The Comments Panel

In this article

Main grid

Related grid

The Comments panel in the POS is equivalent to the Comments page. Here you can view, insert, edit, and delete comments and change their priority, scope, and kitchen status.

The panel shows comments that are linked to the source that is active when the panel is opened.

The panel has two grids:

  • the top grid shows the comments directly linked to the source (main grid).
  • the bottom grid shows the comments related to the source (related grid).

Note: There are two Comments panels in the demo data:

  • #COMM-COMMENTS - opened with the COMM_SHOW command.
  • #COMM-SALESPOSPAN - opened with the COMM_SHOWSALES command from within a #POS panel.
  • These panels are identical in every way except for the name and how they are opened.
  • The panels include the same function menus.
  • You must adapt the function menus to your own comment categories.

To see an example of how to design the function menus in the panel, see Setting up Attributes for Dining Preferences.

Main grid

Here you have a number of options to create and edit comments:

Action POS Command in Grid Source Expression in Grid
Double-click an empty row to enter a comment directly in the main grid. The program registers the comment to the source with no comment category unless a default category is specified with the command showing the panel.    
Edit an existing comment.   COMM-EDIT
Select another option for an option comment. COMM_EDIT_OPTION LOOKUP-OPT
Delete existing comments. COMM_LINE

Parameter DELETE

Move comments up and down, or to the top. COMM_LINE


Change comment scope. COMM_LINE


Mark the comment to be sent to kitchen (or not). COMM_LINE


View the comment in a message box, if the comment is too long to be fully visible in the grid. COMM_LINE


Change comment priority. COMM_LINE





Note: Lower priority order means higher priority

To change the comment category registered for the comment. COMM_CATEGORY  

This source expression returns the Last Modified By field where the domain part is not included (the part before the \ letter).


This source expression returns the Created By field where the domain part is not included (the part before the \ letter).


Functions in the function menu also apply to the main grid:

Action POS Command in POS Menu Parameter
Create a new comment.

If there is no comment category as parameter, the program registers the comment to the source with no comment category unless a default category is specified with the command showing the panel.

Otherwise, the program registers the comment to the source with the comment category specified as parameter.

If the comment category is linked to an attribute, a pop-up panel with the attribute options appears. You can select one or more options from the panel.

COMM_NEW A comment category (optional)

Create a new comment with the selected comment category. You start by selecting a comment category from a list.

If the comment category is linked to an attribute, a pop-up panel with the attribute options appears. You can select one or more options from the panel.

Create a new comment with a predefined option. Inserts comment option such as Occasion: Birthday with one click. COMM_NEWOPTION Comment category

Parameter setup: OPTIONSEQUENCE - here you enter the sequence number of the attribute option value.

When you close the parameter lookup, the program inserts the Option value into the Description of the button.

Send comments to the kitchen. COMM_SENDTOKDS DISPLAYMESSAGE

Related grid

The POS data table used here depends on Related Comments View field in the Comment Setup:

  • By Source and Reference - the data table is grouped by Source and reference.
  • By Category - the comments appear grouped by comment category.

Here you have the following options:

Action POS Command in Grid Source Expression in Grid
Double-click a comment row to open the Comment panel for the source on the line where you can create and edit the source comments. When you close that panel, the previous panel is visible again.    
Mark the comment to be sent to kitchen (or not). COMM_LINE


View the comment in a message box, if the comment is too long to be fully visible in the grid. COMM_LINE


Change comment priority COMM_LINE





Note: Lower priority order means higher priority


This source expression returns the Last Modified By field where the domain part is not included (the part before the "\" character).


This source expression returns the Created By field where the domain part is not included (the part before the" \" character).