What's New?

There are no new help articles in this version of the LS Central Help.

New articles in previous release, version 24.0:

Aggregated Inventory

Aggregated Inventory and sub-articles

Bookings for LS Central


Event Group

Event Types


Shopify Features - Videos

LS Central

How to: Set Up Seasons and Assign Items to a Season

Seasonal Items Analysis

LS Central for hotels

Deposit Management

Group Reservations

Hotel Summaries

New Group Reservation

Reservation Deposits

LS Central for pharmacies

Editing Methods in POS

How to: Cancel an Order Line in POS

How to: Create an e-Prescription Order in POS

How to: Credit Pharmaceutical Service

How to: Create a Pharmaceutical Service While in Customer Service

How to: Create a Pharmaceutical Service While Dispensing a Prescription

How to: Create a Pharmaceutical Service While in a Previous PDD

How to: Create a Pharmaceutical Service While in a Previous PSD

POS How to ...

How to: Set Up Prescription Posting

Pharmaceutical Services

LS Central Apps

How to: Connect to SaaS from the Mobile Device


How to: Copy Item Distribution to Multiple Items

How to: Create Item Store Records for Multiple Items


Setting Up a Self-Service Kiosk Profile

Upgrading Self-Service Kiosk to Version 24