Virtual Scale

The Virtual scale can be used to emulate communications with a scale. The Virtual Scale can calculate the price and tare, and it depends on configurations in the LS Central system if the results of those calculations are returned.

A part of the Virtual Scale is visible in the Virtual Station (top, left corner), but when a scale item is sold in the POS and the Hardware Station is asked for the weight, the Virtual Scale displays a dialog window (see image below) where you can enter the weight and see how the information is handled and calculated.

Click here for instructions on how to install, configure the devices, and start the Virtual Station.
To be able to use virtual devices in the POS, they need to be added to the Hardware Profile through the Detect Hardware operation.
The same configurations are used as for an actual device.
Click here to see step-by-step instructions on how to activate the tare calculations for the scale.
Note: The Change price option reduces by 10% the calculated price that is sent back from the Virtual Scale. This is to emulate a different price coming from a calculating price scale than the POS itself would calculate.