How to: Work with Subscription Confirmations
In this article
To send notification to the customer
To confirm the subscription confirmation
To create a customer order from subscription confirmation
After the subscription agreement has been created and enabled (see How to: Create Subscription Agreements), a subscription confirmation is created.
The confirmation is accessible from the Subscription Confirmations page. When a subscription confirmation has been created, you can:
- Send notification to the customer.
- Confirm the subscription confirmation.
- Create a customer order.
To send notification to the customer
- Go to Departments - LS Retail - Pharmacy - Prescription Orders - Subscription Agreements - Subscription Confirmations.
- Select the subscription you want to send a notification to.
- Click Send Notification on the Home action menu. A message box appears stating that the notification has been sent.
To confirm the subscription confirmation
Right after a subscription confirmation is created, the line's Confirmation Status is Waiting Confirmation.
You can confirm the subscription before you send the notification and before you create the customer order:
- Click Confirm on the Home action menu.
- The value in the Confirmation Status field changes to Confirmed, a confirmed date is added as well as the name of the user that confirmed the line.
To create a customer order from subscription confirmation
You can create a customer order after the subscription confirmation has been confirmed, or you can create the order beforehand.
If you click the Create Order action on the Home menu before you click the Confirm action, the line is automatically confirmed when the order is created.
- Select the line that a customer order should be created from.
- Click the Create Order action.