
The system operates with prescription orders of different types that are arranged in these three categories:

  • e-Prescriptions
  • Other Prescriptions
  • Credit Orders
Prescription Type Description
e-Prescriptions e-Prescriptions can have up to four withdrawals. When a prescription has more than one withdrawal, it is a multiple prescription.

There are two types of e-prescriptions:

  • e-Prescriptions - can be looked up by the customer's SSN in any pharmacy.
  • Incoming Orders - e-prescription that is sent directly to the pharmacy by the issuer. Only visible in that particular pharmacy.
Other Prescriptions When a prescription is by paper, phone, fax, or is an emergency prescription, the Original Format should be selected when the order is created. For example, if a customer brings a paper prescription from a doctor to the pharmacy, the pharmacist makes a prescription manually in the system, and can then set the Original Format, which in this case would be paper.
Credit Orders If a prescription order has been paid at the POS and needs to be returned to the prescription database, the order must be returned by a special return process.

All prescriptions can be multiple prescriptions, except emergency prescriptions (they belong to Other Prescription Orders).

The first step of processing a prescription is always to create an order.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the articles that describe them when a new order has to be created:

To See
Crete an e-prescription order and finish it. How to: Create an e-Prescription Order
Create an order from Incoming Orders and finish it. How to: Process Incoming Orders
Create other prescription orders:
  • Paper
  • Fax
  • Phone
  • Emergency
How to: Create Other Prescription Orders
Create a Credit Order and finish it. How to: Create Credit Orders

See also


Prescriptions With Multiple Drugs

Prescription Order Line Detailed