Assigning Attributes to Dining Tables

Create dining table attributes for dining areas

Assign attributes to the dining tables

See also

If you are working with dining reservations in your restaurants and allocate reservations to dining tables, you can use attributes to let the customers select what kind of dining table they would prefer when they make a reservation. This includes characteristics such as window tables, quiet tables, tables accessible for the disabled, and so on.

Once you have assigned attributes to your dining tables, you create comment categories from the attributes. When the customer makes a dining reservation for a dining area and wants to dine at tables with specific attributes, you add dining table attribute comments to the customer's reservation: in the Comment page or panel, you select a comment category and one or more dining table attribute options. You can add the comment to the dining reservation directly or any reservation related to the dining reservation, such as the activity reservation or activity group reservation.

If a dining table is allocated automatically when the reservation is confirmed or later, the allocation process tries to pick dining tables with the preferred attributes.

When you allocate a dining table to the reservation, the available dining tables are filtered according to the preferred attributes.

Create dining table attributes for dining areas

The dining tables are set up per dining area.

Note: It may be enough to create only one dining table attribute that includes the necessary options that are applicable to all your dining areas. If any of the options do not apply to all dining areas, it is better to create separate attributes with the correct option values and select the appropriate attribute for each dining area.

To create a dining table attribute

  1. Click the icon, enter Attributesand select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action to create a new attribute.
  3. Enter a code and a description.
  4. Select Option Value in the Value Type field.
  5. In the Options section, enter text in the Option Value field for each option.

To create a comment category from the attribute

  1. Click the Create Comment Category From action. The Comment Category Card appears showing the new comment category.

To assign the attribute to the dining area

  1. Click the icon, enter Dining Areasand select the relevant link.
  2. Select the desired dining area.
  3. In the Allocation and Reservation section, in the Dining Table Attribute Code field, select the attribute you created.

Assign attributes to the dining tables

Attributes are assigned to dining tables for each dining area layout.

  1. In the Dining Area Card, click the Dining Area - Layouts actions.
  2. In the Dining Area Layouts page, click the Attributes action (expand the page, if necessary, to see this action).
  3. Here you can assign the attribute options to each dining table by selecting the Selected check box if the attribute option applies.

Tip: You can easily copy the attribute assignment to other layouts.

You can filter the view by Attribute Value, Section, and Dining Table Type to make the assignment process faster.

Click the Attribute Overview action to see an overview per attribute option value; how many dining tables and combined dining tables are assigned.

See also

Attributes and Dining Preferences

How to: Manage the Reservation Desk