COMM_SHOW command and not the obsoleted commands.
  • The #RESPREFERENCES web template has been replaced with the data grid control #COMM-TOTALCOMM.

In interface profile #ACT-DR: #DR-RESERV-DESK

Note: The panel used to be the #OFFLINE panel within #ACT-DR. The profile contains a new #OFFLINE panel that is a normal Startup / Logoff panel.

  • The #DR-ATTRIBUTES menu has been modified to include the COMM_SHOW command and not the obsoleted commands.
  • The #RESPREFERENCES web template has been replaced with the data grid control #COMM-TOTALCOMM.
  • The #DR-FUNCTIONS menu contains a button for OK with post command LOGOFF.

The Allocation panel

MANUAL STEP: Parts of this panel need to be redesigned.

The #TR-ALLOCATION panel in the Demo Data includes a few changes:

  • It includes the #COMM-TOTALCOMM data grid control.
  • The data table linked to the #TR-TABLERESERV-1 data grid control has a COMM_SHOW command and another column with Source Exrpession COMM-COUNT (number of commands associated with the dining reservation (related also). This is done by the Comment Setup upgrade process.

The #RESPREFERENCES web template is obsolete

This web template is now obsolete and has been replaced by the data grid control #COMM-TOTALCOMM (the #COMM-TOTALSALES grid control within a #POS panel). The Comment Setup upgrade process includes a step that replaces this template where used.

Note: You must import the configuration package before this step can take place.

MANUAL STEP: You need to examine all the panels that include this web template. With each occurrence you must have a menu button with the COMM_SHOW or COMM_SHOWSALES (in the #POS panel) command.